...| Marijuana Legalization: Why Marijuana Should be Legalized in All Fifty States English 102 Final Paper Table of Contents I. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 1 II. Is Marijuana a “Gateway Drug?” ……………………………………………………... 2 III. Arguments against Legalization ………………………………………………………. 3 VI. Recent Legalization Efforts …………………………………………………………… 4 V. Medicinal Uses of Marijuana …………………………………………………………. 5 VI. Economic Arguments Against Criminalization ………………………………………. 7 VII. Marijuana Cultivation and DTO ……………………………………………………... 8 VIII. From Decriminalization to Legalization …………………………………………… 8 IX. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………… 10 Marijuana Legalization: Why Marijuana Should be Legalized in All Fifty States I. Introduction The issue of marijuana legalization in the United States is a charged one that brings forth supporters and opponents arguments alike. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Uniform Crime Reports, one marijuana-related arrest occurs every forty-two seconds in the United States. The government conducted over 1.53 million drug-related arrests in 2011, 90% for possession alone, and nearly 50% due to marijuana (FBI Uniform Crime Report). State governments are currently responding to shifts in public opinion, especially given the recent legalizations that passed in Colorado and Washington. According to Gallup Polls, more Americans supported the legalization of marijuana than not in 2011 (50% vs. 46%)...
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...The Legalization of Marijuana Known for being a psychoactive substance, marijuana, which derives from the flowering tops of the cannabis plant, is the most commonly used drug in the western world (Marijuana-Tobacco Facts). Although the use, distribution, and procession of marijuana are illegal under U.S. federal law there have been over 20 states that have legalized the use and distribution of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Furthermore, Colorado and Washington State have even legalized the use of marijuana for recreation (US New Laws). So while marijuana may be classified as a schedule one drug, meaning that it is believed to have a high abuse potential, a lack of accepted safety, and no accepted medical use, it is apparent that the use of marijuana is having a growing acceptance in the U.S., especially in regards to its potential economic and health benefits (Schedule I). It was found in a recent study conducted by the Drug Policy Alliance that about 42% of people in the U.S. have used marijuana at least one point in their lives, clearing indicating that our current federal laws are not stopping people from using marijuana (Health & Family). In actuality, the illegalization of marijuana is more harmful than the drug itself, since marijuana users have to constantly find ways around the law in order to obtain their desired product (marijuana/hash/sensimilla). By having no other choice than to turn to the Black Market, marijuana users can potentially put themselves...
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...Running head: LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA 1 Legalization of Marijuana Communications and Thought 1 February 23, 2015 LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA 2 Abstract The debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana has been raging decades. The debate is centered on the issues of health, addiction and economics. Arguments and claims supporting the legislation are countered by contrary arguments and claims. Scientific claims from one side are disputed by scientific claims from the other. The tug-of-war is beginning to show signs of a clear winner. Time has brought about changes in the thinking and behavior of a large segment of our population. Marijuana usage is now considered acceptable behavior by a clear majority of Americans. Social mores have changed and the use of marijuana is commonplace. We have reached the point in the debate where the trend is leaning toward legislation. LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA 3 Legalization of Marijuana Introduction There is an ongoing national debate about the legalization of marijuana. According to a 2013 Gallup poll, a clear majority of Americans (58%) favor legalization. The age group most likely to support legalization is young adults from the age of 18 to 29 years. Surprisingly, the majority of the 30 to 64 years age group also favors legalization. The opposition to legalizing marijuana comes mostly from Americans 65 and older. Changing social...
