...B. TRAVEN Canasta de cuentos mexicanos ÍNDICE Canastitas en serie Solución La Tigresa Amistad El suplicio de San Antonio Aritmética indígena Dos burros Una medicina efectiva Jugando con bombas Corresponsal extranjero inesperada 1 de 101 CANASTITAS EN SERIE En calidad de turista en viaje de recreo y descanso, llegó a estas tierras de México Mr. E. L. Winthrop. Abandonó las conocidas y trilladas rutas anunciadas y recomendadas a los visitantes extranjeros por las agencias de turismo y se aventuró a conocer otras regiones. Como hacen tantos otros viajeros, a los pocos días de permanencia en estos rumbos ya tenía bien forjada su opinión y, en su concepto, este extraño país salvaje no había sido todavía bien explorado, misión gloriosa sobre la tierra reservada a gente como él. Y así llegó un día a un pueblecito del estado de Oaxaca. Caminando por la polvorienta calle principal en que nada se sabía acerca de pavimentos y drenaje y en que las gentes se alumbraban con velas y ocotes, se encontró con un indio sentado en cuclillas a la entrada de su jacal. El indio estaba ocupado haciendo canastitas de paja y otras fibras recogidas en los campos tropicales que rodean el pueblo. El material que empleaba no sólo estaba bien preparado, sino ricamente coloreado con tintes que el artesano extraía de diversas plantas e insectos por familia. El producto de esta pequeña industria no le bastaba para sostenerse. En realidad vivía de lo que cosechaba en su milpita: tres y media hectáreas...
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...Juan Sanchez 7250 Exeter St. Unit F Paramount, CA 90723 (310) 346-0848 Sjuan1011@gmail.com Objective My objective is to utilize my skills and past work experience to perform high quality work according to my employers demands. Employment August 2014-Present Go West Bakery –Assistant Manager • Make donuts • Quality control • Mix yeast dough • Fry, glaze, ice and fill donuts • Sanitize the kitchen • In-charge of delivery November 2015-January 2016 Target –Flow Team Member • Lift heavy boxes • Stock products accordingly • Help customers with any questions • Follow-up with lead for any additional help April 2015-June 2015 Menzies Aviation –Ramp Agent • Sort luggage • Pull or push heavy containers • Scan luggage into appropriate bin • Carry up to 70 lbs. April 2014-August 2014 Caplugs –Warehouse Worker • I work in a conveyer oven • I make sure the product is cooked according to my supervisor’s demands • I also print and punch necessary products February 2013-April 2014 ...
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...20 1 5 年 7 月 你能掌握人生嗎? 這個網站有更多內容 本期內容 文章 3 封面專題 青年人問 你的人生 掌握在自己手中嗎? 《我常常心情灰灰的, 怎么辦?》 8 大地風情 這篇文章提出三個建議, 幫助你克服負面情緒。 來認識一下蒙古國 (請點選: 聖經真理>青少年) 10 家庭生活 分手以后 12 聖經的觀點 影片 工作 成為耶和華的朋友 《偷東西是錯的》 14 健康問題 在這個為孩子制作的影片中, 志軒想要一個不屬于他的東西, 為什么他最后沒有拿呢? 認識瘧疾 16 有設計者嗎? (請點選: 聖經真理>兒童) 鱷魚的下巴 第96卷 第7期 Vol. 96, No. 7 / Monthly 每期印刷5178萬8000本, 以103種語言發行 / CHINESE (SIMPLIFIED) ƒJñóº(¬TE \0ƒJñóºÃ%ˆ~æõÊEü•ÂE †ÔÊEÎ)ʪ0 ~¨S V(bkÕ½E š˛~ Ã)wˆ~-3ÜøƒxS Awake! (ISSN 0005-237X) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; L. Weaver, Jr., President; G. F. Simonis, Secretary-Treasurer; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, and by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada, PO Box 4100, Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y4. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Awake! 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. 5 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Printed in Japan. ÃÄ Æ庰–O¨ñWˆ~íH š¬ www.jw.org /zh-hans ‘˚–âª4c•M Û»üázE +z M‹ù¸S ftüåyázB JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES, 3-12, Shetze Village, Hsinwu 32746, TAIWAN. 書籍和册子) 警醒! 2 015 年 7 月 11 聖經 的 觀 點 | 工 作 工作 聖經雖然是一本古老的書, 但其中的內容從沒有過時。 關于工作, 聖經的原則今天仍然十分有用。 我們應該怎樣看待工作? 有些人這么説 這個社會充滿了競爭, 工作不好找, 你要保住飯碗, 就一定要 把工作放在第一位。 這種想法讓一些 人為工作耗盡時間和精力, 結果忽略 了家人和健康。 不要忘記休息。 傳道書4:6説: “一掌盛 滿安歇, 勝過雙手抓滿辛勞捕風的事。” 所以, 我們不應該只顧埋頭工作, 以致 ...
