...SPOTLIGHT ON LEADERSHIP: THE NEXT GENERATION Spotlight ARTWORK Gus Powell, Still Life: Raspberry, from the series Lunch Pictures, 1999—2007 A HBR.ORG Tamara J. Erickson (tammy@ tammyerickson.com) is the author of a trilogy of books on generations in the workforce and has written several articles for HBR, including “It’s Time to Retire Retirement” (March 2004), which won a McKinsey Award. A member of the Boomer generation, she is based in Boston. The Leaders We Need Now Generation X will produce executives who bring a distinctive sense of realism to the modern corporation. by Tamara J. Erickson A NEW COHORT of leaders is poised to take senior executive roles and is bringing with it a whole new mind-set. Baby Boomers have been firmly in charge for the past few decades, and as a rule they have been willing to operate by a well-understood set of corporate practices and policies related to compensation, hierarchy, and expectations for the way work “works.” Generation Xers, born from 1961 through 1981, have different ideas. They’re more apt to reject status-quo definitions of success and seek their own paths. The differences can be traced to the times during which each group came of age and formed its attitudes toward work and society. Although it’s impossible to draw neat boundaries along generational lines and unproductive to overgeneralize, we are each, in part, a product of our time. The formative years of Xers looked very different from those of Boomers. For...
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...Ajs ajs ja jsca cjdnja s g dgs g d gds d d d d d d d d df f ds fsf s dg dsg d sg s g d g sdg sd g sdg sd g sdg dg s d d ds d sd ds ds d fs df ds f s g sdgg gds g sd g dsg ds ds vjddjvsjd kj j sj jj j j j j j nfvnfm nkf ni fn fk nfin i n nif nif n ifn m m kmk k kjk j jj j j jj j j j jj j j j j jj k k k jk n k kjbkj bk bk k jb j bnk nmk nkj n kn nk nknkjnk nknn u nk jkn njk njkn kn knkn nk nk nnk nk kn nknkj njknjk knj knjnjk njk knnk knj jknknj knj knjknj knj njk njknj kknj knj njk knjnjk kj nj kjk kj kj njkknj nkj knj knjknj njk jk njkknj knj knj knjknj knj knj kn njk njnjk njk knj njk njkjk jk jn jk jjkn nkjnjk jknknj knj jnknj jjk nkjn kjn jk nj nj n njnj nj knjnj kkjn jk jnnjk nknj jnk njk jkn njkjn j njkn nkj nkjnjk jn kjkn jkn kjn knj jnknj knjkj nkj jk knj kjj kjn jk jknjkn jkn njk knj knj jkjknjkn knj knj jknj kknj knjnj jkn njnkj jk kjknj n jn jk jkjk kj jjn kjk jk knjjkn jk jkjkn knj knjj kknj knj knjknj jk knj knjknj knj...
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...zSYOFzSPGG:IGGGGGSS:IGGG;TGGGGYGGGGGGGGG9 E: Lab 3Installing Windows 7Exercise 3.1Installing Windows 7 from a DVDOverviewIn Exercise 3.1, you install Windows 7 on a workstation, using a standard installation DVD.Completion time20 minutesQuestion 1What types of partitions did the system create?Exercise 3.2Joining a Workstation to a DomainOverviewIn Exercise 3.2, you join your newly installed Windows 7 workstation to your networks Active Directory Domain Services domain.Completion time5 minutes7. Take a screen shot of the message box by pressing Alt+Prt Scr and paste it into your Lab03_worksheet file in the page provided by pressing Ctrl+V.70-680 Configuring Windows 7 Lab Manual JU < G ~ͻͻ~njnjh!kKhjzh!kK6CJOJQJ^Jh!kK6CJOJQJ^JhHh!kKCJOJQJ^Jh!kKCJOJQJ^JhQGjhQGUhimH nH uh~8mH nH uh$wmH nH uhr+h!kKhr+h!kK5hr+h[mH nH uhomH nH uhr+h!kKmH nH u&*JKGkd$$Ifl0,"t$ t0644lap$$Ifa$gd!kKgd!kKs`gdor`gdoKTUZzkd$$Ifl0,"t$t0644lah$If^`gd!kKx$Ifgd!kK $Ifgd!kK wne $Ifgdo $Ifgd!kK8^8`gd!kKzkd_$$Ifl0,"t$t0644la < vqee$$Ifa$gd!kKgd!kKkd$$Ifl0~ " tր0V.EL+M2#'fi~...
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