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Submitted By Sexibama
Words 314
Pages 2
What is abuse and neglect? I have always been against any form of neglect or abuse, and that is starting from children up to the elderly. So, with that being said I tend to think forensic psychologist should act more in the number of abuse and neglect cases that come forth. Neglect and forms of abuse continues to be a serious and ever increasing problem in society. Neglect and forms of abuse has multiple risk factors and the specific risk factors are not known in many cases. Abuse and neglect represent a ongoing problem of alarming proportions, with tremendous psychological and economic affects to both the individuals involved and believe it or not to society. I guess this comes from my last previous jobs and working with children. I can remember working at the shelters and listening to some of the adolescent’s stories, and how their families abused them as a younger child. For example, Mcdonald (2007) emphasizes the responsibility of physicians to recognize child abuse cases immediately.

I think there can always be a new direction lead for a better outcome of the abuse. I mean I really didn’t want to get into child abuse. I think every child is vulnerable to abuse; weather it’s at home or out in society. According to research, child abuse seems to be the symptom rather than the cause, so solutions that aim directly at solving child abuse will inevitably fail. It is already clear that most emotional abuse occurs out of parental ignorance regarding constructive disciplinary methods (Straus&ump;Field,2003) and it is clear that several psychological disorders from parents, such as psychological aggression, can influence the degree of verbal abuse displayed by parents(Straus&ump;Field,2003). Whenever we do not take care of our children, it is more easily for a child to experience child abuse.

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