...Organizational Analysis BUS310-2016 .July 28, 2013 Describe the Organization The purpose is to introduce First Group America and First Student as the largest leading transportation company, between the United Kingdom and the United States. To show how it maintains its status as the leading school bus operator with the largest fleet in the U.S. and Canada. Description What the Organization Does First Student is one of five (5) sub-divisions of First Group America’s North America Division. They are First Vehicle which provides vehicle maintenance and ancillary services. First Canada which does school bus transportation, along with transit contracting management services. First Transit provides the transit contracting and management services for the senior citizens and different adult centers and residential homes. Greyhound is also a part of First Group America; they provide scheduled intercity bus transportation services in the United States and Canada. First Student provides the school bus transportation and charter services. The Customers it serves First Group is the leading transportation operator in the United Kingdom with headquarters in Aberdeen, Scotland. First Group has 136,000 employees and they transport approximately 2.5 billion passengers a year. First Student has approximately 600 locations with approximately 1400 school districts, which operate in thirty-eight (38) states and nine (9) Canadian providences. First Student is the leading school bus...
Words: 1193 - Pages: 5
...products it means to care about your customers and sell them the best products. When managers are trying to market a certain product to their customer, they first want to make sure they know everything about that product. Managers want to make sure that they are selling the best product to their customers. Marketing is very important in organizations and without marketing; the company cannot make money, promote new products or be successful in their business. Marketing is always used every day in an organization. Marketing is the key in making organization be successful. When managers are trying to make money and make their company stand out this is where marketing comes in. The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of marketing in organizational success. One will provide at least three examples from the business world to support their explanation. The importance of Marketing in organizational success The importance of marketing in organizational success is very important. Everyday organizations always want their business to achieve the best in their sales or try to sell and market a certain product. When the manager or the CEO that is over the biggest bank industry such as Bank of America they are always trying find a way to sell a new product to their customers. Marketing is very important to big organizations in how they make money and how...
Words: 1107 - Pages: 5
...executive is responsible for enforcing this law relevant to the working environment. The health and safety act protects health and safety for workers if there were any injuries to a worker when they are at work then they is protected by this law. BAM Construction Site In a BAM construction site to follow the health and safety at work act is very important, this is because in a BAM construction site there are many workers that have got different jobs to do that are a risk for the workers such as the crane driver, the job role for the crane driver is to direct heavy equipment from the floor around the construction site to the location it needs to be and without the right training the heavy equipment can slide of and fall on workers or on the building itself. However BAM construction site worker follow the health and safety at work act very seriously because there have been very few injuries at the construction site. In 6 months there have only been two injuries in the construction site and the injuries were minor however any injury that happens on a BAM construction site has to be reported. The amount of risks that are in the construction site are very high and to have two minor injuries in the amount of time the construction site has been there is an achievement because this shows that this law is being followed rightfully. When entering the construction site workers have to wear helmets, safety boots, safety goggles, and illuminated jackets this is part of the health and safety and...
Words: 2422 - Pages: 10
...M1: Stakeholder Viewpoints and their Influence on Business Aims and Objectives In this assignment I will be looking at the different stakeholder viewpoints and I will also be looking at their influence on businesses aims and objectives. So first of all I will state what stakeholder it is, then I will outline the viewpoint of the stakeholder and then I will look at the list of aims and objectives of a business and then I will evaluate which aims and objectives were created to serve this stakeholder. Aims and Objectives: Tesco * Offering customers the best value for money and the most competitive prices. * Meeting the needs of customers by constantly seeking, and acting on, their opinions regarding innovation, product quality, choice, store facilities and service. * Providing shareholders with progressive returns on their investment improving profitability through investment in efficient stores and distribution depots, in productivity improvements and in new technology. * Developing the talents of its people through sound management and training practices, while rewarding them fairly with equal opportunities for all. * Working closely with suppliers to build long term business relationships based on strict quality and price criteria. * Participating in the formulation of national food industry policies on key issues such as health, nutrition, hygiene, safety and animal welfare. * Supporting the well-being of the community and the protection of the...
Words: 1843 - Pages: 8
...Evaluation of Research Today with a lot of information available in different format and forms it is very critical to have it evaluated properly in order to present credible research. To provide reliable, relevant, and bias free information the students should carefully review research to ensure that it meets the guidelines for writing. To make sure that the information is credible or reliable the students should pay attention “to proof of facts” (Litman, 2011, p. 7). Credibility of information depends on facts, statistics, and evidence; also, the students have to make sure that information agrees with personal knowledge and with other specialists in the field. In addition it is very important to see the publication of the source, either it “scholarly or peer-reviewed” (Litman, 2011, p. 7). According to Bell (2009), these article are written by researches and practitioners in particular subject areas and information includes footnotes, bibliography, or references. Another important aspect on searching is making sure that the information bias free. The students have to make sure that this “information has balanced presentation of opposing perspectives” (Litman, 2011, p. 7). In any publicity the author should not make any point of view critically. The reader should be responsible making his or her own decision on a particular topic. To make sure that the author uses proper tone of language in publication also make a major role on bias free information (Bell, 2009). Not appropriate...
Words: 437 - Pages: 2
...dad, brother, and I are still the ones who do all the yard work while my mom and my sisters stay inside the house and do all the house cleaning. (Fig.1 shows that the majority of the class had more traditional families than modern families) Primarily, my family is more traditional because the cleaning is done by the woman during barbeques while my dad, brother, and I are outside grilling. For example, most of the time when it comes to cleaning up the house the women are the ones who do most of the cleaning on the inside. They also make sure that the house is cleaned well and go back after cleaning it to make sure they didn’t miss anything that was supposed to be cleaned. In addition, the men are the ones in charge of doing all the yard work outside and are also in charge of starting the grill when it is time to cook. My dad, brother, and I are the ones that who are also in also in charge of watching the grill and take turns to make sure that the meat doesn’t burn. The only reason my mom, or any women come outside during barbeques is too bring more meat from inside or beer for the men but other than that the men stay outside and the women stay inside. In summary, because most of the cleaning in our house hold is done by my mom and sisters, while the men are outside grilling shows that my...