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...LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA FOR MEDICAL USES The legalization of marijuana for medical purposes has been questionable for many years, and it has been an active debate in the United States even up to now, with many different issues on which people have many different opinions. There is opposition to the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes because it has the potential to be used incorrectly, however it is also considered that there is the potential for marijuana to be used in relieving the suffering of many seriously ill patients. Marijuana has been used by people for thousands of years to provide relief from many different serious medical problems. For thousands of years marijuana was not only legal, it was a common crop. It is only in the past ninety years or so that marijuana has been found to be not only unusable, but also harmful and extremely illegal in some States in America (Blaszczak, 2014) .Up to now 23 states in America have legalized marijuana for medical uses, each state has its own regulations to control details such as allowable quantities and registration requirements (State by state marijuana law, 2015). However, the debate on the legalization of its medical uses is still going on in the rest of the states in America. Marijuana is defined as a shredded, green-brown mix of dried flowers, stems, and leaves from the plant named Cannabis sativa. Marijuana has been used as an agent for achieving a feeling of intense excitement and happiness since ancient...
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...Legalization of Marijuana “Marijuana is a mind altering substance produced from a plant whose scientific name is Cannabis sativa” (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2003). Marijuana is primarily used because its active chemical, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) induces relaxation and heightens the senses. Marijuana is dried shredded leaves, to include stems, flowers, and seeds of the cannabis plant. This substance resembles tobacco however; it is green, brown or gray, and most recently purple in color. Marijuana comes in varying quality types, and is priced accordingly. Higher quality types of marijuana comes in colors such as purple, shades of red and yellow, and is composed of buds (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2003). Marijuana has many street names to include; Pot, Bud, Grass, Weed, Chronic, Indo, Ganja, Mary Jane and Herb, to name a few. Marijuana is used by many, to include teens and adolescence, and many debates have ensued as to legalities and dangers of use, however marijuana continues to be the most liked, and drug of choice by many. Marijuana is used by smoking it like a cigarette in a joint, pipe, bong or blunt. Recently, marijuana has become legal in many states, for the purposes of treatment of many medical disorders and diseases, which has resulted in legislation to legalize it, making it available to patients with medical conditions, for use by a prescription. Legalization of marijuana would reduce incarceration rates of drug related offenses...
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...Should Marijuana be Legalized? Christina Coltharp ENG/102 March 3, 2013 Robyn Glasscock Wilkey (2012) a reporter for the Huffington Post in San Francisco writes: “A pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco has found that a compound derived from marijuana could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer, potentially altering the fatality of the disease forever” (para 1). Legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use will allow for many great things to come to this country. A hundred million Americans have smoked marijuana at least once in their life to include the president, his two right hand men, the mayor of New York and numerous of other Americans of that 100 million at least 25 million of them are regular users of the drug (CNBC, 2010). Marijuana has become a part of the American life (CNBC, 2010). Marijuana comes from a dried plant that is created to induce euphoria. However, it is no more addictive than tobacco or alcohol and even can bring good to the body and mind. Marijuana legalization will help those with medical issues, lower crime rates, and help decrease debts in the United States. Legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use will help people with medical issues such as cancer and glaucoma. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse: The Science of Drug Abuse & Addiction, marijuana is classified as a drug that is not an acceptable form of medicine for those with medical concerns, to include...
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...have now legalized medical marijuana, and 3 States have legalized not only medical marijuana but also recreational marijuana. According to USA Today as of September 2013 7.3% of Americans 12 years or older have tried marijuana. In 2012, a survey done by the New York Times reported that 18.9 million people were regular users of marijuana regardless if it was legal in their state or not. The battle across America has begun on marijuana legalization. Should it be legal for more than medical use or should it not? Everyone has a different opinion on the matter. Based on information and statistics from the 3 U.S. states that have legalized marijuana for recreational and medical use the answer is yes it should, based on the benefits each state can receive by legalizing the drug. According to the government information sites of these three states, the medical benefits are reaching unknown highs; crime rates are down, and the tax revenue alone can help rebuild the economy. One of the number one concerns of a human being is the health of their family and themselves. With over 20 states now legalizing medical marijuana, researchers have begun researching in earnest the medical possibilities contained within marijuana. It has been widely known for many years now that cancer patients can receive an enormous decline in the side effects of chemo and radiation from smoking marijuana. Now, as researchers have begun to find out there are many new things that marijuana may be able to help possibly...
