Premium Essay

The Good Person Of Szechwan Evaluation Essay

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The Good Person of Szechwan Evaluation
I believe that our rehearsals for our performance of The Good Person of Szechwan went very well. I always turned up on time to the rehearsals and gave them my undivided attention; however, I was slighting disappointed with some of the other actress’s approach to the rehearsals. This is because I felt that they did not concentrate as much as they should have been doing. I admit there may have been a few rehearsals where I was not at 100% motivated, however I tried my best to still rehearse to my best ability. To ensure that everyone knew what they were going in each scene I put together a character scene list. I did this so that we would not waste any time messing about trying to figure out which character we were supposed to play in the next scene. I believe this allowed me to develop and use my time management and organisational skills to benefit our company. Another personal management skill that I did not do so well at as I would …show more content…
I undeniably think that this hindered us and our performance as we still had to consciously remember to get props and what to do with them by the time it came to our performance.
If believe that as an actress I have developed a lot over this unit and learnt many new things about myself and the rehearsal process. I learnt that you have to be strict with yourself to keep your brain and body concentrated on the task at hand and that organisational and time management skills are crucial to allow yourself to work and rest effectively.
Over all I think that our rehearsal process was fairly efficient and what we devised in the end was an effective piece of Brechtian Theatre, however there are definitely aspects of the rehearsal process which we could

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