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Not a Weasel Decision


Submitted By peekaboocncu
Words 1296
Pages 6
Not A Weasel Decision Stop. Pause. Breathe. We begin to evaluate our surroundings. Have you ever thought of doing something out of the ordinary to feel that adrenalin rush. You feel that fast flow of your blood passing through your veins. Your heart is beating three times the ordinary. Your thoughts go empty and a decision has to be made. Not thinking anything else but just left with a thought of what needs to be done. Instinct pursues you and you do it. Thrilling isn’t it? A taste of the wild creature’s freedom - a weasel’s perhaps. We are all creatures with the desire to move hastily using our first instinct. What makes human superior above all creatures is our ability to elect on conscientious decisions that is, human instinct. Annie Dillard’s “Living Like Weasels’s” does not perceive it that way. Dillard’s essay is an exploration of how to live life. She suggests living life in simplicity without any complications or restrictions. She also stated that we can do whatever we want. “We can live any way we want.” (Dillard 101) She is a writer of nature and looks at it for inspiration. She introduced the scenery by the Hollins pond also called Murray’s Pond, as calm and inhibits a portrayal of open mind allowing deep observation and connection to nature. She comes across a weasel with analysis of its characteristics and behavior, she thought of evaluating her own life. “I would like to learn, or remember, how to live.” (Dillard 100) She then suggests what we can learn from a weasel’s nature of living. “But I might learn something of mindlessness, something of the purity of living in the physical senses and the dignity of living without bias or motive.” (Dillard 100) She states that we should focus only on one goal and one goal alone. The goal is basic survival. We need to stop thinking and go by our gut - our instinct. Dillard also mentioned about her regret of

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