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Navajo Code Talkers Essay

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In WWII Navajo Code Talkers, significantly contributed to the American victory with their detailed code. They explored a new way of communication and worked hard to create an unbreakable code even when the Navajo people were treated unfairly. When choosing our history day topic we wanted to research something that was both influential and very interesting to us. We came across the Navajo code talkers, we both had heard of them but hadn’t learned much about them. We thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to find out more about them and their contribution to the war.

Our main source of information came from websites. One source that was very helpful when doing our research was the National Museum of the American Indians’ website. It had clear information and helped us learn all about their experience from the point of view of several Navajo code talkers. We also used which was filled with informative articles compiled into one big website. also had many interviews with code talkers several years ago, not only are the interviews good primary …show more content…
One book that was especially memorable was the memoir by Chester Nez he discusses his experience in battle and reminiscences of his youth and family. It was hard to find books that were nonfiction at the libraries we went to but we did find code talker by Joseph Bruchac. It gave us a good perspective of what it was like for Navajo men to go into war.

We chose to create a website to present our topic because we thought it would be a fun new experience to create a fully functioning website. We didn’t encounter many problems while creating our project, but we did have some problems finding primary sources and quotes. We originally wanted to add traditional navajo music to several pages but we had difficulty downloading the clips and inserting them into the website. Overall we are proud of our final

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