Players Association Position Paper
The National Basketball Players Association, NBPA, and the Major League Baseball Players Association, MLBPA, are recognized for their security and support towards professional athletes. With similar qualities, both player’s associations negotiate terms of the collective bargaining agreement, CBA. They help improve the sports they represent on and off the court/field. The community surrounding these associations is greatly affected by the actions taken in regards to protecting and representing the players. One of the only differences between the MLBPA and the NBPA can be seen through the actual sports being played. Not only do the players reach out to the community but they have a similar CBA, player assistance programs and representative functions. Both player associations are equally as impactful on the players.
A top priority for the NBPA is community outreach. With various initiatives in place, the goal of the player’s association is to impact the lives of others throughout the globe. With more than 400 players giving back to the community, they tackle social issues and are committed philanthropists. During Christmas, the NBPA distributed necessities and amenities to those less fortunate across the globe. An ongoing dedication to improving lives and impacting communities is a top priority for players, as they travel overseas to host basketball clinics for local children and distribute meals. With cooperation from the MLBPA and other player associations, the NBPA responded to the earthquake in Haiti by donating their time towards the relief efforts. They partnered with UNICEF to provide emergency assistance. The MLBPA established the Players Trust, a charitable foundation where the players contribute their fame, money and time to bring attention to issues in their communities. They teach clinics in the cities they visit, provide disaster relief and provide life-saving medicines for children in the Dominican Republic. Both player’s associations dedicate the majority of their time to giving back to the community and inspiring those who live in them. The similarities continue into the collective bargaining agreements as well.
Both player’s associations share common fundamentals of the CBA. The contract lies between the associations and their player’s associations, dictating the rules of player contracts, revenue distribution, draft, trades, salary cap, etc. Both sport’s CBA were re-instated in 2011 and in five years, MLB and their players association will agree on a new CBA. Whereas, the NBPA and the NBA hope to discuss the next CBA in ten years but if necessary than amendments will be made in five years. The details of the agreements for the leagues differ because the sports are different and require individual rules and regulations. For example, within the CBA for MLB, the rosters will expand to 26 for doubleheaders. Also, the instant replay will expand to include fair/foul plays and ‘trap’ plays that are subject to discussion between MLB and the umpires. In comparison to the NBA agreement, there are guidelines surrounding specific requirements of NBA players and teams. Teams may have a maximum of two players on the inactive list and the list can change an hour prior to opening tip once informing the official scorer of the game. Players can be inactive for one game and those sent to the D-league are included on the team’s inactive list. Both league’s CBA outline the fundamental guidelines of security to the players and league while providing information covering all aspects of their specific sports.
The outline of the CBA for the NBA and MLB are quite similar with guidelines surrounding trades, salary caps, player benefits, revenue distribution and so forth. Along with the CBA, the community involvement and goals of the players associations are evident. The teams work to positively impact the communities they visit and strive to improve the lives of those less fortunate. On certain occasions, the MLB players and the NBA players work hand in hand to provide disaster relief to tragic areas hit with crisis. Essential, but leagues and player’s associations have similar missions; to give back to the community and regulate their sports within their individual CBA. Both players associations are equally impactful on its members because they provide the same framework and opportunities to players and teams but to two different sports.
Works Cited
NBA Players United. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2015, from
Resources and Information. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2015, from