Premium Essay

Nature of Thought


Submitted By dolpantheagle
Words 957
Pages 4
Nature of Thought
From the time, we are born until the time we die thought plays a role in our lives. As we wake up in the morning, the brain is already starting to think about the day and what activities we will be doing. When asked what is thought? The first thing that comes out of most people’s mouth is thought is thinking. This is true however; a process must happen before one can think. Parts of this process are thinking, memory, perception, and perceptual blockers. In this paper, we will describe how the thought process works and how perception influences it.
Describe Thinking
Thinking is the mental and intelligent process that involves a person’s conscious part of the mind. When a person makes a choice to do something such as drive a certain way to work or intervene in a situation he or she is using the thought process. To think one must use his or her senses, perception, and memory. Excitement, fear, sadness, nerves, and happiness are some of the feelings that come from a person’s senses. In a movie, theater sitting outside the door we hear people scream walking in excitement and fear will set in. This is because a person’s memory has these emotions stored in its sensory section. Memory is the ability to remember emotions, thoughts, and perception from experiences that have happened in his or her past. Perception is the way we see and think about things. One’s perception is based on his or her beliefs and religion. Perception may interfere with a person’s memory and senses.
My Perception
As an aunt and taking this course major, I tend to analyze people as I watch them walk by or interact with his or her children, spouse, or friends. I find this to be very relaxing and help open my mind however sometimes when I see things I think one thing when in reality the situation is nothing as I thought. This was no different for the situation I am going to discuss.

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