...Factors influencing business ethics: Leadership, strategy and performance, individual characteristics, corporate culture and environment Leader is a person who leads the people towards achieving a common goal. Leader can be good or bad, great or small they arise out of the needs and opportunities of a particular time and place. Not all leaders are considered to be perfect in their decision making because each and every decision they make will depend upon the character of person which differ from person to person. Character of a person includes their inborn talents, learned and acquired traits which were imposed upon them by life and experience. Leaders are models and mentors to their followers therefore they follow the path way set by their leaders. In a large organisation the top level managers or CEO are considered to be the executive and supervisory leader. The CEO should have strong commitment towards ethics and ethical conduct and should give a constant leadership in renewing the values of an organisation. They play a key role in creating, maintaining and changing the ethical culture. It is necessary for the leader to set good examples, and follows ethics. One such good leader is JRD Tata who set a good example for his successor and they still follow it. Where there are good leaders there will be good ethical practices in business. Corporate governance: is the set of systems and processes that a company follows to ensure that it is in the best interest of the stake holders...
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...MESSAGE RT. HON. DATO' SERI ABDULLAH HAJI AHMAD BADAWI PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA Malaysia has been a successful developing country and is forging ahead to become a developed nation in its own mould. In order to be more successful, our nation has to be managed effectively and its weaknesses and shortcomings have to be overcome. A major challenge it has to address in this endeavor is the strengthening of ethics and integrity. The government has implemented the Prime Minister's Directive No. I of 1998 which aims to enhance the integrity of the management in government administration. This has been done namely through the setting up of the Integrity Management Committee in all ministries, departments and agencies of the Federal Government as well as the State Governments. However, there is no mechanism thus far to involve other sectors, such as the private sector, political parties, non-government organizations, religious groups, the media, women, youth and students in an integrated and coordinated movement to enhance integrity. It is in this regard that the government has formulated the National Integrity Plan (NIP) which will act as a master plan to guide all of the above sectors. The formulation of the NIP is predicated upon the spirit and principles of the Federal Constitution, the philosophy and principles of the Rukun Negara as well as the aspirations of Vision 2020. The overall objective of the NIP is to fulfill the fourth challenge of Vision 2020, namely, "to establish...
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...Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Business 1 Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Business 2 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3 Defining Ethics and Social Responsibility ....................................................................... 3 Do Countries with Lower Ethical Views Attract Businesses? .......................................... 5 Can Ethical Business Practices be Applied Globally? ...................................................... 7 Which organizations are safe guarding ethical practices and is it working? ...................... 9 What are the Ethical and Social Responsibilities of Outsourcing? .................................. 12 What is Outsourcing? ................................................................................................ 13 Outsourcing is Beneficial........................................................................................... 15 What a Company Needs to Know Before Outsourcing .................................................. 17 What Are the Facts Regarding Child Labor?.................................................................. 18 Child Labor Global Statics......................................................................................... 18 Conclusion .................................................
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...Setting the pace and getting started in NGO Corporate governance. An Assessment of corporate governance for Non Governmental Organizations in Zimbabwe By Lasford Flackson lasyflackson@gmail.com .Tel:+263773931949 Table of contents Introduction Chapter one An overview of corporate governance The evolution of governance Development of corporate governance Approaches to corporate governance Chapter two Adaptation and adoption of corporate governance Ngo sector in Zimbabwe Requirements for NGO operation in Zimbabwe Guiding principles for good corporate governance Chapter three Conclusion and Recommendations 2 Introduction The collective problem of business today is increasingly attributed to the failure of corporate governance. This means that far too many boards are failing to execute their duties responsibly, both collectively and individually. Despite increasing awareness, there is a general lack of understanding of the principles of effective corporate governance in most quarters. The study sought to assess corporate governance issues and challenges for non governmental organisations. The study takes a point of departure in explaining how non governmental organisations can adapt and adopt effective corporate governance practices viz- a- viz, how NGOs can adapt and adopt to corporate governance. Several non governmental organisations do not observe good corporate governance and this to the collapse of many. There are no set rules ...
