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Neil Cook Research Paper

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Neil Cook[C.1.10.2]
First son of John[C.1.10] and Elizabeth ‘Betty’ (née Stewart) Cook;
1850 – 1930

BORN IN SLIDDERY in 1850, Neil Cook became a joiner and lived for many years with his family at Ivy Cottage. He subsequently moved to Pirnmill.
He married Mary McMillan at Whitefarland on the 30th of April 1886. Born between 1845 and 1847, she was the daughter of farmers Angus and Flora (née Kerr) McMillan. Following their marriage, Neil and Mary resided with Mary’s father in her native Whitefarland. A neph-ew of Mary’s, John Robertson, also lived at the Whitefarland farm, and continued to do so even after Angus’ death. Neil appears to have taken over the farm.
Throughout his life, Neil displayed a keen interest in ecclesiastical af-fairs. He rose to the position of elder in the Free Church of Scotland and later the United Free Church of Scotland. According to Inglis, Neil fre-quently conducted services in various congregations along the island’s western coast. He also contributed to W. M. Mackenzie’s second volume of The Book of Arran in 1914. Sporadically, he was also a subscriber to The Free Presbyterian Magazine between 1908 and 1925. …show more content…
Neil outlived her, surviving to the age of 81 before passing away on the 15th of October 1930. The pair had no children.

Neil’s signature following the death of his brother, John[C.1.10.5], in 1874. 3.vii.iii

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