...Nature and nurture are the two factors that determine human personality. First, the genetic code of a human being, which is unique and based on hereditary and other factors, will be an indicator of personality. For example, some very young babies will already clearly be "shy" or "extroverted". However, the personality of a baby will be vastly modified by a child's upbringing, and the way they are nurtured by his or her mother and father, or legal guardian. Nature • One example of the way nature affects a baby is brain disorders who are inherited, and which will affect personality. For example, psychological problems related to brain chemistry, such as schizophrenia, are believed to have a strong genetic component. These diseases will be present as mutated genes in a baby, and, over time, they will create behaviour problems that may manifest themselves as a child grows into adulthood. However, the way a child handles their genetic difficulties will be affected by the child's upbringing. Nurture • A child with a genetic disorder that affects personality will handle things better when they are loved, hugged, and well taken care of in the formative years. From babyhood, children require affection, warmth, intellectual stimulation, and respect in order to develop to their best possible potential. Children who lack nurturing in the formative years will suffer from issues, such as poor self-esteem, that affect their ability to socialize and make friends. Children who are...
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...Describe the basic elements of the nature-nurture controversy. The amount of influence that genes have on personality verses the influence of learning experiences is not only related to genetics but also psychology. The debate of nature- nurture controversy has been studied for over 130 years and is still being researched. “After studying many prominent English families, Galton concluded that intelligence is inherited- that nature, not nurture, is responsible for intelligence” (Wood, Wood, & Boyd, 2005, p. 278). Nature refers to an individual’s innate qualities. Genes is considered nature, the physical and personality traits determined by ones genes will always stay the same. The coding of genes determines an individual’s traits such as eye color, hair color, and height. Nurture refers to personal experiences. This refers to ones childhood and how they were raised. This debate will always be controversial. An individual’s traits are predetermined by their genes but life experiences are what shape a person. There have been many research studies completed regarding this debate with no conclusive results. Discuss what is controversial in the nature- nurture debate. Nature versus nurture is one of the most frequently debated issues among psychologists. The term was created by a British researcher Sir Francis Galton who studied the role of genes in intelligence. The debate is about the importance of an individual’s inherited qualities versus personal experiences in determining...
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...Throughout the field of Psychology there are many debates. The most debatable issue is Nature vs., Nurture. This controversial issue seems to find its place in the midst of disagreements battling of theory and experience among Psychologist and Sociologist for centuries. The Nature theory focuses on the genetic development of an individual; what color eyes will you have? Are you musically inclined because your parents are musicians? Will you be good at sports because your father may have been a star athlete? While the Nurture theory main focus is the environmental influence on an individual. How you are raised, way type of family do you come from? Was it Nuclear or Binuclear? Can your environment determine your behavior? I could determine that both may have an impact on an individual, however I cannot agree with either side. How can anyone truly articulate an unbiased decision, and not mention the Creator of all? I believe there are some issues that will remain unexplained, for the purpose that God wants it to remain that way. Genetics at times can be unexplainable, for example the African American couple giving birth to a Caucasian child with blonde hair (Essence, 2010). Many would say that’s impossible, however as we can see it is very possible. Then it’s the story of Liz Murray, who graduated from Harvard although both her parents were addicted to drugs (Abraham, 2010). In 1963 there is an article entitled “A medical accident”; twin boys taken to the hospital for a routine...
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...2014 Nature vs Nurture The nature vs nurture debate has been a raging topic for decades now. It has caused much controversy in justifying human characteristics, especially concerning the defense of criminal behavior. Many people believe that our actions and conduct comes from the genes we possess, and that we are born with a higher likelihood to act in certain ways. Others believe that our behavior is a result of our childhood, and how we are brought up. Extensive research has been done on the nature vs nurture debate. Although both nature and nurture ultimately affect one’s behavioral characteristics, it seems nurture has a much greater impact. So, is our behavior affected by our heredity and genes, or by the environment we grow up in? What is nature? “Nature is your genes. The physical and personality traits determined by your genes stay the same irrespective of where you were born and raised” ("Nature vs Nurture." Diffen.com. Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 3 Dec 2014). Taking in the consideration of I.Q., studies prove that genetics has a great effect. Adopted siblings have no more similar of an I.Q. than strangers, while blood related siblings have an I.Q. correlation of .6. Twins especially, having an I.Q. correlation of .86 (Nancy,L. Same-Age Unrelated Siblings: A Unique Test of Within-Family Environmental Influences on IQ Similarity. Journal of Educational Psychology. 1997 June; 89(2): 381-390.) DeNoto, 1 Nature vs Nurture The nature vs nurture debate...