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...6. Social Responsibility & NGO’s Gursharn Dhugga In this report you will learn about the corporate social responsibility of Peru, business ethics, ethical issues in international business and Non-Governmental Organizations in Peru. Corporate Social Responsibility & CSR in Global Companies Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the voluntary activities undertaken by a company to operate in an economic, social and environmentally sustainable manner. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mining Sector in Peru seeks to take a first step towards meaningful dialogue about CSR among the different actors involved to help civil society obtain the highest benefits from CSR policies and actions implemented by government and corporations. A legislative proposal on the topic of corporate social responsibility was introduced in Peru in 2005, but it was never implemented and thus there is still no legislation governing CSR in Peru. Small businesses who deal domestically tend to place much less emphasis on operating responsibly than the major companies who rely mainly on exports. Most CSR initiative in Peru seems to come from international organizations and intermediaries; the Swiss AVINA, Kellog, Interamerican, and Ford Foundations are all examples of the attempt to raise CSR awareness. Benefits of CSR Peru’s rapid economic expansion has helped to reduce the national poverty rate by almost 15%, but 44.5% of the population still live below the poverty line....
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...3/21/2015 Dr. Truong Thi Nam Thang Associate Professor Centre Franco-Vietnamien de Formation a la Gestion National Economics University, Vietnam Main concepts Social Entrepreneurship • value creation vs value capture Corporate Social Responsibilities Responsibilities of firm to balance 3P Minizing negative and maximizing positive impacts on society Business Ethics Norms guiding and regulating behaviors right-wrong, acceptable-unacceptable Corporate Governance Procedures, mechanisms to make sure suppliers of finance get return on investment 1 3/21/2015 Govern ment The Media Owner s Directo rs Employ ees Primary Secondary Internal Custo mers/C onsum ers Educati onal instituti ons External Society Stakeholder model Lender s/credit ors NGOs Supplie rs Service profess ionals Compe titors Busine ss organis ation Dealer s/distri butors 2 3/21/2015 Potential Ethical Implications in Business Operations OWNERS Reporting Minority shareholders Fair dividends EMPLOYEES Hiring practices Firing practices Wages & working conditions Private lives vs company lives Discrimination Honesty Unions Conflicts of interests Secrecy & espionage CONSUMERS & CUSTOMERS Advertising Packaging Product safety Deception, overselling Price fixing discriminatory pricing Collusion with competitors COMPETITORS Price fixing Unfair competition Pricing below cost Stealing personnel Industrial espionage GOVERNMENT Laws compliance Political...
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...Introduce Value Based Management in NGOs of Bangladesh Munima Siddika1 Abstract: Presently the rapid growth and diversification of the gigantic NGO sector of Bangladesh has given rise to questions and concerns, about their trade-offs between sustainability and pro-poor orientation; the impact and quality of services; corporate governance; management and accountability. The paper is based on a proposal to introduce a modern management system viz. value based management (VBM) in the NGOs of Bangladesh. Value-based management can be defined as an integrated management control system that measures, encourages and supports the creation of net worth. The report of Transparency International Bangladesh ‘Problems of Governance in the NGO Sector: The Way Out’ (TIB) 2007 is used here as an information source of finding out the flaws of existing management techniques. Finally the paper recommended implementation techniques of VBM in order to regain the image of the NGOs as a pioneer of social welfare in Bangladesh. Keywords: NGO, Transparency, Governance, Management, Strategies, Value Addition, Value Based Management etc. 1. Introduction Bangladesh has largely failed to assist the poor or reduce poverty because of limited resources and faulty planning, while Non Government Organizations (NGOs) have grown dramatically and ostensibly to fill up this gap. There are more and bigger NGOs here than in any other country of equivalent size. Bangladesh’s NGO sector is remarkable for the speed with...
