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Noninvasive Cardiologist Career

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What do you want to be when you grow up? Ever since I was first asked this question in kindergarten, I have been researching future careers. Recently, I have been using (College Foundation of North Carolina). This website allows me to plan out my life and jump into my future. After I’m done writing this research paper, I would like to know what colleges and majors are right for me. I have already learned a lot about my preferences in education and I would like to share them with you.

Survey Results: offers me two different surveys: The Career Cluster Survey and The Basic Skills Survey. The Career Cluster Survey shows you how the activities you like, your personal qualities, and your favorite subjects are related …show more content…
They use medical instruments and images of the heart to help make a diagnosis. Furthermore, they prescribe medications as well as dietary and activity programs. There are two types of cardiologists: invasive and noninvasive. Invasive Cardiologists conducts surgery on the patient, while Noninvasive Cardiologists conducts research on the heart. Personally, I would like to be an Invasive Cardiologist. I want to hold a heart in my hands, I want to save people’s life. This career usually takes about eleven years. First, you have four years of undergraduate school. That’s followed by four years of medical school and three years of residency. Therefore, this career would take away a lot of my time. Cardiologist Dr. Ruth Collins - Nakai puts in 60 to 70 hours a week with patients. That’s on top of another 30 or so devoted to administrative, managerial, and educational matters. Any physician works long, irregular hours. Doctors who are on call may make emergency room visits. They also must travel between their office and the hospital to care for …show more content…
I am going to major in Biology, because that would prepare me the best for medical school. Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Furthermore, I want to go to a four - year university to get my bachelors degree. As of right now, I am wanting to go to Duke University. Duke is a private school, located in Durham, North Carolina. They offer an excellent biology program. In contrast, this school is very difficult to get into. The acceptance rate of Duke is 10.4%. This is one of the toughest colleges to get into in America. If I get accepted, I plan to stay in a dorm. I feel that staying in a dorm is part of the college experience.
A problem with going to Duke is the tuition. The tuition is $38985, which is a lot! My parents said to go to Duke, I will need to get some scholarships. I plan on getting some academic and athletic scholarships. I am hoping to play football at Duke. Ever since I was a little kid, I dreamed of playing football on a TV. I feel that football could help my parents afford the cost of

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