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Suicide Risk Factors

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Two risk factors that are immediate and most prevalent in my community (college-aged hispanic/latino youth) are substance abuse (drugs and alcohol) and suicide due to mental illness or other causes. These factors can be prioritized by under-aged drinking, minors in possession and adults purchasing alcohol for a minor. Suicide prevalence and suicide ideation for Hispanic/Latino students is higher in the U.S than those of non-Hispanic descent (Cash & Bridge,2009). The “criteria” could fall under overwhelming stress from a broken home/parental issues, overdose with intention to commit, financial struggle or identity crisis, fear of being “outed” as a queer individual among other contributing factors. Another risk factor that coincides with the …show more content…
Addiction and substance abuse is all over college campuses, some students who abuse certain substances could be co-occurring with their mental illness. Studies done from the 90’s and early 2000’s show prevalence among the overall Hispanic/Latino population that documented that this population commonly to has co-occurring mood/anxiety disorder(s) while abusing substances (Alvarez, Jason,Olson, Ferrari & Davis, 2011) Again, these factors could come into play in whether or not the student chooses to “tough it out” or simply pack it all up, not work on their issues, and turn back home. The protective factors also play a huge role since they could make or break whether or not the student decides to stay in school and seek …show more content…
The two resources I’ll be focusing on in this section are the StarCare Lubbock/Voices Community Coalition and the Managed Care Center. The Managed Care Center is featured under one of the many resources that volunteers for the Voices Coalition. The MCC is designed to assist people in getting substance abuse treatment and mental health services (MCC,2004). I also looked at the Prevention Resource Center and looked at the prevention data/resources available to this specific region, Lubbock county is in region one and our region focuses on youth and substance abuse. According to the quarterly reports available on the site, in 2013 the Voices Coalition conducted a prescription drug drop-off program where they disposed of about 100lbs of expired prescription drugs (PRC,

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