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...Juan Sanchez 7250 Exeter St. Unit F Paramount, CA 90723 (310) 346-0848 Sjuan1011@gmail.com Objective My objective is to utilize my skills and past work experience to perform high quality work according to my employers demands. Employment August 2014-Present Go West Bakery –Assistant Manager • Make donuts • Quality control • Mix yeast dough • Fry, glaze, ice and fill donuts • Sanitize the kitchen • In-charge of delivery November 2015-January 2016 Target –Flow Team Member • Lift heavy boxes • Stock products accordingly • Help customers with any questions • Follow-up with lead for any additional help April 2015-June 2015 Menzies Aviation –Ramp Agent • Sort luggage • Pull or push heavy containers • Scan luggage into appropriate bin • Carry up to 70 lbs. April 2014-August 2014 Caplugs –Warehouse Worker • I work in a conveyer oven • I make sure the product is cooked according to my supervisor’s demands • I also print and punch necessary products February 2013-April 2014 ...
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...aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi aldi ...
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...“anyone lived in a little how town” ee cummings • non-conformity • form = function o Poe’s unity of effect o poem = unique, does not conform to any poetic standards, grammatical rules, expectations • songs: o Justice & Independence, Jack & Diane (JC Mellencamp) o The Dance, The River (Garth Brooks) E. E. Cummings' "anyone lived in a pretty how town" tells the story of anyone. The name has a double meaning; anyone could be anyone in the dictionary definition sense, and could be seen as a singular entity, reinforcing the theme of isolation the independent individual has from the rest of society. The events all occur in a "pretty how town". "Pretty" connotes a mere façade, describing the superficiality of the town's inhabitants. "How", an adverb, is used as an adjective here. It could be describing the extent of the town's prettiness, but a better reason is that it describes the routine humdrum of the town's activities, since "how" also means "in a method or manner". The juxtapositions continue into the next line, "(with up so floating many bells down)". The rhythm of the line and the vowels emulate both the motion and the sounds of bells. This line occurs again later in the poem, and its function here is the same as it is there - to signify the passing of time. The next line is an ordered list of the seasons, also symbolizing the passing of time, describing anyone's activities as occurring continuously. The activities...
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...appear. The poem begins with spring, and then moves into autumn with the second appearance of the line of seasons. “The trimester reinforces ‘autumn’ (11), often considered the metaphorical golden years of life as time like the line runs short” (Hunt, 231). Hunt’s interpretation of autumn parallels the life of anyone and noone thus representing noone loving anyone “more by more” as part of the life cycle (Cummings, 12). The poem then moves from autumn to winter when the speaker says “bird by snow” (15) and “only the snow can begin to explain” (22). In “Para-Grammatical Structure in a Poem of E.E. Cummings,” Lord states that the snow symbolizes “inanimate, death, rest, whiteness, winter, and silence” (71). Lord’s relationship between death and snow correlate to the passage of time by signifying that winter has come, and that death is the next stage in life. Most readers think of the stages of life ending at death; however, like the seasons, there is a rebirth. The speakers says “they dream their sleep / noone and anyone earth by april” (Cummings, 30-1) which indicates that “the seasons turn perpetually to ‘april’ (31) or spring” (Hunt, 231). Noone and anyone are now decomposing and become part of the earth as the seasons continue to move on. Cummings reiterates the passage of time again with the addition of the final strand of seasons “summer autumn winter spring” giving the reader the notion that time does not stopped because of death (34). The syntax change of the...
