Financial Analysis & Control
Submitted To:
Umme Hanna Airin Ara
Acting Head of Finance
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh
Submitted By:
Md.Nazmul Hasan
ID: BBA 031 11119
BATCH: 31(P)
Program: BBA
Course Title: Financial Analysis & Control
Course Code: FIN- 434
Stamford University Bangladesh
Date of submission: 17th November, 2011
The Demand for financial Statement Information:
* Introduction
Financial statement is the product of a diverse set of demand and supply forces. Financial statement information is needed to facilitate decision making to facilitate the monitoring of management or to interpret contracts or agreement that includes provisions based on such information.
Parties demanding financial statement information
A. Shareholders, Investors and Security Analysts:
Shareholders and other investors of corporation these parties range from individuals with relatively limited resources to large, well endowed institutions such as insurance companies and mutual funds. These decision made by the parties include not only which shares to day retain, or sell, but also the timing of the purchases or sales of those shares.
In an investment focus, the emphasis is on choosing a portfolio of securities that is consistent with the preferences of the investor for risk, return, dividend yield, liquidity and so on. In that case, there is a fundamental analysis approach which examines firm, industry and economy related information and technical analysis aims to detect mispriced securities by examining trends in security prices, security trading volume, and other related variables.
In decisions with a stewardship focus, the concern of shareholders is with monitoring the behavior of management and attempting to