..."Never above the Waist" by Cinnie Macdougall 1. The new P.E. teacher is also responsible for what? The P.E teacher is responsible for the girls sports program. 2. What was the sport? What season is this sport played? The sport they played was field hockey. They played this sport during the fall. 3. Who found the equipment? List the equipment they had. In what condition was the equipment? They made wooden sticks from table legs and used wooden balls for the hockey puck. 4. The sign glossed as HAVE, means what? a) b) The equipment is available for the students to use. 5. Why did Cinnie win the new team? Connie joined the new team because they were in need of volunteers. She also loved to play sports and thought she would enjoy trying a new sport. 6. How many girls signed up for the team? There were 12 girls that signed up for the field hockey team. 7. How did Cinnie describe the Coach's language or communication skills? Cinnie described the coaches language skills as poor and lousy. The coaches signing was very weak and hard to understand. Cinnie decided to teach the players how to communicate and explain the meaning of the rules. 8. What was the one important rule the coach emphasized? The coach told the students never to hit the stick above the waist because it could hurt someone. 9. What did Cinnie think about this rule? She was fine with the rule and understood the importance of it. To her, it made sense because if your raise the stick above...
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...“Never Above the Waist” 1. The new P.E. teacher is also responsible for what? The girl’s sport program. 2. What was the sport? Field Hockey. What season is this sport played? in the Fall 3. Who found the equipment? The coach found the equipment. List the equipment they had. They had wooden sticks made from table legs, wooden balls as the hockey puck. In what condition was the equipment? It was old about 2-5 years, but can still be used. 4. The sign, glossed as Have, means what? B) There is equipment available 5. Why did Cinnie join the new team? They needed volunteers and she love sports and had never played field hockey before. 6. How many girls signed up for the team? 12 girls signed up 7. How did Cinnie describe the coach’s language or communication skills? The coach was inept, a weak signer, signed lousy, poorly, she tried to teach the players to sign and communicate the rules. She tried to sign and explain the meaning. 8. What was the one important rule the coach emphasized? To never put hockey stick above the waist. 9. What did Cinnie think of the rule? She thought it was fine and an okay rule and that it made sense. And if you raise/lift the stick above the waist it can be dangerous and you can lose control. 10. How long did Cinnie’s team practice before their first game? A) They practiced one or two weeks. 11. Compare Cinnie’s team and the opposing team in terms of uniform and equipment( Cinnie’s team = (2) details, opposing team = (5) details. The opposing...
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...Signing Naturally Level 3; “Never above the Waist” by Cinnie MacDougall INTRODUCTION: 1. The new P.E. teacher is also responsible for what? The girl’s sport program. 2. What was the sport? Field Hockey. What season is this sport played? in the Fall 3. Who found the equipment? The coach found the equipment. List the equipment they had. They had wooden sticks made from table legs, wooden balls as the hockey puck. In what condition was the equipment? It was old about 2-5 years, but can still be used. 4. The sign, glossed as Have, means what? B) There is equipment available 5. Why did Cinnie join the new team? They needed volunteers and she love sports and had never played field hockey before. 6. How many girls signed up for the team? 12 girls signed up 7. How did Cinnie describe the coach’s language or communication skills? The coach was inept, a weak signer, signed lousy, poorly, she tried to teach the players to sign and communicate the rules. She tried to sign and explain the meaning. 8. What was the one important rule the coach emphasized? To never put hockey stick above the waist. 9. What did Cinnie think of the rule? She thought it was fine and an okay rule and that it made sense. And if you raise/lift the stick above the waist it can be dangerous and you can lose control. 10. How long did Cinnie’s team practice before their first game? A) They practiced one or two weeks. 11. Compare Cinnie’s team and the opposing team in terms...
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...hockey sticks. Wooden balls. Something on their arms. The equipment was old and kind of lousy but it still worked. Still in enough good condition to work. 4. The sign, glossed as HAVE, means what? – It was the equipment available. 5. Why did Cinnie join the new team? They need volunteers and Cinnie loves sports. She wanted something to do and had never played field hockey before. She wanted something different. 6. How many girls signed up for the new team? – 12 girls 7. How did Cinnie describe the coach’s language or communication skills? Weak signer, signed lousy and it was awkward. Pretty poorly, she tried to sign to teach the players and to communicate the rules and the players didn’t always get it. She would try to sign and explain the meaning and Cinnie and the other girls would try to understand and go along. Kept moving forward even though the teacher’s signing was lousy. 8. What was the one important rule the coach emphasized? – Never put the hockey stick above your waist. 9. What did Cinnie think of the rule? – Cinnie thought it was an okay rule. If you lifted the stick above your waist you would lose some of the control and it would be dangerous. Cinnie thought the rule makes sense. 10. How long did Cinnie’s team practice before their first game? – They practiced for one to two weeks. 11. Compare Cinnie’s team and the opposing team in terms...
