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Navy Vs Air Force Research Paper

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Two of the biggest branches of our nation’s military are the Navy and the Air Force. They each have an amazing reach across the globe and can enact any directive they are given at a moment’s notice. Each can diffuse a situation just by their presence alone. There is nothing more intimidating than a 90,000-ton aircraft carrier or more terrifying than the stealth fighters and bombers. The question stands though. Who is the best? Each branch is somewhat restricted by their very capabilities that make them strong. The Navy is restricted to any area that can be reached by sea routes; the Air Force is restricted to land based airfields. It could be said that the Navy is the stronger branch because, along with ship guns, it has aircraft of its on which come close to the best in the world. In response to that, I point out that once the aircraft are launched, they must still have a carrier to land on. If the carrier is sunk, then they are in deep water—literally! Yes if there is a land base nearby then they could land there, but generally speaking the navy is usually far out to sea or are near only hostile bases. The Air Force flies strictly from established bases with multiple runways and are capable of supporting many more aircraft than any carrier. The jets carry bigger better ordinance and can be landed, refueled and …show more content…
It has no one main weapon of choice. The variety of weapons and rounds allow the Navy to accomplish a vast number of missions. From fire support to strategic strikes, there is nothing it can’t do. Many frigates carry a combination of anti-air and anti-ship missiles. The ship’s system can be set to full automatic, which means it can find a radar contact, define as friendly or hostile, target, fire, and reload in just about ten seconds. For farther targets than radar can find, most ships have Tomahawk missiles. These can find, target, and destroy any target it may come up

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