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Xavier University: A Case Study

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A HBCU stands for historically black colleges and universities. It was established before the civil rights Act of 1964 serving African – American.

A. Howard University: Shortly after the end of the American Civil War, members of The Congregational Society considered establishing a seminary for the education of African-American clergymen. After a few weeks, the project expanded to include a provision for establishing a university. In a span of two years, the University of Liberal Arts and Medicine were included. The new institution was named for General Oliver Otis Howard, a Civil War hero, who was both the founder of the University and, at the time he was the Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau. Howard was the President of the University from 1869 to 1874. U.S. Congress chartered Howard on March 2, 1867, and much of its early funding came from financing, private benefaction, and tuition. (attended by Sean combs, Thurgood Marshall, Elijah cummings) …show more content…
In 1831 the school was founded as a strictly male college in downtown Cincinnati next to the St. Francis Xavier Church on the Street following. The Athenaeum was dedicated to the patronage of Saint Francis Xavier by Bishop Edward Fenwick on October 17, 1831. Because of a request from Bishop John Baptist Purcell's, the Society of Jesus was given control of The Athenaeum in 1840, and the name was changed to St Xavier College after the 16th century Jesuit missionary, St. Francis Xavier who was a Spanish Basque. The school's name was changed for a second time to its current name Xavier University, in 1930. (John Boehner, Tyrone Hill, Ken Blackwell

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