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...from 1995-2008 by sending them follow up questionnaires every two years where many were excluded from the research due to illness such as: cancer, cardiovascular disease, current pregnancy and some other sicknesses. In 1995, their assessment body sizes and covariates were based on height, weight and circumference, basic information we also taken from the individual females such as: marital status, vigorous activity, alcohol intake, smoking status etc. There were 1773 death identified during follow up, 770 occurred among 33,916 women who had never smoked. In the nonsmokers group, their death was lowest for BMI of 20.0 to 24.9. Studies were not done on among men so whether it is the same that’s unknown. As the body mass index above this range, the risk of death increased with the BMI. A big waist size was associated with an increased risk of death from any women with a BMI of less than 30.0. Conclusion: This risk of death due to large waist circumference is high in black women when their Body Mass Index of 25.0 or higher, it is also a similar pattern observed among the white. Studies were excluded from women with cardiovascular ad cancer related issues and were focus among women who were nonsmokers. So overweight along with obesity was proven to increase the risk of death from...
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...INTRODUCTION I. I was 24 years old and going in and out of the hospital for the past 4 months. My wife was already six months pregnant with our first child and during those four months I went to the hospital more times then I been in my entire life. This time I was going to get answers and finally find out what was wrong with me and why am I having chest pain and my heart rate speeds up randomly. The doctor came in and told me that I have high blood pressure and pre-diabetic. This surprise me I was big guy but as a soldier I exercised 5 days week. This taught me you cannot out exercise a poor diet and how being overweight can affect your body regardless of age. II. I am going to inform you about the effect of obesity and how proper nutrion and exceecise is the most of effective way to lose weight. III. According to a study done by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there are over 50 million and 15 percent of children are obese and overweight. Why is this important you might ask? According to the CDCP the estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion in the U.S. IV. Obesity is second only to tobacco in the number of deaths it causes each year. Here are some of the diseases that have been linked to obesity: High Blood Pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, backpain. Athiritis, Gallbladder disease and gallstones BODY I. What is obese and how do you determine if you obese or not? Height Weight Range BMI...
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...Obesity is chronic condition where there is an abnormal accumulation of fat causing excess body weight which in turn is detrimental causing health issues and ultimately a lower life expectancy. The prevalence of obesity in Australia is 20.5%: 19.1% for males and 21.8% for females. The prevalence of being overweight but not obese was 39.1%: 48.2% for males and 30.2% for females. The number of overweight and obese adults increased from 4.6 million in 1989–90 to 5.4 million in 1995, 6.6 million in 2001 and 7.4 million in 2004–05. Approximately 25% of children are overweight or obese, up from an estimated 5% in the 1960s. (ABS, 2007) (Allman, AI. 2008) In Sydney, 57 per cent of people are overweight or obese, compared to 67 per cent in other areas. This figure is relatively low in comparison to other major cities such as Perth (72 %), South Australia (61.5%) and Victoria (68%). (Markey, A. & Watson, C, 2011). When looking at the population and demographics of obesity it is seen In 2007-08, higher proportions of males aged 18 years and over were overweight or obese (63%) than were females (48%). (ABS, 2007) When comparing age groups in general, rates of overweight/obesity are higher in older age groups, although males and females in the oldest age group (75 years and over) had lower rates. Adult male overweight/obesity rates are higher than female rates across all age groups. (ABS, 2007) In 2004-05, 62% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males and 58% of Aboriginal and...