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...Why Marijuana should not be made legalized * Introduction * Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, with nearly 17 million Americans age 12 and older reporting past‐month use, and 374,000 people entering an emergency room annually with a primary marijuana problem. * Proposals such as legalization that would promote marijuana use are inconsistent with this public health and safety approach. * This is in contradiction with the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and any economic argument that applies to the legalization of marijuana applies most other illicit drugs. * Tax incentives argument * Alcohol Tax Incentives to Cost incentives * The debate over how much tax money recreational marijuana laws could produce is playing an outsize role in the campaigns for and against legalization — and both sides concede they're not really sure what would happen. * The argument is for: * it could prove a windfall for cash-strapped states with new taxes on pot and reduced criminal justice costs. * The report shows that marijuana legalization -- replacing prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation -- would save $7.7 billion per year in state and federal expenditures on prohibition enforcement and produce tax revenues of at least $2.4 billion annually if marijuana were taxed like most consumer goods. If, however, marijuana were taxed similarly to alcohol or tobacco, it might generate...
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... One of the most controversial proposition is Prop 19; the legalization of marijuana. This is not the first time that a proposition regarding marijuana has been on the voter’s ballot. In 1996, California Proposition 215 (the Compassionate Use Act) passed, allowing the use of only medical marijuana. Proposition 19 takes marijuana legalization a step further, creating full legalization in California, and treating marijuana more like tobacco or alcohol. Proposition 19 should be passed, making it a stepping stone towards a national referendum on marijuana decriminalization and leading to a reduction the national debt. If passed, Proposition 19 will legalize the use of marijuana under California state law. It would permit local governments to regulate and tax the commercial production, distribution, and sale of marijuana. But with the legality of the buying and selling of marijuana, there would come many rules and regulations that are stated in the proposition that would adjoin to users. According to Yeson19.com, the proposition was very carefully written to protect medical user’s rights while at the same time, written to regulate the use and impose constraints on those same individuals (Control & Tax Cannabis). In addition, these laws could be viewed as fairly similar to current laws regarding the use of tobacco and alcohol. Some of the major parts of the bill in regulating the use of marijuana are to control marijuana like alcohol, place age restrictions, limit location to where...
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...solving May 24th, 2015 John Steele The Legalization of Marijuana The legalization of Marijuana has been a controversial subject within society for quite some time. What is Marijuana? Marijuana is defined as a tall plant with a stiff upright stem, divided serrated leaves, and glandular hairs. It is used to produce hemp fiber and as a psychotropic drug. Psychotropic is relating to or denoting drugs that affect a person's mental state. All drugs affect a person’s mental state in various ways. This is inclusive of cigarettes, alcohol and many over the counter drugs. Deaths caused by drugs in general are substantial, however the deaths caused by marijuana are substantially less or almost nonexistent. “Why should a drug be legalized?” and “Should marijuana be legalized?” these are questions that society has fought with for quite some time. There would be a great amount of benefits derived from the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized for the medical benefits, the social benefits, and the economic benefits it would create. Marijuana has many medical benefits that would continue to aid the people already using it for existing conditions that may improve their standard of living. Studies on marijuana shows that marijuana supports the brains learning and memory functions. This is beneficial as improving one’s ability to learn and one’s memory functions would allow them to improve their knowledge span. Marijuana has also been proven to support goal oriented...
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...California Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Initiative (2014) Jump to: navigation, search Not on Ballot | | This measure did not or will not appear on a ballot | Contents [hide] * 1 Text of measure * 2 Path to the ballot * 3 External links A California Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Initiative (#13-0013) was approved for circulation in California as a contender for the November 4, 2014 ballot as an initiated state statute. The measure would have: * Decriminalized marijuana and hemp use, possession, cultivation, transportation, or distribution. * Required case-by-case review for persons currently charged with or convicted of nonviolent marijuana offenses, for possible sentence modification, amnesty, or immediate release from prison, jail, parole, or probation. * Required case-by-case review of applications to have records of these charges and convictions erased. * Required the California State Legislature to adopt laws to license and tax commercial marijuana sales. * Allowed doctors to approve or recommend marijuana for patients, regardless of age. * Limited testing for marijuana for employment or insurance purposes. Bared state or local aid to enforcement of federal marijuana laws. Proposition 215: Text of Proposed Law This initiative measure is submitted to the people in accordance with the provisions of Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution. This initiative measure adds a section...
