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Who Invented Steam Engine

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The invention of the steam engine can be viewed as a pedestal when compared to other scientific and technological invention that changed the course of human history. The invention of the steam engine brought about a number of changes in society and the industrial world , the most important being the Industrial Revolution . No invention is a single man’s task; it is an aggregation of minor inventions leading to the final step of progression. The invention of the steam engine is believed to have been an amalgamation of tiny inventions, leading to the final product.
It is believed that the first relics of the steam engine were found in Alexandria the home of a famous mathematician, engineer called Hero. Hero’s steam engine contained an altar and its pedestal was hollow and air tight. A liquid was poured into the pedestal and a pipe inserted of which the lower end passed beneath the surface of the liquid, and the upper extremity lead through a figure standing at the altar and terminated in a vessel inverted above this altar. When a fire was made on the altar, the heat produced expanded the confined air, and the liquid was driven up the tube, issuing from the vessel in the hand of the figure standing by the altar, which offered …show more content…
To solve this problem a Spanish mining administrator named Jerónimo de Ayanz patented the first steam power engine to remove water from mines. However, at the same time but in another part of the world Thomas Savery and Englishman was recognized as the first man to the patent the steam engine. The steam pump patented by him worked by boiling water until it was completely converted into vapor. The steam was then collected in a tank extracting every droplet of vapor from the original tank, thereby creating a vacuum in the original container. It was this vacuum that was employed to produce an adequate amount of energy to pump water out from the mines. He named his steam pump “water by

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