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Health Care System and Information Technology


Submitted By ntalukdar
Words 880
Pages 4
Nina Talukdar
IMPH 8000
Professor Seol
September 20th, 2009

IMPH 8000: Review Assignment on Health Care System & Information Technology

The role of IT in the health care system is a widely discussed topic of the 21st century. Various individuals ranging from researchers, physicians, health insurers, and economists have been looking for the perfect solution to the health care system of the 21st century. In the articles “The Bela Schick lecture: the US health care system: diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis” by Ein D and “Shattuck Lecture: health care in the 21st century” by Frist WH; one would be able to witness two opinions regarding the policy of IT in the health care system of The United States. The article written by Ein D states the opinion of a physician, in a private practice, who believes in the market system and is not sure of how the government should intervene in the marketplace. Ein D believes that The United States should invest in forming electronic medical records (EMRs) to help the situation of the health care system. Ein D states that less than 5% of physicians use electronic records as part of patient care due to the high costs of transitioning to electronic records and then maintaining them. Ein D feels that physicians must realize that the electronic medical record system is affordable and can increase their productivity. Electronic records can help connect the many hospitals, private practices, and clinics around the nation into one system, where a patient will be able to have their records pulled up from any location. In the article, by Frist WH, states that it is important for electronic health records to contain necessary health information, medical histories, and billing information. Frist WH also states that electronic medical records should be able to be used among all hospitals, doctors’ offices, and clinics. Both Ein

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