...First Industrial Revolution Kathryn Nicole Lindsey Western Governors University The Industrial Revolution started in England in the late eighteenth century when company men used the power of the streams nearby to help power the factories. Everything use to be handmade before this. Suddenly mills and factories were producing textiles faster than ever with the help of machines. The Industrial Revolution secret soon left England because a young man named Samuel Slater, who stole the technology by remembering the plans for the mills. Slater stowed away onboard a ship and brought America the Industrial Revolution. Slater was then known as the “Father of the Industrial Revolution” which is funny because he actually stole the plans. With the mill and factories growing and expanding at a great speed they were able to add other products to the line such as everyday things like furniture. By the end of the nineteenth century American farmers started moving into the cities were they worked in the factories. The farming industry was not making a lot of money at the time so the families would send their children especially daughter to work in the mills and factories so that they could send money home to help the farm. America then turned from being an agriculture society to an urban society in no time. The largest novelty of the Industrial Revolution was the assembly line which helped make products a lot faster than before. This allowed for prices to drop but also...
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...Great advancements in technology have simply revolutionised our world. Nothing is the same as it was twenty years ago, where technology is concerned. With a simple click, you could perform a magnificent operation. These advancements are increasing rapidly and will surely leave an impact on our economy. The aim of this essay is to anticipate how technology will impact on our future economy with contrast to the events of the first and second industrial revolutions. Technological innovations are mainly divided into five categories. Firstly, there is information management. For example, smartphones will have better functions, data storage will become bigger and cheaper and monitoring of machines, processes and people will be easier and more widespread. These improvements will help farmers monitor the weather, doctors track our vital signs, engineers keep track of road and bridge safety and businesses better predict both what and how much to produce. Moreover, robotics might be the biggest visible change in our future world. Robots have been around for a while, but the next generation will be more agile, flexible, adaptable and probably able to learn and interact with humans. These characteristics will significantly expand their use in the workplace and everyday life. We will see increased use of these modern robots in factories, hospitals, stores and the home. One big spin-off of the robotic technology would be “autonomous” vehicles — that is, cars and trucks that can drive themselves...
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...Why Did The Industrial Revolution Happen First in Britain? The industrial Revolution began in Great Britain almost 250 years ago, in the 1760s. Within a half century it started to spread, first to northwestern Europe and the newly formed United States. The Industrial Revolution consisted of the application of new sources of power to the production process, achieved with transmission equipment necessary to apply this power to manufacturing which involved an increased scale of human organization that facilitated specialization and coordination at pre-industrial levels groupings rarely contemplated. The key invention in Europe’s industrial revolution was the steam engine, which harnessed the energy potential of coal. Later, the industrial revolution also used electric and internal combustion motors and petroleum as well as coal. This revolution, progressively introduced steam or other power to the production process and steadily increased the proportion of the process accomplished by equipment without direct human guidance. The organizational facet of the industrial revolution was initially symbolized by the factory, but the organizational principles spread beyond the factory itself. The two central features of industrialization were the revolution in technology and organization of production, which yielded one clear result of a great increase in the total of goods and individual worker’s output. The revolutionary quality of industrialization is particularly obvious in the world...
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...The Industrial Revolution can be considered as one of the most significant watersheds in our human history. It was a result of the economic development and expansion that happened in the sixteenth century yet achieve a global presence in less than 250 years. It is axiomatic to say that the Industrial Revolution started independently in one place, to be more specific, it began in Britain with the invention of steam engine, new industrial landscapes in which iron and textiles which are the characteristics products of this revolution. The very name of Industrial Revolution also clearly depicted its relatively tardy impact on Europe. There will be two important questions to be explained in this paper which are the revolutionary changes resulted...
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...During the British Industrial Revolution | | | | 11/2/2015 | Industrial Revolution: The Transition The Industrial Revolution was a period during which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban (History, 2015). It took place from the 18th to 19th century. The first industrial revolution began in Britain, and the innovations in this region spread to other nations who also began transitioning from agricultural to industrial. The industrial revolution led to expansion on trade, increased standard of living, and the growth of cities and many of these improvements were the result of technological improvements. Economic Development The Industrial Revolution was a time for tremendous economic development. The western economy was transformed by the Industrial Revolution. New iron, steam-powered ships, along with other technological advances, made international trade cheaper, safer, and more efficient. The Factory System was perfected with the assembly line. Products moved along a conveyor belt, with each worker contributing labor along the way to create a finished product. The work came to the workers, saving time. Industrialization destroyed workers’ independence. Workers relied entirely upon their employers for wages with which they bought everything they needed. Technological Advances Technological advances played a large role in the expansion of the western economy during the Industrial Revolution. The transition of...
