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Nosebleeds Research Paper

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The lining of the nose contains many tiny blood vessels that lie close to the surface and are easily damaged. Nosebleeds come in two types: Anterior nosebleeds, which make up more than 90% of all nosebleeds and are the most common. The bleeding usually comes from a blood vessel at the very front part of the nose. Anterior nosebleeds are usually easy to control, either by measures that can be performed at home or by a doctor. There are also posterior nosebleeds, which are much less common. These types occur more often in elderly people. The bleeding usually comes from an artery in the back part of the nose and is usually associated with high blood pressure. They are more complicated and usually require admission to the hospital and management …show more content…
Dry air, when your nasal membranes dry out, they're more susceptible to bleeding and infections
2. Nose picking
3. Direct blow

Taking the above three into account, there is a vast array of reasons that can cause a nosebleed:
• Acute or Chronic sinusitis from the common cold
• Haemophilia, where your blood does not clot, and if you have any issues with nose or nasal passage, this may account for regular nosebleeds
• Cocaine use, heavy use of this drug, will result in heavy and regular nosebleeds.
• Deviated septum. When a deviated septum is severe, it can block one side of your nose and reduce airflow, causing difficulty breathing. The additional exposure of a deviated septum to the drying effect of airflow through the nose may sometimes contribute to crusting or bleeding in certain individuals
• Foreign body in the nose, Nasal sprays, such as those used to treat allergies, if used frequently
• Trauma to the nose

Looking at the above lists, cause of anterior nosebleeds is sometimes unknown, but can be caused by a number of things, some other reasons for nosebleeds are:
• picking your nose, particularly if you scratch the inside of your nose with a sharp fingernail
• blowing your nose very hard
• a minor injury to your

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