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Ines Swot Analysis Essay

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Ines Geraldes
Areas of Strength:
Ines has continued to show a positive attitude towards learning this term. She enjoys participating in class discussions and I have seen some progress in her raising her hand when wishing to contribute and listening to her peer’s and their input. Ines is reading above grade level has been working hard to independently reach her reading goal. When reading out loud she has a strong clear voice and is now adding more expression. She is making meaningful text to self connections and displaying the ability to self correct. I have seen a huge improvement in her being responsible for her belongings and ensuring that her homework and agenda are completed and signed on a daily basis. In Mathematics, Ines has worked hard …show more content…
She should continue to take all opportunities to talk with her English speaking friends and participate in activities whereby she can share her ideas and takes risks with other students. Whilst Ruby’s reading level has significantly improved since the start of the year her overall comprehension of the texts is often weak. She needs to consider seeking books at an appropriate level and is encouraged to self-monitor the meaning and understanding of new words. Ruby is currently attending ASET twice weekly and receives small-group ELL support at school once per week. I look forward to her continued progress in the upcoming …show more content…
This term he has undertaken his new role as our class leadership representative in a mature and responsible manner, ensuring he attends meetings and relays important information to his peers. In Mathematics, Santiago demonstrated his dedication and persistence in learning his Multiplication and Division facts using a variety of strategies, his favourite the vocal singing style! During our Science group car construction project, Santiago demonstrated perseverance by transforming his original unworkable model to a more efficient streamlined design. He took a creative risk with his partner when building his catapult and together they worked through the mistakes with a class winning

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