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...Abstract The second U.S. Industrial Revolution had a great impact on American lives. This assignment will discuss two positive and two negative effects of industrialization in the United States. I will also discuss whether industrialization was beneficial or deter mental to the lives of Americans and the history of the United States. Industrialization in America The second Industrial Revolution was also known as the Technological Revolution and followed the first Industrial Revolution. France, Germany, and the United States were the main countries involved in the second revolution. Historians wanted an industrial system. This meant they needed a “set of arraignments or processes – whether of extraction, production, transportation, distribution, or finance – organized to make the whole industrial order function smoothly.” (Davidson, Stoff , DeLay, Heyman, & Lytle, 2011) To gain the industrial system they desired new technology needed to be invented. One of these inventions came in the form of communications. “In the early 1840’s newspapers were the form of communication” however it took too long for newspapers to reach people. From New York to Indiana, it took 10 days to get there and if by ship, it took three months to arrive in San Francisco. This was a great disadvantage for the new industrial order. Transportation had been greatly improved, but without communication, materials or goods needed would have to wait until the next...
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...The American Industrial Revolution The American Industrial Revolution took place from the 18th to 19th century and was a period of movement towards industrialization and urbanization. According to the article Industrial Revolution, Britain was the birth place of this new revolution due to the invention of the spinning jenny, or “Jenny” for short, by the Englishman James Hargreaves. Samuel Slater, an English-American industrialist, is known as the “Father of the American Industrial Revolution.” Slater brought a version of the Jenny to the United States from Great Britain, effectively creating the first textile mills. By the time of his death, Slater owned thirteen spinning mills, which shows how successful industrialization of a new country was. The Manufacturer and Builder was a 26-part New York Journal that was first hand account of what was happening on the industry side of the revolution, meant for the citizens of the country explaining the importance of textiles and steam power. Before the Industrial Revolution, spinning and weaving were done at home for the family itself. The Jenny, after upgrades from countless inventors, changed the course of the economy. In the southern states the surplus of cotton proved beneficial; however, the seeds could not be removed from the cotton quickly enough for the Jenny. Inventor Eli Whitney created the cotton gin that made it possible to remove seeds from cotton about 60 times faster. This invention further boosted the boom in industry...
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... The Industrial Revolution in England from the 18th to the 19th century was a benefit to the English working class. By: 1. Dhakshani Dharmadeva (2614) 2. Dinu Siriwardana (2971) 3. Melani Mallawarachchi (2950) The Industrial Revolution in England from the 18th to the 19th century was NOT a benefit to the English working class. Industrial revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s. The Industrial Revolution, beginning in Great Britain, quickly spread throughout the world. This time period saw the mechanization of agriculture, textile manufacturing, a revolution in power such as steam ships and railroads, and had a massive effect on social, cultural and economic conditions. We learned that industrial production increased tremendously, bringing wealth and power to Great Britain throughout the 19th century. But it’s time to consider its effects on people, we have yet to explore the effects of industrialization on society, on the daily living and the working conditions of common people. What was life like for the average industrial worker? Was living in a new industrial city and working in a factory an improvement over life in the countryside? Did the new factory life change for the better the roles of family members, including women and children? Were people healthier? In general, did the Industrial Revolution...
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...The Industrial Revolution The term Industrial Revolution refers to the social and economic changes that led to the transition from an agricultural and commercial society to a modern industrial one. This revolution relied on machinery instead of basic tools. This happened in Great Britain in the middle of the 18th century until the middle of the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution spread to other parts of Europe as well as other parts of the world. The period of explorations from the 14th to the 16th centuries helped in laying the foundations for the Industrial Revolution. Because of the explorations and subsequently colonialism, gold and silver from the New World flooded Europe. Prices of commodities rose, industries bloomed and a money-based economy fully developed. The expansion of trade and the economy based on money led to the creation of financial and lending institutions. Thus, the necessary factors for the emergence of an Industrial Revolution had already been established in the 15thcentury. The term Industrial revolution does not imply that changes happened only in the industry. In fact, the rise in the number of factories, the economic changes and the new inventions in science all had a great impact in the lives of the people in Europe and even the whole world. THE RISE OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN GREAT BRITAIN From the 18th to the 19th centuries, Great Britain was the leading force in industry. It had large deposits of coal and iron. Because...
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...Two Significant social consequences of the First Industrial Revolution Urbanization was a social consequence that was brought about during the first industrial revolution. Urbanization is where urban areas gain a large population in a very short amount of time. "It is characterized by the large-scale migration of people from the rural areas to the urban areas, thus leading to a sudden and often unexpected increase in the population. There is also growth in agriculture, thus making more options of income accessible to the people. (Buzzle 2013) During the Industrial revolution factories started to grow which in turn created more jobs in manufacturing. Lower class individuals and most of the working classes found it easier and more promising to find employment in up and coming factories. This led to the factories making enormous amounts of money with loads of new opportunities for the people seeking them. People began to re-locate for work bringing more and more people into the urban areas at an alarming rate. "This collectively resulted in the creation of a wave of large-scale migration from the rural areas to be the newly established commercial settlements which, in just a few years, went on to become fully urbanized, with all the necessary amenities and facilities." (Buzzle 2013) Urbanization affected the jobs, the money, and the living situations of many individuals. It also had some negative effects at the time. "There was in increase in crime rates, poverty, deforestation...