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...have argued that the Johns Hopkins psychologist used this opportunity as an experiment to test his nurture theory of gender identity. What are the expected results of this experiment, assuming that the nurture theory is valid? Given that this nurture theory is valid, the expected results of this experiment is that Brenda (who was formally Bruce) will grow up thinking that she was born a female and will throughout her entire life spam portray only idealistic female roles. 2. According to the nurture theory, predict the gender identity Bruce would express if he were not subjected to gender re-assignment surgery and raised as a boy? According to this nurture theory, if Bruce had not been subjected to gender re assignment, he would grow up as a little boy, doing all the things that little boys do. He however, would probably question why he was different in the genital area as opposed to his twin brother. Part 2 1. What, if any, aspects of David’s experiences support the nurture theory of gender identity? There is really no one aspect of David’s experiences to support this theory or nurture because even though his parents tried to grow him as a female and he was played in an environment with other females, he still refused to act according to how a female should be. 2. What, if any, aspects of David’s experiences support the nature theory of gender identity? The nature theory says that the way we act is solely based on our environment. Based on my readings I would...
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...Nature vs. Nurture On the great debate of Nature vs. Nurture I was once the firm believer that one’s identity was shaped through social variables (nurture). Upon further research on the topic my opinion has changed and I believe that biological and social variables both help to shape ones identity and personality. When we are born we all have male or female predispositions. Hormones are released which in turn increase those male or female behaviors (Nature) shaping our gender identity. There was study on a boy Bruce Reimer who had suffered genital mutilation while undergoing a circumcision procedure at 6 months of age. His parents then decided for Bruce to undergo “gender-reassignment” as they were told that gender was determined by environmental variables. Bruce now became Brenda and was raised as a female. While growing Brenda still exhibited male qualities, dismissing “female” toys, trying to use male restrooms, attempt to urinate standing up (despite the fact that Brenda did not have male anatomy). Her brother had even suggested the only difference between them was that Brenda had long hair, and he had short. Although Brenda’s parents had done everything to shape Brenda’s gender identity into female, Brenda still rejected the feminine identity. Brenda’s parents informed her of the gender- reassignment surgery, and at 14 years of age Brenda cut off all of her hair and started living life as “David”. David was able to restore his male identity and live his life out until he...
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...Introduction The phrase “nature versus nurture” was first used in its modern interpretation by the British psychologist, Francis Galton (Princeton, 2012). He began his studies concerning heredity in 1865, being moderately influenced by Charles Darwin’s publication “Origin of Species”, Galton was in favor of the idea that success was caused by superior inherited qualities, he hypothesized that human mental and personality traits were fundamentally inherited as they are in other animals (Indiana, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to establish which qualities relating to personality and development are proven to be at least partly inherited, and whether some other aspects of human personality and development are caused by environmental factors. The first section of the paper will be a brief overview of the research methodology of this field, the second section will contain a discussion of research relating to heritable factors and how they influence development, the third a look at how environmental interaction might influence personality and finally some criticism towards this field of study. Main Body The research of genetics and heredity is often difficult due to the vast amount of variables in the development of human beings, to keep variables to a minimum the most popular method of research in this field the study of twins. Twin studies involve comparing data produced by monozygotic (Identical) twins , these are twins who come from the same...
