Premium Essay

Nazi Propaganda Films


Submitted By eidemrocks
Words 2724
Pages 11
Sonn Eidem
Eng 669
World Film: Germany
Prof. Macanear
Sept. 2014

German National Cinema: Nazi Propaganda Films German propaganda films were used by the Nazi party and Adolf Hitler in order to convey a message to the citizens of Germany. The messages would vary depending upon what
Hitler and his party wanted to tell the people of Germany at that particular time. If it was pre-war propaganda it was Hitler on his rise to power. If it was wartime propaganda it was to keep
Germany unite in their fight against the enemy and to keep them inspired with hope and promises of victory. "One of the most philosophically fascinating uses of cinema, is a vehicle for propaganda.
Granted all mass media-books, television, music, newspaper, radio and nowadays the internet - can be used for propaganda, that is, as tools for getting a message broadly accepted in a target audience. But, it has been argued that film-as opposed to literature, the plastic arts, music and the other performing arts-has a unique power as a tool for propaganda" (Jason203). "The films of a nation reflect its mentality in a more direct way than other artistic films because films are never the product of an individual and the films address themselves and appeal to the anonymous multitude" (Kraucer, 5). This is why Hitler and the Nazi party decided to use film as a method for spreading their ideology. Film allowed them to reach the masses in a way that other mediums just couldn't do. Plus the "anonymous multitude" would be able to view the films and accept the ideology without anyone else knowing. Since the cinema was such a big operation the Nazi party could keep an eye on the message to make sure it was correct to the ideology of Hitler. This was not an underground operation where the message could get misinterpreted or where someone down the line of production could

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