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Mental Health Care Research Paper

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Mental Healthcare
The American Psychological Association recently stated, “An overwhelming majority of americans remain unaware that health insurers are required to provide coverage for mental health” (American Psychological). The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 made it required by law to cover metal and behavioral health; even with this act in place there are still limits in the amount of coverage and benefits given by each provider. Though the government does not pay much attention to people’s psychological conditions, this was to try and help those who are struggling psychologically receive the help they so desperately need. Despite the mental healthcare system being barely acknowledged and underfunded, there are numerous …show more content…
However, most plans have little to no success and a big portion of this problem is, “Lack of awareness… Lack of skills” (Knaak). Likewise, most plans that have been attempted almost always consists of bringing more realization to the presented issues. One solution that has been undertaken was a “Five Point Plan to Improve the Nation’s Mental Health” by Pamela Hyde. In Hyde’s plan it starts with, “Increase Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services” (Hyde). This was to improve those who need help to enforce the second step which is to, “Expand the Mental Health Workforce” (Hyde). This would provide more jobs and help the economy as well as those living within the society. The third stage would be to, “Widen the Use of Health Information Technology” (Hyde). This development would be to make diagnosis faster and easier to treat. The next advancement in the process would be to, “Educate the Public’ (Hyde). In other words, this would also help with prevention, but also get others who do not suffer from a mental disability to understand the setbacks of those around them. Finally, the last stage would be, “Invest in Research” (Hyde). Although a lot would be done by this point, there are many mental illnesses that do not have a treatment. For example, schizophrenia, this illness is treated through medications and the person is put in a psychiatric hospitals if their condition is bad enough, this is not treating the person this is merely holding their tendencies behind walls to where no one gets hurt. Even with medications these people can never live “normal” lives and pursue a dream because their mind processes differently. This five point plan has not gotten much attention. There has not been much of an improvement in any other plans either, and with that said a more efficient plan needs to be

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