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...defends Tom Robinson in his trial, which it was unheard of hearing a white man stand up for and protect a black man. Atticus knew that this would ruin his reputation with everyone, and noone would have respect...
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...My journey began early monday morning around 7:00 A.M. at my sisters' house, Sara, in the coastal city of Newport Beach, California. Along with her was her husband, Jeremy, their two sons Sklyer and Logan, and myself. We were packing our belonging into their new vehicle to prepare for a trip to Jeremys' parents' house in the Mojave Desert. As we began to drive away i noticed all the lush green grass, the palm trees that seemed as tall as any building, and all the people outside carring on their lives. Then i glazed at the sparkling water in the ocean and thought how difficult it must be to live in desert conditions. Residents of the Mojave desert must live a more resislient life than most. We started out in bumper to bumper traffic on the highway. Hearing the sounds of car horns and motorists passing by i decided to play a movie to kill some time on our long voyage. It was shortly after the movie ended that we entered Barstow, California. The last source of gas and civilization for the next 40 miles. I gazed around noticing that this is the begining of the desert with a lack of plant life except for small patches of weeds and cactus. And i wondered what kind of place are we going to that is this sucluded from society. Skyler and Logan asleep from being bored from constantly watching nothing but miles and miles of sand, stone, cactus, and brushes, are awoken when we came upon a borax mine museum next to the actual mining pits that are still being used to this day...
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...people being loving, line 2, stanza 4, “she laughed his joy she cried his grief”. There are many different ways to approach this poem. You can figure out the themes and meaning or talk about how Cummings ties nature to the main idea, like how he uses the seasons to make the point that the feelings of the people of the town never change and the passing of time. Lewis Turco found two themes of this poem. His first theme is “how can anyone live in a pretty town” where nothing much goes on, where people worry only about themselves although they are involved with everyone else. His next theme is that people do in fact live in towns like this one where as Turco says, “they are anyone and noone, of no particular significance except to one another on an individual basis; anyone does mean something to noone and mostpeople-both care and do not care; both love and do not love; are important to one another and are not important at all.” These themes contrast and may seem to cancel each other but they do not. They both are true. I tied the theme of nature to the passing of time and how the people never change. E.E. Cummings uses the seasons and the weather to emphasize how people of the “pretty town” feelings. He uses the seasons in stanza 1 to imply that people are caught up in their everyday lives. In stanza 2, line 4, “sun moon stars rain” is used to imply that the people have their own trials and problems so they do not...
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...1. a. Sacrifices bring reward: Katniss had to kiss Peeta in order for both of them to survive she sacrficed the only she really loved seeing them kiss. b.a All Human beings have the same needs: All of the people inside of the hunger games needed food and water to survive. c. Friendship makes life more meaningful: Katniss felt she had to protect Rue her friend so now she had a goal. d. Loneliness leads people to seek companionship: Thresh was very silent when he got into the hungergames but when he seen Rue he grew close to her. e. The strong often prey on the weak: Cato is the strongest there and when he found rue helpless up in the tree he knew he had to kill her. f. Love is the worthiest of pursuits: Katniss and Peeta kissed to win the hearts of the people watching so they thought they were in love. g. Death is a part of the life cycle: Cato kills Thresh h. The pressures of society may not align with what makes you happy: Katniss was not happy about getting choosen to participate in the hunger games. i. Adversity can lead to triumph: From Rue dying when katniss held up her district number katniss gained more respect. 2. My two characters that i chose is Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. In the beginning of the story katniss acts really depressed and really isnt happy about how shes living her life. When her little sister was choosen to participate in the games Katniss went instead of her sister to save her sister's life...
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...Childhelp.org reported that, “Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than 6 million children (a report can include multiple children). The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations - losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect.” Most of these children are going unreported because they are too afraid of what is going to happen to them. When foster care is redesigned the propaganda that will follow will illustrate positivity instead of negativity. Changing the system structure is going to change the outlook of foster care. Children will call for help to a trusted adult, rather than in their bedroom closet to noone in particular. All kids who come from a tragic situation or an abusive home are more prone to a negative life in the future. The system was built to stop that issue but it has gone neglected for a long period of time that there is no particular it can be fixed. Those who are in foster care deserve a permanent home and a secure future, yet the system lacks support, unity, safety and a solid structure. To make those changes the system has to be redesigned to fit modern day...
