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New York City Draft Riots


Submitted By Indians14
Words 272
Pages 2
Thesis: The unfair treatment of the lower class led to the break out of riots in New York City in 1863 I. Introduction

II. Causes A. Civil War B. Abraham Lincoln calls for a draft 1. Rich could buy their way out for 300 dollars or a substitute 2. Blacks were exempt 3. Irish immigrants and poor whites were angry C. They came to America to start a new and better life but it was the opposite 4. Found misery 5. Discriminated against D. They couldn’t buy themselves out of the war and didn’t want to fight in the war 1. They didn’t want freed blacks to come up North and compete with them for jobs 2. Used blacks as scapegoats E. Believed their social, political, and economical status was declining and blacks were gaining F. They were targeted by the Irish Immigrants
1. Were exempt from the draft
2. Were going to become free and compete for jobs with the Irish immigrants

III. Background
A. How it started B. Draft Lottery IV. The Attacks A. Poor whites injured and killed blacks in vicious and cruel ways 6. Beat them, jumped on their chests, used stones, and by hanging them 7. Killed men, women, children, and infants B. Whites destroyed black homes and orphanages C. President Lincoln sent the militia to New York City to suppress the riots V. Specific people who were killed
A. Who they were killed by B. How they were killed VI. Aftermath A. Total number killed and wounded B. Hundred of blacks fled the city C. About 3-5 million dollars of property was destroyed VII. Conclusion

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