...fields of social and management sciences. Contents THE EFFECTS OF INQUIRY-BASED AND COMPETITIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES ON ACADEMIC PERFOMANCE OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PHYSICS ................................................................................................ 4 PATIENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF DEPRESSION ETIOLOGY AND TREATMENT EXPECTATIONS IN A NIGERIAN TERTIARY HOSPITAL .............. 12 PARENTAL CHILD-REARING STYLES, HOME STABILITY AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL PHYSICS IN CROSS RIVER STATE OF NIGERIA ........................................................................35 MODEL JOB ANALYSIS AND DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS PRACTITIONERS IN KENYA..............................46 NOLLYWOOD, NEW COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND INDIGENOUS CULTURES IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD: THE NIGERIAN DILEMMA ......................................................................................................................................... 62 2 This Page is deliberately left blank 3 THE EFFECTS OF INQUIRY-BASED AND COMPETITIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES ON ACADEMIC PERFOMANCE OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PHYSICS AFOLABI, FOLASHADE DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN, IBADAN OYO STATE, NIGERIA. afolabigrace@yahoo.com +2348033682979 ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of inquiry-based and competitive learning strategies on academic performance of students’ in physics. Quasi-experimental...
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...nationalities are represented. Movie is much more than just entertainment. As one writer said cinema is an industry where competition is present, and where the race for best film to reach the largest audience founded. Americans have quickly understood. Indeed, the commercial aspect soon became a target and a constraint. Better than any other country, the United States were able to make movies and dream objects of fascination, and the film industry is partly to conquer his audience in the U.S. first, then without any border nor come to limit its ambitions. American cinema has a global success although it is criticized. Fascination and repulsion are mixed in most people. Ways to attract the audience are made available. For example, the Chronicle movie that will make its release in March was the subject of an awesome campaign in the streets of NY. Residents could see men flying through the air, enough to encourage people to go see this film in theaters. The film history begins with an innovation of the late 19th century, which helped many inventors. Initially uncertain prospects of curiosity, this discovery have gradually revolutionized the entertainment world. Then Hollywood movies has no complex to the cinema industry a profit-oriented, which requires significant attention to the tastes and expectations of the public the widest and most popular, which is generally not the design of the art, they have cultural backgrounds. Hyperbolic movies often experience costly business failures:...
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...in the political arena are mostly depicted significantly as thugs, assassins, villains, prostitutes and others who are involved in different kinds of undesirable practices and vicious acts. Such portrayals could be contributory to politics often being described as ‘a dirty game’ with the grassroots increasingly having apathy to political processes and creating the divide of ‘them’ and ‘us’; where ‘them’is the political class and ‘us’ being the grassroots. Key Words: Grassroots, Home Video, Political Process I. Introduction The home video is a narrowcast medium through which a desired audience can be reached by means of television and drama (acting); it is a thriving medium (undertaken by the Nigerian film industry popularly called (Nollywood) which seem to be overtaking celluloid through its offerings (ibid).The home...
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...ELEVENTH EDITION Management LEADING & COLLABORATING IN A COMPETITIVE WORLD Thomas S. Bateman McIntire School of Commerce University of Virginia Scott A. Snell Darden Graduate School of Business University of Virginia MANAGEMENT: LEADING & COLLABORATING IN A COMPETITIVE WORLD, ELEVENTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2015 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2013, 2011, and 2009. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOW/DOW 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 ISBN 978-0-07-786254-1 MHID 0-07-786254-6 Senior Vice President, Products & Markets: Kurt L. Strand Vice President, Content Production & Technology Services: Kimberly Meriwether David Managing Director: Paul Ducham Executive Brand Manager: Michael Ablassmeir Executive Director of Development: Ann Torbert Senior Development Editor: Laura Griffin Digital Product Analyst: Kerry Shanahan Marketing Manager: Elizabeth Trepkowski ...
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