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...climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the government. It was a political act’. Julia, on the other hand, participates in sex purely because she enjoys it and although she is a volunteer of the Junior Anti-Sex League, has had sex ‘scores of times… always with party members’ which was according to the party an ‘unforgiveable crime’ with Winston declaring it ‘difficult to imagine any such thing actually happening’. The thought of Julia being with other party members, as strange as it may seem, appears to arouse Winston and he says ‘the more men you’ve had, the more I love you’ this is because Winston her corruption ‘was above all what he wanted to hear. Not merely the love of one person but the animal instinct, the simple undifferentiated desire that was the force that would tear the party to pieces’. To Winston, Julia is only a revolutionary from ‘the waist downward’ who states that ‘[she] adore[s] it [sex]’, her rebellion is breaking the parties law of sexual...
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...the direction of the beach where there is no life to be seen. “This is where I belong” I think to my self knowing that my life will be more enjoyable here. No memories to look back on I take a few more steps where the water is now waist deep coming closer to home. My grey shirt going down to my waist touching the water making it dark grey. As I take off my shirt I feel the cold breeze passing through my chest. A few more steps into the water; I take off my black shorts, now, only standing in my black and blue, bonds underwear. I start taking more steps into my new home, the water becoming more aggressive as I walk in to the rough, pounding waves; water splashing up on my head as it crashes against my chest. I look at the fierce wave approaching, I suck in a large breath, drop into the water and swim against the force of the wave. Waiting under the water, cheeks filled with air. I release the air out, blowing silver bubbles to the surface of the water. I follow the bubbles up and poke my head out of the water like a little seal looking for attention but there is no attention to get. I turn my neck once again to the beach, still empty with no one on it. My legs tired of treading water and hands starting to cramp as I keep myself above the water surface. I am beginning to ask myself “What am I waiting for?”. I was waiting in the water for something...
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...Sexuality at Different Life Stages William Brown PSY/265 Axia College, University of Phoenix December 5, 2010 Raytonya Bennett Sexuality at Different Life Stages Sexuality is a topic that has drawn up many conversations from all types of individuals. The truth is that one’s sexuality develops as we as individuals mature. With that being said, there are various distinctive aspects that affect one’s sexual development and behavior (i.e. upbringing, religion, or even culture). In the paper there are three scenarios, all of them experiencing a different phase of life, which will ultimately bring forth different stages of sexuality, and I will then give viewpoints from a therapist perspective; this will in turn hopefully aid the individuals in making choices, as well as ways to overcome obstacles that are currently disturbing the individuals with expressing their own sexuality. Our first scenario involves Anna, an adolescent girl who is very much in love with her boyfriend; three years older than she is. He is putting a lot of pressure on her to have sex; and at the same time she is anxious about her parents’ attitude towards her boyfriend. Her mother constantly warns her about dating an older boy and assumes that he plans on taking advantage of her. As a professional I would begin educating Anna on the changes that her body is going through and how they effect her perceptions and emotional status. Anna is assumed to be in the adolescent stage which is filled with...
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...The sneetches, who lived on the beaches, were a group of sentient animals minor resembling birds. There were two groups of sneetches, the Plain-Bellied variety, and the Star-Bellied Variety. Both varieties of sneetch are a pale, pollen yellow, with large abdominal regions, long, fur-covered arms and legs, and a long neck with two small rings of hair on them. The only difference between the breeds is the large green star directly above the waist of the Star-Bellied Sneetch. The Stared Variety of sneetch were the majority group; they were not a nice group either. They made up approximately sixty-six to seventy-five percent of the sneetch-on-the-beach population. They were also derogatory and ethnocentric creatures, and they thought they were...
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...This watermark does not appear in the registered version - http://www.clicktoconvert.com 1 B.Sc. COSTUME DESIGN AND FASHION FASHION DESIGNING AND SEWING TECHNOLOGY UNITS UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 CONTENTS UNIT NO. UNIT I LESSON NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TITLE OF THE LESSON PRINCIPLES OF FASHION FASHION PRODUCERS FASHION DESIGNING & ACCESSORIES PRINCIPLES OF DESIGNING COLOUR COLOUR HORMONIES & APPLICATION DRESS DESIGNING SEWING MACHINES SPECIAL MACHINES SEWING MACHINE ATTACHMRNTS SEWING MACHINE CARE AND MAINTENANCE STITCHING MECHANISM FEEDING MECHANISM SPREADING CUTTING MARKING PRESSING SEWING FEDERAL STANDARDS FOR SEAM SEWING FEDERAL STANDARDS FOR STITCH SEWING THREAD PAGE NUMBERS 03 48 91 126 166 PAGE NO. 03 15 22 40 48 60 71 91 99 110 116 126 141 150 156 166 174 181 188 199 UNIT II UNIT III UNIT IV UNIT V This watermark does not appear in the registered version - http://www.clicktoconvert.com 2 UNIT – I LESSON – 1: PRINCIPLES OF FASHION CONTENTS 1.0 1.1 1.2 AIM AND OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION FASHION 1.2.1 Fashion design terms 1.2.2 Areas of fashion 1.2.3 Fashion flow chart 1.3. 1.2.4 Fashion in Cloths CLASSIFICATION OF FASHION 1.3.1 Style 1.3.2 Basic or classics 1.3.3 Fad 1.3.4 Fashion Forecasting 1.3.5 Trends 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 CHIC COSTUME MADE COLLECTION MANNEQUINS FASHION SHOWS: 1.8.1 Formal fashion shows 1.8.2 Designer trunk shows 1.8.3 Department fashion shows 1.8.4 Informal fashion shows 1.9 1.10...