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...Legalization of Marijuana Tina Washington Everest University March 3, 2015 Abstract The prohibition of marijuana has brought forth multiple passionate debates for many years in reference to its effects on the human body, its medicinal properties, and its effect on society. Even though there are many people who are opposed to the legalization of marijuana, this paper will dispute that the legalization of marijuana is justified. This paper will provide proof by measuring marijuana’s effects on the human body when ingested by inhalation against the effects on the body when consuming alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco, by submitting research facts on its medicinal qualities, and providing you with information on how the use of marijuana can benefit a lot of people as well as our nation as a whole. Legalization of Marijuana Legalization of marijuana is wide spread. There are so many benefits to it such as helping those with medicinal issues like anxiety, AIDS, Cancer, glaucoma, etc. Being able to assist someone without throwing pills down their throat is certainly a better approach. Most people don’t know this, but there are 18 states that have already gotten on the band wagon of legalizing marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the two most recent states that adopted this law. Not only is it a great way to aid in certain medical issues, but it is also a way for the states and our government to generate revenue...
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...Hunter Scott JD Simpson ENG 1201-928 04 May 2018 Should Marijuana Be Legalized in All States for All Uses? When people hear the words “weed” or “marijuana,” they often think and say that it is bad or no good because of the events that occur when people use it. They also are aware that the drug is illegal across most of the United States of America. What most people do not understand is the positives that making marijuana legal across the nation entails. An abundance of controversial topics exist throughout today’s society, and the debate of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for all uses in all states is just one of many of them. Today, nine states and Washington D.C. have the drug legalized for all uses. However, other states only...
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...Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a form of the cannabis plant. In 1923, marijuana was added to the Confidential Restricted List as a prohibited drug in Canada. However, many Canadians believe that marijuana should be legalized because it can play a significant role in the medical industry. However, others hold the opposite attitude toward Marijuana legalization. This serious controversy has lasted for many decades. Canada’s neighbor, the U.S. government, has forbidden this drug since the early 1900s. However, this implementation didn’t produce a satisfactory result. (National Prevention Strategy, 2011) Marijuana should be legalized in Canada because its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. These advantages are likely to promote the Canadian economy, eliminate social issues and benefit the health of its residents. In terms of the economy, legalizing marijuana could conduct not only negative effects, but also positive effects. In the past decade, underground trade of marijuana has caused harm to Canada’s income. Werner Antweiler, the UBC professor, believes that the marijuana market is sizable. (2013) In B.C., the estimates show that Canadians consume at least 3 billion dollars in marijuana products annually. (Barmak, 2013) Other data from The International Journal of Drug Policy indicate that the retail value of marijuana consumption in B.C is between $443 million and $564 million. In addition, further estimates point out that marijuana legalization is likely to help the...
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...DECRIMINALIZATION OF MARIJUANA ******* English 112 ********** April 18, 2012 Presently, Marijuana is illegal in the United States due to the racially motivated Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. This law was proposed by Harry J. Anslinger the acting commissioner of Federal Bureau of Narcotics. In his testimony to Congress he stated, "There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others" (ukcia.org, (n.d), para. 1). Since this time, the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 has spawned more strict laws that have many unintended side effects. After many decades, effective federal propaganda has won public support for these laws. Only recently, U.S. citizens have started to question why marijuana is illegal. I feel that it would be beneficial to discard these laws and beliefs of the past. We need to analyze how the legalization of marijuana would positively affect the United States and its citizens in the following fields: medical, criminology, and financial. I support the legalization of marijuana not because I use this herb, because I do not and would not even if it was legal much like a majority of our populous. I have taken this stance because of the benefits that would arise from legalization. Marijuana has been criminalized for private citizens since 1930’s bringing...
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