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...have argued that the Johns Hopkins psychologist used this opportunity as an experiment to test his nurture theory of gender identity. What are the expected results of this experiment, assuming that the nurture theory is valid? Given that this nurture theory is valid, the expected results of this experiment is that Brenda (who was formally Bruce) will grow up thinking that she was born a female and will throughout her entire life spam portray only idealistic female roles. 2. According to the nurture theory, predict the gender identity Bruce would express if he were not subjected to gender re-assignment surgery and raised as a boy? According to this nurture theory, if Bruce had not been subjected to gender re assignment, he would grow up as a little boy, doing all the things that little boys do. He however, would probably question why he was different in the genital area as opposed to his twin brother. Part 2 1. What, if any, aspects of David’s experiences support the nurture theory of gender identity? There is really no one aspect of David’s experiences to support this theory or nurture because even though his parents tried to grow him as a female and he was played in an environment with other females, he still refused to act according to how a female should be. 2. What, if any, aspects of David’s experiences support the nature theory of gender identity? The nature theory says that the way we act is solely based on our environment. Based on my readings I would...
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...Homosexuality, Nature vs. Nurture Western Governors University Homosexuality, Nature vs. Nurture Nature versus nurture is one of the most enduring debates in the psychology world today. These debates have been studied and reviewed for many years, with only hypotheses formed, no clear conclusions have been met. In the middle of the debates is human behavior, whether they are learned or inherited remains unanswered. Intelligence, ability, or even personality remains under scrutiny whether these traits are learned or predetermined by specific genes. Physical characteristics can be contributed to hereditary, i.e. eye color or hair color. When referring to nature, it is assumed that what and who we are, as humans, comes in a natural state or inherited. In other words, we are going to be who we are without the influence on how we were raised and matured in our environment. On the other hand, nurture is viewed as what or who we are as a result of our influences and our environment or surroundings. Homosexuality is one of the hottest topics today. One of the reasons for the popularity is the current debate on same sex marriage, along with homosexual human rights campaigns going on in today’s public arena. More so either this “behavior” is by choice or predetermined by genes. The Studies One of the best research in this area is on identical twins. Howard Gruber, the director of the Institute for Cognitive Studies at Rutgers University in Newark, reviewed and quoted two...
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...Nature vs. Nurture Over the years there has been a pretty big debate over nature verses nurture and which one plays the larger role in human development and how they act. Nature is the genetics or hereditary influences of a person; basically nature is the genes you are born with that can’t be changed. Nurture is experiential or environmental influences that you develop over time after you are born, such as how your parents raise you which gives you a large variety to how you will act as you develop. The question is which one of these two determines what kind of person you are. Im going to try to give a better idea of the difference in nature and nurture. Lots of people believe nature plays the larger part. A person’s genes can determine whether a person is predisposed to a disease or illness for example people who are born with genetic disorder such as Down syndrome have trouble with information processing. Their mental hardware, which are cognitive structures including different memories where information is stored, and their mental software, which are organized sets of cognitive processes that enable people to complete specific takes like reading sentences, playing video games, or hitting a baseball. These things will ultimately effect the way they grow up and the way they see and do things. A person who is affected with those types of diseases shows how nature can directly effect the development of an individual. A new technique called developmental genetic analysis...
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...M1 The nature vs nurture debate has been massively argued about between many theorists and philosophers in relation to why a person is how they are. Nurture “refers to all environmental influences after conception, i.e. experience” (simplypsychology, 2007 website ) that are responsible to how a person is. Nature on the other hand “refers to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are – from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics”. (psychology.about website). In Angelina Jolie’s, she has many life events which could be accounted for by either side of the argument. However first I will explain how Nature has effected her development through the stages of her life. Nature Infancy In Jolie’s infancy, she would have many characteristics which would have been their because of nature. Some of these characters include the her physical appearance, such as her eye colour, nose shape, lip shape, skin pigment, whether her hair is straight or curly, body shape and so on. This is due to proteins within her body being influenced by how her genes instruct the structure of her amino acids, therefor shaping the cells in her body. These genes are inherited from her parents, Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. This is clear when looking at Jolie’s mother when she was around the age Jolie is now as they have very similar characteristics, including the same dark straight hair and lip shape. As nature effecting Jolie’s appearance, it will also effect...
