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New Products in Consumer Goods


Submitted By swapnil0805
Words 8877
Pages 36
New Products in Consumer Goods
By Patrick Bower

consumer packaged goods. There are no magical algorithms, forecasting tools, or proprietary process solutions that offer much more than a "like as" or analog-based planning solution. The companies that do the best job in forecasting new ¡Hnáucts work the details in a methodical way, challenge underlying assumptions, and examine all available data to givei:

PATRICK BOWER Mr. Bower is Senior Director of Corporate Planning & Customer Service at Combe Incorporated, producer of high-quality personal care products. He is a frequent writer and speaker on supply chain subjects, and is a self-professed "S&OP geek." Prior to Combe, he was with a consulting firm where he worked for clients such as Diageo, Bayer, Glaxo Smith Kline, Pfizer, Foster Farms, Farley's and Sather, Cabot Industries, and American Girl. His experience also includes employment at Cadbury, Kraft Foods, Unisys, and Snapple. He has been twice recognized as a "Pro to Know" by Supply atid Detnand Chain Executive magazine. He is also the recipient of the IBF 2012 award for "Excellence in Business Forecasting & Planning." His expertise includes S&OP, demand planning, inventory, network optimization, and production scheduling.

Copyright ©2013 Journal of Business Forecasting 1 All Rights Reserved I Winter 2012-2013

ne of the toughest demand planning tasks is forei goods world. Why? First, we don't really have good math tg^nnelp us. It would be great if there were a forecasting algorithm that reads consurriefs'' minds, but there isn't. Consumer goods manufacturers are at the mercy and whim of the consumer. Their wants, needs, and tastes can change quickly depending on trends, pop culture, the economic environment, and even the price of gas. Second, the statistics we have on new product introductio'' ;'est that most new products will fail within a short

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