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Norditropin Research Paper

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Pages 3
The well known effective medication, human growth hormone, has been treating symptoms related to aging and HGH deficiency in adults and children for years now. Human growth hormone or somatotropin is available in different forms and brands. Norditropin is a well-known HGH brand, manufactured in the United States type of somatotropin. The growth hormone Norditropin is commonly known for its effectiveness and has been used to treat over 40,000 patients. Here we are going to answer common questions about Norditropin including: what is Norditropin used for and how does it work?

What Exactly Is Norditropin?
Norditropin is polypeptide human growth hormone. It is of the recombinant DNA or rDNA origin. Norditropin growth hormone is synthesized and modified by adding a plasmid with the gene for HGH. Norditropin HGH has 191 amino acid sequence. This is identical to that of the HGH, human …show more content…
For children Norditropin is commonly used for children that have growth failure caused by human growth hormone deficiency, Noonan syndrome, Turner’s syndrome or from birth an abnormally short stature. After the age of 4 if a child’s growth and/or statue has not stabilized Norditropin is usually prescribed. If you are an adult patient diagnosed with human growth hormone deficiency, then you are also often prescribed Norditropin HGH. A growth hormone deficiency in adulthood often can lead to serious health consequences if it is left untreated. It is important to know that growth hormones help the growth of bone and new bone cell development. If this deficiency is not taken seriously it could result to an increased risk of bone fractures that can on turn cost a person their independence and mobility. When the levels of HGH in the body increase, Norditropin compensates for insufficient secretion of the hormone in adult and junior patients. It also eliminates the symptoms and defects inadequate secretion leads

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