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...NGO Engagement with the Private Sector on a Global Agenda to End Poverty: A Review of the Issues A Background Paper for The Learning Circle on NGO Engagement with the Private Sector Canadian Council for International Cooperation Policy Team Moira Hutchinson January 2000 Acknowledgements: This paper was prepared by Moira Hutchinson as an introductory paper to issues for the CCIC’s Learning Circle on NGO Engagement with the Private Sector. CCIC is grateful to the IDRC’s Canadian Partnerships Program for funding for the Learning Circle, including the production of this paper. The author wishes to express appreciation for the editing and other assistance provided by Brian Tomlinson of the CCIC, and for suggestions from other members of the planning group for the Learning Circle: Andrea Botto, Anne Buchanan, Tim Draimin, Philippe Jean, Brian Murphy and Lynda Yanz. 2 NGO Engagement with the Private Sector on a Global Agenda to End Poverty : A Review of the Issues Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. What is this discussion really about? 2 3. Canadian NGOs: issues in advocacy, dialogue and partnership 3 3.1 Advocacy 3 3.2 Direct dialogue 6 3.3 Programming social partnerships and strategic alliances 8 3.3.1 What is driving the discussion of social programming partnerships and strategic alliances? a) Corporate interests b) Intermediary organizations c) NGO interests d) Government agendas e) Overlapping NGO-corporate interests? 10 10 11 12 13 14 3.3.2 Financial relationships...
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...Gujarat Technological University Syllabus for New MBA Program effective from Academic Year 2011-12 (Also applicable to 2nd Year Students of 2010-12 Batch MBA Program) COMPULSORY COURSES MBA-II Semester-IV Sub Name: - Comprehensive Project Report – Industry Defined Problem (CP-IDP) Sub Code: - 2830004 In addition to Major Specializations, there will be over sixty Sectorial / Industry Areas for Practical studies in which theoretical papers / books are not to be taught in regular classroom sessions, but the teachers and students are free to use any available books, publications and online material to understand and guide the students for various sectors. Ideally, a teacher should study and specialize in at least TWO Sectors, so four teachers can guide 60 students in a class. (Reference: Appendix 1: List of Sectorial Areas for Comprehensive Project study given in Sem III Syllabus). This report is similar to the Grand Project, which was the part of earlier syllabus. The Comprehensive Project Report is based on the research methodology and students have to prepare the research report by using appropriate scientific statistical research tools for preparation of the CP in consultation with the faculty guide. (Please also refer the Guidelines for CP in MBA Semester III, as the same Project Title continues in Semester IV). A student has to opt for any ONE of the Sectorial Areas and study it thoroughly. The students may undertake the CP based on the selection of an Industry Defined Problem...
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...CASE STUDY H&M WORKPLACE Fire safety is a major issue in Bangladeshi garment factories. Poor electrical installations and bad maintenance often create significant fire hazards. In order to make a safe workplace the norm throughout the sector, we think that it is essential to involve all stakeholders such as the government, industry organisations, trade unions and other brands. This is why we developed two training films to increase fire safety awareness amongst employees at all levels in garment factories. We teamed up with 18 other brands and employer associations in the sector, BGMEA and BKMEA, to spread this training. According to BGMEA, more than 1,250 factories and 100,000 workers received the training. Based on a study that we conducted in 2011, we raised the concern of lapsed fire-safety licenses with the Government of Bangladesh and engaged the Bangladeshi University of Engineering and Technology as well as a specialist to assess the electrical installation in four factories. These assessments were finalised in spring 2012 and their results were presented to concerned stakeholders at a seminar in Dhaka. The most common shortcomings in regards to electrical safety such as poor-quality materials, poor maintenance and lack of proper electrician training were discussed. During the seminar, a number of actions were proposed, including introducing stricter legislation and inspections. In order to set a good example, we have stipulated that all our supplier factories...
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...Primark and Ethical Business Introduction Primark the leading clothing retailer Rapid changes in media, transport and communications technology have made the world economy more interconnected now than in any previous period of history. Nowhere is this more evident than in the world of textile manufacture and clothing distribution. Consumers want fashionable clothes at affordable prices. Much of high street fashion is produced in various countries across the world. Businesses source clothes from countries like India, China, Bangladesh and Turkey because of lower material and labour costs in these countries. In order to meet consumer demand, Primark works with manufacturers around the world. Primark is part of Associated British Foods (ABF), a diversified international food, ingredients and retail group. Primark has almost 200 stores across Ireland, the UK, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Portugal. Primark’s annual turnover accounts for a significant proportion of ABF”s revenues and profit. Primark’s target customer is fashion-conscious and wants value for money. Primark can offer value for money by: • Sourcing products efficiently • Making clothes with simpler designs • Using local fabrics and trims • Focusing on the most popular sizes • Buying in volume • Not spending heavily on advertising. The largest Primark store is located on Market Street, Manchester, England. Some 100,000 sq ft (9,300 m2) of retail space is spread across its three floors. It took...
