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Never Give Up Research Paper

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Everybody has something, something important to them. It may be that they think that bunnies are the best, or that you should compare yourself against the person you were yesterday. I believe in something different, and something tough. I think that no matter how hard, no matter how taxing, you should never give up. Some people may want to give up when exercising or doing homework, but this is not the right answer. I am here to say that you should never give up if you want to do well. I chose this topic to be my This I Believe essay because it really means something to me, and I will show that in the rest of this speech. I have had many experiences teaching me to never give up, but the best ones are in sports. I wrestle and play water polo, and they both are physically exerting sports, with tough exercises and games. Also, I have had experiences in school and other places showing me the value of working through tough times, even if it is emotionally or mentally challenging. I want to teach people that you should not give up, no matter the challenges, no matter the threat, because once you have started something, you must see it through. …show more content…
This trimester I am on the wrestling team and I can say that it is incredibly challenging. I do a section of conditioning every week, which can include a variety of things, like pushups, sit-ups, running stairs, and it is like torture to me. But wrestling has taught me to keep going because I get stronger every day. My main sport is water polo, and I have been playing that the most. I have been doing water polo for over four years now, over a third of my life. Ever since the first day, it has been challenging, and I have a suspicion that it will never stop being challenging, but I am fine with that, because I will never give up. By playing tough sports like wrestling and water polo, a person could really learn many lessons, but by far the largest and the most helpful is to never give

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