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...Problem Set 1. Stocks offer an expected rate of return of 18%, with a standard deviation of 22%. Gold offers an expected return of 10% with a standard deviation of 30%. a. In light of the apparent inferiority of gold with respect to both mean return and volatility, would anyone hold gold? If so, demonstrate graphically why one would do so. Explain. Answer: Even though it seems that gold is dominated by stocks, gold might still be an attractive asset to hold as a part of a portfolio. If the correlation between gold and stocks is sufficiently low, gold will be held as a component in a portfolio, specifically, the optimal tangency portfolio. Efficient frontier Efficient frontier b. Given the data above, re-answer part (a) with the additional assumption that the correlation coefficient between gold and stocks equals 1.0. Draw a graph illustrating why one would or would not hold gold in one’s portfolio. Could this set of assumptions for expected returns, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients represent an equilibrium for the financial markets? Explain. Answer: If the correlation between gold and stocks equals +1, then no one would hold gold. The optimal portfolio would be comprised of bills and stocks only. Since the set of risk/return combinations of stocks and gold would plot as a straight line with a negative slope (see the following graph), these combinations would be dominated by the stock portfolio. Of course, this situation could not persist...
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...Janurary 4th, 1969 Day one of Operation 69, located on the range of Vietnam to take down General Form, the leader of the upper bound Vietnam Army. General Form his right-hand man Master Quadrants are responsible for the relation of invading our domain and torturing many citizens with their quadratic functions of Leading Coefficient Test. I am Leuitenant Axis the leader of Alpha I. We are specialized in top secret missions, mostly assasination related. Our Cartesian plane arrived in Vietnam at 20 hundred hours at the lower bound of Vietnam in order to assure noone sees us. 2 hours of sleep, then we head on into the dark towards Descartes Rules of Signs, an underground market that will supply us with standard forms of desguises so we can have the element of surprise. Janurary 6th.1969 Day three and we have arrived to Descartes Rules of signs and have recieved our desguises have can head to the upper bound to achieve the solution of assasinating our targets. From what the test intervals show, there are many hideouts and many coordinates we would have to search, so I decided to take a risky independent variable in our mission. I decided to split my platoon into ordered pairs to increase our chances of assasinating these power functions. Sargeant Hays and Private Colt will be station on the right orgin of the upper bound, which is a HAM radio station to intercept any important information to keep us updated. Corpral James and Private Skychild will be stationed at the composition...
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...BÀI TẬP VIẾT LẠI CÂU (CÓ ĐÁP ÁN) A.Mối quan hệ giữa “ago-since-for” và thì quá khứ đơn và thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 1.We haven’t been to a concert for over a year. -The last time………………………………… 2.Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself. -I………………………………………………………………. 3.It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother. -My father……………………………………………… 4.Tom went to Scotland last Friday and is still there. -Tom has……………………………………………. 5.When did you last ride a bike? -How long is it………………………………………? 6.The last time I went swimming was when I was in France. -I haven’t…………………………………………………….. 7.You haven’t tided up this room for weeks. -It’s…………………………………………. 8.He was last in touch with me three weeks ago. - He hasn’t……………………………………….. 9.Mr John hasn’t visited France since 1990. -Mr John last……………………………………….. 10.It last rained three weeks ago. -It’s……………………………….. 11.I haven’t eaten this kind of food before. This is the first……………………………….. B.Mệnh đề “wish”. 12.What a pity you failed your driving test! -I wish……………………………………… 13.It’s a pity that you’re going away so soon. -I wish………………………………………… 14.I’m sorry I didn’t phone him yesterday. -I wish…………………………………….. C.Mệnh đề so sánh. 15.She knows a lot more about it than I do. -I don’t know……………………………….. 16.Jane is a better cook than Betty. -Betty can’t………………………………….. 17.Tom is younger than he looks. -Tom isn’t……………………………………….. 18.I didn’t spend as much money as my friend did. -My friend…………………………………………...
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