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...ANNOTATED SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR HISTORICAL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN BRITAIN Gerard M Koot History Department University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Allen, Robert C., The British Industrial Revolution in a Global Perspective, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. viii, 331. Allen’s book is an excellent example of the persuasiveness of the new economic history. It is solidly rooted in statistical data and uses sophisticated methods of economic analysis but its analysis is presented in plain English. He argues that the first industrial revolution occurred in northwestern Europe because its high wages during the early modern period encouraged technological innovation. Although high wages were initially a consequence of the demographic disaster of the Black Death, they were reinforced during the early modern period by the economic success of the region around the North Sea, first, in European trade and manufacturing, especially in wresting the textile industry from the Italians, and then in world trade. According to Allen, the first industrial revolution took place in Britain instead of the Low Countries primarily because of Britain’s abundant and cheap coal resources, combined with the central government’s ability to use mercantilist policies and naval power to reap the greatest benefits from an expanding European and world trade. Once it had taken the lead from the Dutch, and defeated the French, Britain used its comparative advantage...
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...AIUONLINE | UNIT 3 INDIVIDUAL PROJECT | HIST105-1203B-11 U.S.HISTORY | | JESSICA GLESMER | 8/5/2012 | It is the age of the Industrial Revolution. Taking a step back in time, we see how large materials are transported. How roads started out and were made. We see how electricity is controlled to make lights works and cable cars move. We also see the challenges there were faced and are still faced today because of the Industrial Revolution. | The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom in 1750. It continues today, but not to the extent that it did back then. The growth spurt from back then lasted 100 years. This growth impacted almost every single aspect of the American lifestyle as we know it today. While there are many positive aspects of this revolution, two stood out more than all the others. The first one that stood out was how much transportation was expanded. The second was the significance of harnessing electricity, and the impact it has had on America. During the Industrial Revolution, things started to get noticed. One big this was how would materials be transported from point A to point B. Well, there was one of three options on how materials could be moved. There was the choice of water, roads or railroads. Transporting materials was important in the United States and people were starting to head west. At the beginning there were no roads, or railroads. Just streams and rivers, but the people didn’t have an easy way to travel east to...
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...The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Before the beginning of chemical manufacturing and iron production that came with the Industrial Revolution, things were made by hand production methods. When things were produced by hand, the highest paycheck for the average American family was four dollars. The lowest paycheck was two dollars. After the Industrial Revolution mills were made, lives were changing all around America. The first major invention in the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine. The steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen, an English inventor from Dartmouth, United Kingdom. Newcomen’s engine was extremely different from our engines now. When you think of engine, you most likely think of cars, planes, boats, and other types of transportation. That is the difference between Newcomen’s engine and our modern engines. Newcomen’s engine was mostly used to pump water in mines. It was still used long after his death on August 5th, 1729 in London, United Kingdom....
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...Report on Industrial Revolution 1. One of the most impactful inventions in the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine. This device invented by James Watt altered history because of it impact on transportation and factories. James Watt found that there was a way to produce steam from coal. Then he discovered that you could use that process to make engines and also use the steam to power numerous machines in factories. Because of his invention, automobiles were able to be created and the use of machinery was enhanced which was a key change in the industrial revolution. WIth cars introduced to the world, transportation took on a new dynamic along with trains and steam powered boats. The invention of mass production and factories was a key aspect to the industrial revolution also. Because an idea of mass production was invented, factories were established to enable mass production and this called for an increase in labor demands. Many workers were needed to fill positions in factories so a shift occurred in society. People moved towards the city because that’s where the jobs were and families were less connected because they no longer worked on farms together. Because machines and other agricultural inventions were made, more of the labor involved in processing food or crops was centered in factories and this was a huge change for people. It affected their lifestyles majorly and changed the structure of society in a way. 2. In the Industrial Revolution, the major themes...
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...prerequisites allowed the industrial revolution to begin in Britain? Somewhere between 1740 and 1780, Britain experienced a series of rapid economic and social changes. This was to be the beginning of the Industrial revolution. Whilst this revolution would spread to other major countries around the world, it is undeniable that it all started off in Britain. There are many reasons for this, and it is important to note that there was nothing particularly unique about Britain in comparison with the rest of Europe, it was simply a combination of factors came together at the right time for Britain and allowed it to gain a head start in its own industrial revolution. One of the reasons why Britain’s industrial revolution began first actually has a large element of luck involved. Britain was very fortunate in that it had a large amount of natural resources, especially coal, that could be mined. This meant that Britain did not have to rely on foreign trade in order to manufacture their own goods, they could simply mine it for themselves. Iron was another natural resource that Britain was lucky to have in abundance. Both coal and iron would prove to be crucial in the construction of railways, which were vital for transporting resources, goods and people around the country at a much faster rate than had previously been possible. Coal and iron would also be required to build and, subsequently, fuel the factory machines that would manufacture all of Britain’s industrial goods. So we can see...
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