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Submitted By robledo1996
Words 551
Pages 3
Brandon Robledo
Period 3 DATE \@ "MMMM d, y" June 1, 2014

9/11 Essay
On September 11 2001, it started off as a regular monday morning in New York City, on that morning around 8:30 am , a very low plane was flying over manhattan. And people can hear it very clearly. And as the looked for it and wondered where it came from. They soon see it flying right into the World Trade Center. And the plan crashed into one of the towers. Then a could moments later another plan crashes the other tower. And shortly that tower collapsed. And the pentagon was hit by a plane also. This Terrorist attacked had a huge impact on the american people. It change so many lives. Theres many ways it changed america. But these are a few.

I think a major thing that has changed is the way of travel. After 9/11 the checking of the bags has improved and the way they search us . And theres multiply steps in the bag checks. And better mettle detecters. And they informed stricter rules. On the people who are flying. And for now on, they do a better background checks on the pilots. And there history and there race. They also retrained all the staff on the plane. And prepared them how to react on a situation like that. And it has been said, that every plane has at least 2 under cover air marshals on board. To protect the passenger.

In November of 2002 George Bush created the HomeLand Security.To protect the USA from more terrorist attacks like 9/11. also to improve the military's protection on the United States. "Homeland Security", it is a Cabinet department of the U.S. federal government with the responsibility of protecting the territory of the U.S. from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters. Whereas the Department of Defense is charged with military actions abroad, the Department of Homeland Security works in the civilian sphere to protect the United States within, at,

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