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Noah Stupeck 401 Art Analysis

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Words 457
Pages 2
Hailey Van Zile
Art 160- 02
Interaction and Reaction Paper I attended the 401 Art Project Studio, which was displaying children’s art at the time. Despite the age, I found a lot of good works to pick from, and I ended up choosing to analyze Noah Stupeck’s work called Lines and Shapes. From the little sign, next to his work I discovered that he was in kindergarten, and used tempera paint on printed paper. Firstly, when analyzing this artwork, I saw many elements and principles of art such as: unity, movement, lines and shapes, color, texture, and value. The lines, shapes, and value aid the viewer in seeing the movement and unity in the work. When looking only at the lines, your eye is drawn to the upper right corner as it seems to continue off the page causing the effect of motion through the work. Additionally, the shapes show the same repetition of an imaginary diagonal line from the bottom left corner to the upper right corner. Then, …show more content…
Another way I interpret this artwork is a sense of nostalgia, remembering how I used to make drawings for my mother then she would hang it on the fridge. This interpretation is carried by the bright colors and how the innocence of a child is displayed in this nonobjective work. Another way that this sense of nostalgia is conveyed by the work is the use of tempera paints—this is a common material used by children. Thirdly, children learn lines, shapes, and colors at a youthful age therefore relating to how this work of art captures that optimistic view of life that children hold. So, if I were to pick a theme to describe this artwork, for me, it would be the ‘looking inward’ theme because of how it makes me feel on a personal

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