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Neglectful Parenting Research Paper

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Neglectful Parenting As a mother of three I am very oppionated when it come to neglectful parenting skills. I try not to judge anyone on their parenting techniques since none is perfect. But, there is a line between making mistakes and just being completely neglectful. I understand as new parents there will be trial and error mistakes will come, but do you honestly think of the long term affects you have on your children when mistakes happen and go unpunished? I can't tell anyone how to discipline their children. But discipline is needed to show our children that consequences come with bad behavior. As well as knowing the difference between being stern and being cruel. Also between being a parent and being a friend. There are several different …show more content…
It may be true that you’re meeting the basic needs of your child or children, but it’s more to parenting then that. There is a difference in a effective and ineffective parent. Knowing that it’s more than a physical need, but a child needs to be mentally nurtured is a broad definition of effective parenting. Something as simple as sitting down and talking to your children can go a long way in life.while an ineffectgive parent can go days without having any meaningful interactions with their child. Effective parents see their childs future in them,and focus on the person they will become.They know that there will be a few bumps in the road and plent mitsakes made,but an ineffective parent is concerned on how the childs behavior reflects them as a parent. An ineffective parent is concerned with whats happening at that present time then who they will …show more content…
They were victims of neglect so they don’t know anything other than they way they were taught. Some neglect isn’t intental sometimes parents feel that they are making their children tough enough to handle the crule world that we live in. They want to make their hildren indepent but aren’t realizing they are pushing thei child too far. Some parents don’t have the opportunity to spend that well needed time with their child because of the life style they have.Being neglectful isn’t something they are intionally doing but sometimes they are forced to with the work schedule they

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