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...get through the description of my face, because of course, I have all necessary parts as a normal human’s supposed to have. Doesn’t matter how lovely face we own, “Manners Maketh Man.”(Kingsman Film). So I move on some mathematical numbers of my body instead. My measurement is 83-62-90. Evolutionary psychologist Devendra Singh theorized that those numbers were a significance of female attractiveness. Due to that concept, absolutely I would be a hot girl but only I were taller. My height is just 1.50 metres, even less than an average height in Vietnam (1.53 metres). Let’s forget all those beauty standards and pay attention to my waist and hip ratio (WHR), 62-90. The WHR has been used as an indicator of the health, and the risk of developing serious health conditions. “Research shows that people with “apple-shaped” bodies (with more weight around the waist) face more health risks than those with “pear-shaped” bodies who carry more weight around the hips.” (Wikipedia). Oh yeah! My pears-shaped body! I’m healthier! I’m so proud of my body. Second, I want to discuss about my personality based on Big Five. There are five components: openess to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion agreeableness and neuroticism (or emotionality). The third element gains my notice. I am an extrovert. I always say “yes” when being asked to do something. Sooner, they don’t even ask, they just tell me to do something for them. Some will fell annoyed for being treated like that, for sure. But I enjoy...
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...big alter ego, and that is my definition on what new narcissism is. Another example would be The X-factor series. More than 150.00 people were ready to humiliate themselves just to achieve instant stardom. They were all convinced that they deserved success regardless of their lack of talent. The internet is strengthening our ego to the edge. The dating website Beautifulpeople.net only has members determined completely by looks, with existing members of the opposite sex voting on new applications. That for me just screams new narcissism. So does a recent study by psychologists at San Diego State University, concluding that young people are more narcissistic than ever before. Professor Jean Twenge found that two-thirds of the students scored above average on narcissism. 2) According to the text Student narcissism on the rise by Janice McDuffee, Today’s college students put themselves first. Lead author professor Jean Twenge of San Diego University calls the students “Generation Me”. She has made some studies, based on that she determined that students have become drastically more narcissistic. One reason why young people are narcissistic may be due to their parents. They cuddle their children to much, and they are already self-centered as it is. Twenge also wrote in her book that “Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled – And More Miserable Than Ever Before”. With that she is saying, like the first text, that today’s young people are more...
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...COSTUME AND FASHION SOURCE BOOKS Elizabethan England Kathy Elgin Copyright © 2009 Bailey Publishing Associates Ltd Produced for Chelsea House by Bailey Publishing Associates Ltd, 11a Woodlands, Hove BN3 6TJ, England Project Manager: Patience Coster Text Designer: Jane Hawkins Picture Research: Shelley Noronha Artist: Deirdre Clancy Steer All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information contact: Chelsea House, an imprint of Infobase Publishers, 132 West 31st Street, New York, NY 10001. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Elgin, Kathy. Elizabethan England / Kathy Elgin. p. cm. — (Costume source books) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-60413-379-0 1. Clothing and dress—England—History—16th century—Juvenile literature. 2. England—Social life and customs—16th century— Juvenile literature. I. Title. II. Series. GT734.E44 2009 391.00942'09031—dc22 2008047258 Chelsea House books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions. Please call our Special Sales Department in New York on (212) 967-8800 or (800) 322-8755. You can find Chelsea House on the World Wide Web at: http://www.chelseahouse.com. Printed and bound in Hong Kong...
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