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The Biomedical Model

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From the early 1990s through to 2010 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has now placed itself as the 3rd most common cause of death. Most deaths occurred in low income groups and since the middle of the 19th century the analysis of mortality rates has helped health professionals get a better insight of the causes of the illness.(Burney,2015). According to
(R Beaglehole, D Yach 2003) the burden of illness will be dominated by non-communicable diseases by 2016 and the future burden of diseases such as smoking which can only be determined by the amount of exposure to risk factors. Innovation has also caused an increase in modern information and communication,there are positives but there are also negatives since there is global marketing …show more content…
It has been dominant for so many years and extends life expectancy regardless of its achievements the biomedical model has many implications as it marginalising the importance of social factors such as poor working conditions, poverty and discrimination that does not promote good health and has a narrower view of health, therefore, ignoring the possibility of social factors that can affect and be a cause of ill health (Germov, n.d.2011).This model can’t be used to tackle health issues such as smoking which has a dramatic relationship with many diseases, at one point it seems that the causal factors are all biology but the question that really arises is what causes the host to have lung cancer? The medical model continues continues to show the lack of development of a cure for COPDs such as smoking.(Marmot,2012)The medical model has slimmed down to looking down at smaller features of the human body for the cause and cure of the disease, from molecules to genes, this therapy can’t be relayed to NCDs and low income countries since they can’t afford tertiary medical technologies.(Bach, 2016).These days the health of the adolescents mostly depend on the built environment around them with lower SES leading to greater chances of exposure to sedentary behaviour therefore mental disease which is excluded from the medical model. We now had to look ahead of the biomedical models into the social model as there are more distal causes that are associated with proximal, both biological, psychological and social factors are taken into show why people associate with sedentary behaviour.(Engel,1997). Sorrow can also lead to

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