Premium Essay

Phl251 Nature of Thought


Submitted By kvillagomez
Words 1087
Pages 5
Your thoughts become your words, become your actions, become your habits, become your character become you. (Kirby,G.R.& Goodpaster, J. R., 2007) Scholars have debated and studied for many years trying to figure out how humans think. Even scientist in this modern day continue to research exactly how or what makes the human brain work. The complexity of the thought process is a uniquely individual gift that each human possesses. “No two people think alike”, a phrase commonly used to support the differences in human thinking. Nevertheless, the why not’s cannot be explained but are the never-ending source of debate and investigating in the scientific world. Many factors are involved in the process of thinking. Physiological thinking is defined by the physical nature of the brain, one’s intelligence level, sensory input, and is greatly influenced by inhibition of drugs, sleep patterns, poor nutrition. Moreover, the nature of a human’s psychological well being can define the effect of the mental state and emotional state of the individual. Additionally, the memory, as well as the brain is impacted by the chemical nature of the brain. Individuals suffering from low serotonin usually suffer some depressive episodes; indeed, this will ultimately impair how the individual interprets reality and facts. Thinking is defined as the activity of the brain that can potentially be communicated. A human communicates thoughts through language. There is power in expressing language in a metaphorical manner. The manner in which an individual choices to express thoughts includes being informative, explanative, persuasive, and evaluating. Knowing how to indentify which expression to use can prove to be challenging. This will require an individual to explore and expand upon his or her language skills. Most individuals rely significantly from sensory processes, which includes seeing,

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