Premium Essay

Niki Leondakis and Core Competencies


Submitted By amiley1026
Words 671
Pages 3
Amanda Miley
Dr. Jo Ann Rawley
Mgt 100-3161
19 April 2015
Niki Leondakis and Core Competencies Niki Leondakis is the CEO of Commune Hotel and Resorts. She grew up in Massachusetts and has a strong Greek background and has been around restaurants for most of her life as her grandmother owns Charlie’s Diner. Niki graduated from the University of Massachusetts and now resides in San Francisco. She studied hotel and restaurant management and after completing college went to work for Marriott, Ritz-Carlton, Kimpton Hotels and then Commune. Along her journey, Niki has learned and developed many core competencies that have helped her to be a very successful woman. These core competencies range from dealing with people, to dealing with business to self-management competencies. When it comes to dealing with people, Niki can definitely establish focus. She communicates the goals of the business to the employees to ensure the customers’ needs and wants are met. In order to communicate well Niki must possess attention to communication as well as good oral and written communication. She also empowers others, part of this being that when hiring she looks for innovative outgoing people that will come up with new ideas to help Commune achieve customer satisfaction. She also possesses high customer orientation. She knows that hotel goers are no longer just looking for a comfortable bed, that they want a memorable experiences and she strives to give this to them. In dealing with business, Niki obviously possesses technical expertise. One does not become the CEO of a major hotel without this. Niki also possesses results orientation and thoroughness as well as initiative. She expects her employees to notice if there is a family with two or three children and make sure they have extra towels and shampoo without having to ask for it. Niki fosters innovation in looking for new

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