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...Nature versus Nurture The nature versus nurture debate has been one that has been around for centuries. This debate was spawned from the idea that nature and nurture are both pieces of the human puzzle. Are we as humans shaped because of our genes only or are we influenced by our peers and environment? The opinion of this writer is that a person is who he or she is based on both principals of nature and nurture. Personal Thoughts My thoughts on nature and nurture have never been explored until now. I have always assumed that I am who I am because God made me this way. Now that I have learned a bit more about this debate, I find that I am a product of both nature and nurture. I am tall, have brown hair, wear glasses, and speak with a country accent because of my gene structure given to me by my parents. The way that I act and my thought processes come from influences in my environment and the teachings of my family. “We are a product of nature and nurture, but we are also an open system” (Myers, pg. 167). This means that even though genes and culture are influences in a person’s overall structure, a person can defy each. For example, as a teenager, I was always pressured to go with the crowd and conform to their ways of thinking and acting. I wanted so badly to fit in and found it difficult because I was tall, lanky, and had acne which was all given to me by my nature or genetic structure. Growing up in a smaller town, teenage drinking was a pressure...
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...NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE Nature or Nurture: The Case of the Boy Who Became a Girl by Keith K. Schillo Biology Department SUNY College at Oneonta Part I – A Tragic Error In 1965, Janet Reimer of Winnepeg gave birth to twin boys named Bruce and Brian (Colapinto, 2004; CBC, 2004). Both infants were normal and healthy, but because they had difficulty urinating doctors recommended that they undergo circumcision (i.e., surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis) at six months of age. Although this is a routine operation, the doctors who performed this procedure used an unconventional method that resulted in the destruction of Bruce’s penis. Mr. and Mrs. Reimer sought the advice of numerous specialists, but all agreed that Bruce would have to live without a penis. At the time that the Reimers were coping with the mutilation of their son’s genitalia, a Johns Hopkins University psychologist was receiving considerable attention for his ideas on the biology of gender and sexuality. He promoted the theory that a child’s gender identity (i.e., the identification of the self as male or female) was determined by environmental variables such as the social conditions in which the child is raised. This idea is a form of the “nurture theory” of development. A competing view is the so-called “nature theory”; that is, the idea that a person’s innate qualities are determined solely by biological mechanisms. The psychologist was essentially advocating...
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...experiment to test his nurture theory of gender identity. What are the expected results of this experiment, assuming that the nurture theory is valid? The expected results of this experiment, in relation to the nurture theory, would be that Bruce or Brenda would grow up as a girl and never realize that she was born a boy. The expected results are that if the parents raised the child and “nurtured” him as a girl, she would act and live a life as a girl. If the “nurture” theory is valid, Brenda would grow up living and partaking in female roles that this society portrays. 2. According to the nurture theory, predict the gender identity Bruce would express if he were not subjected to gender re-assignment surgery and raised as a boy? The gender identity that Bruce would express is he were not subjected to gender re-assignment would be male. Despite his genitalia being dysfunctional, Bruce would still grow up in an environment that would develop him as a male and he would identify himself as male. I’m sure that Bruce’s parents would set up an environment with toys that boys like to play with like cars and treat him like boy and according to the nurture theory, Bruce would continue to grow in that environment as a boy. Part 2 1. What, if any, aspects of David’s experiences support the nurture theory of gender identity? Within the text, there is not really any instances that support the nurture theory of gender identity. As the parents tried to “nurture” David as a girl, she...
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...Nature or Nurture? Personality is the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. It is the sound total o the multi-dimensionality of an individual. It is the sounding of one’s upbringing as a person. Personality is the reflection of how we are cared by our family, friends, government, society, etc. There are two factors that affect personality. These are nature and nurture. Many of us would try to look deep into ourselves and try to answer these following questions. Which is the most significant, nature or nurture? Which of the two most change my personality as a whole? What am I really? Nature is the genetic or biological component of an individual. This means that a person’s nature comes from its predecessors and the attitudes comes from its parents. Genes play a greater role in determining key personality traits like social skills and learning ability than the way we are brought up by our parents. Genetics were most influential on people's sense of self-control and also affected their social and learning abilities and their sense of purpose. Nurture is the social and environmental factors that affect the individual. This means that the environment affects how a person thinks and do. There are many people in this world wherein they where affected by the changes in society. Maybe it is because it is needed so that they can fit in or maybe they need it to be socially compatible with others. Behavior can be non-genetically...
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