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...Contents Acknowledgment 2 Abstract 3 Scope and Purpose 4 Leadership in Organizations 5 Transformational Leadership 6 Servant Leadership 9 Organizational Learning 10 Organizational Performance 13 Analysis 14 Theoretical Framework 16 Hypothesis 16 Methodology 17 Data Analysis and research findings 19 Conclusion and Discussion 28 Bibliography 29 Bibliography 29 Acknowledgment The process of research is a complex one and requires immense guidance at all stages. We are thankful to our respected advisor Mr. Muhammad Ali who guided us on every stage despite our shortcomings. We are also thankful to our respected advisory committee for their valuable feedback and suggestions. We would be thankful for further feedback from our Evaluation Committee. Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of two comparative leadership styles on organizational learning and performance of non-profit organizations. The leadership style undertaken is transformational leadership and servant leadership. A sample of 100 participants is taken from non-profit organizations based in Pakistan. Data was gathered through quantitative surveys on a five point likert scale. SPSS was used for analysis purpose. The results showed that the level of organization learning doesn’t affect organization performance. These results mean that organizations should focus on other factors rather than the type of leadership they are following if they want to improve their learning or performance ...
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...well as the experience needed to manage a healthcare organization. Any achievements will be a direct result of competent management skills and the ability to assess circumstances, produce a strategy, and use the master plan. Here is the strategy I have for my personal career within health care management: Short-term career goals · Obtain confirmation in a fellowship program which will provide a comprehensive education/training for health care management. · Create and code of ethics and values which will inspire commitment to excellence within the health care field. · develop executive leadership skills of the highest level. · Continually improve and perfect my organizational and leadership abilities. · Obtain marketable managerial as well as technical skills necessary to meet the actual demands as well as challenges dealing with tomorrow’s health care field. · Develop an understanding of how to use specialized and academic knowledge in practical difficulties. · improve the leadership/management potential in the staff members. · improve my personal responsibilities in a way that will contribute towards the organizations efficiency. · Learn how to take initiative for making management choices, and act independently, in addition to on the team. · Seek methods to improve processes as well as outcomes. · Develop a mentor/networking relationship over the organization. · Be a permanent brilliant management team player in an excellent health care business. Long-term...
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...• Concerns over the potential negative spillovers from globalization have resulted in increasing demands for multinational corporations (MNCs) to adhere to international standards and codes of responsibility. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have been important advocates for development and adoption of these standards and codes. • In this paper, we provide a brief review of the emergence of NGOs and their influence on debates about globalization, and a specific assessment of NGO efforts to promote stronger labor and environmental policies of multinational corporations. • We examine the role of NGOs in development and enforcement of twelve international agreements and codes of conduct addressing labor issues and environmental practices. We use findings from these cases and insights from international business and other managerial theory to develop propositions that explain the circumstances under which NGOs have more or less influence in developing and enforcing international codes. Key Results • We suggest NGOs will achieve the greatest impact on codes of conduct when: 1) they intervene early in the code development process; 2) they forge transnational coalitions with other organizations, including other NGOs, MNCs, and governments; 3) codes are devised outside of international organizations; and 4) the structure of the codes or agreements explicitly provides for involvement by non-business and non-state actors. Authors Jonathan P. Doh is assistant...
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...and it is widely accepted (Dessler, 2010). What is Business Ethics? According to various individuals, each has their own meaning of Business Ethics, but generally it is the understanding of knowing what is right and wrong in the workplace in regards to the effects of products, services and the relationship with stakeholders. According to Wallace and Pekel, the attention to business ethics is condemnatory throughout fundamental change, i.e the circumstances that businesses now face both for non-profit and for...
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