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Using Other Essays


Submitted By Emac2828
Words 900
Pages 4

I stood on the beach, toes gripping on to the rough crunchy sand looking at the rumbling waves crashing down on the gentle water. Bright sun rays shooting out the sun like an eclipse moon covering the sun.

Walking in to the cold ankle deep water as it swishes with every step I take in to the endless pool of water where I will soon live. “Nothing left for me now” I think to my self. “What am I going to lose?”.

Now the cold gentle water at my knees I stop turn my neck stretching it to look at the direction of the beach where there is no life to be seen. “This is where I belong” I think to my self knowing that my life will be more enjoyable here. No memories to look back on I take a few more steps where the water is now waist deep coming closer to home.

My grey shirt going down to my waist touching the water making it dark grey. As I take off my shirt I feel the cold breeze passing through my chest. A few more steps into the water; I take off my black shorts, now, only standing in my black and blue, bonds underwear.

I start taking more steps into my new home, the water becoming more aggressive as I walk in to the rough, pounding waves; water splashing up on my head as it crashes against my chest.

I look at the fierce wave approaching, I suck in a large breath, drop into the water and swim against the force of the wave. Waiting under the water, cheeks filled with air. I release the air out, blowing silver bubbles to the surface of the water. I follow the bubbles up and poke my head out of the water like a little seal looking for attention but there is no attention to get.

I turn my neck once again to the beach, still empty with no one on it.

My legs tired of treading water and hands starting to cramp as I keep myself above the water surface. I am beginning to ask myself “What am I waiting for?”. I was waiting in the water for something

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