Words: 868 - Pages: 4
...my performance went very well as I managed to answer all of the question giving to me, to improve my interview I would make sure that I paid a bit more attention and did not laugh as this could of stopped me from getting the job I wanted. If I could do my interview again I would make sure I prepared myself so that I would not laugh when doing the interview by doing this it would of also stopped me from being nervous Strengths My strengths when doing this role play was that I was very confident when doing the interview when questions where brought up I did not know I improvised to make the interviewer think that I had a lot of knowledge and understanding of the questions being asked. I made sure that the way I spoke was very formal and did not use any slang as this would make the interviewer have a good impression of me. I was very focused on all questions being asked and answered them to the best of my ability. Weaknesses My weaknesses when doing the role play was that on some of the questions I did not take them very seriously and did not answer them to the best of my ability during the interview I got nervous which made me lose concentration. On some of the questions given I did not have a lot of detail given on the company so this made it hard for me to answer the question. On my next interview I will make sure I take time to research the company in full detail I will also make sure that I will not lose any sort of concentration I will make sure that all my answers...
Words: 353 - Pages: 2
...organization small or large, there are managers who is a manager of multinational companies. A manager, make sure that the company or companies are running smoothly, and the rules are being followed. They deal with many people, and they control things, people or both. Good Manager Qualities In order to have a good manager qualities, they have to tap into talents and resources. This is done in order for them to bring out the support and best in other people. An outstanding manager makes sure he/she evokes possibility in others. Creativity separates competences from excellence. Creativity helps captures people’s attention, it helps pull the pieces together. Structure helps set parameters, limitations, and guidelines in the workplace. A stellar managers knows how to work in a structure environment, and they will not let the structure impinge upon the project or the process. A manager is committed in making sure their team and the project is successful. Poor Management Qualities Poor manger qualities is a manager who does not care about their work or the employees. Manager with poor management qualities, they always have to be in control, they are stubborn when they feel they are right. They like to put fear in their employees, and they think it is a way to management, they show favoritism within the team. They are also very resistant to change, and they will micromanage very task. Quality change bases on different situations When it comes down to the environment, I do feel that...
Words: 488 - Pages: 2
...who is good at motivating their team in order to achieve the team goal by being able to communicate with the team verbally as well as non-verbally but still be able to get their message across. A good leader should also have good listening skills, and be enthusiastic to motivate the team which comes with being confidence. A successful leader should also be a leading example for the other members of their team in order for them to learn from their leader and expand their knowledge; also it is very important to encourage the team by giving clear instructions. In addition, as a successful leader they should also give their team feedback which is done through briefing and de-briefing, this is often done after the team have completed a certain task where they then get feedback on what they’ve done well and what they could improve on. An example of a successful leader from the public services and what they do in order to hold that title would be the officer of the Armed forces as they make sure the soldiers which is their team, stays safe by giving clear instructions and being able to encourage as well as motivate their team. This also comes with being well respected and trusted such as a role model. The essential qualities of a Officer of the armed force would be: selfless commitment by being able to carry on no matter what happens to them or their team as well as courage by staying strong through tough and difficult situations. Also, discipline is important too because as a successful...
Words: 4622 - Pages: 19
...to do incredible amounts of online research to make sure that I provided as much background as I could for my reader. And as you know, it can be very difficult to sift through all of the many sites that are out there that claim to be reporting valid political information so along with making sure that I provided quality information, I had to make sure that I was only researching quality information as well. Sites such as Politico and The Hill are clearly reputable and so I used them quite a bit during my reporting. Other sites, such as The Drudge Report and Daily Kos are both basically open blogs and do not provide information that I felt warranted including in my work. For example, it is clear just by looking at the home page of the Drudge Report, that it could never be used as a reputable source. Unfortunately, not all sites are as clearly laid out and it was very time consuming picking my sources. As a journalist, it is my responsibility to be sure that I provide a fair, honest, and balanced account of the campaign. The people of the United States rely on reporters for the majority of the information that they get on the campaign. They are not able to have the up-close sessions that we reporters have so often. Because we tend to be privy to much more information than the public, it is our job to make sure that we provide all of the information that we have as accurately and honestly as possible. We also have to be sure that we provide every side of the story so that our readers...
Words: 638 - Pages: 3
...their “Code of Ethics”. Each one plays a major and important role when it comes to making sure that the company is following all the important and legal requirements. This essay will describe the many areas that are important in a restaurant making sure that the employers and staff are always careful and following the “Code of Ethics”. The Cheesecake Factory has many important areas but we are going to focus on the major and important ones. These are as followed: * Protection of the Companies Confidential Information * General Standard of Conduct * Supervisors * Protection and Use of Company Assets When following the “Code of Ethics” the Protection of Companies Confidential Information is very important. You have to make sure that all employers and employees can trust you with their information and documents. (Cheese Cake Factory Incorporated,2006). Being able to keep the company’s assets and other important information safe is a big deal. Being able to believe in the staff that you hire is a big requirement. You have to make sure that your staff is always on top of things and making sure that the job gets done. General Standard of Conduct talks about that, you have to have loyalty, honesty and responsibility when it comes to picking the right staff for your company. When you have a big company like the Cheese Cake Factory your Supervisors play a major role. They have to make sure that they represent the restaurant on and off the job. Supervisors are the heart of the...
Words: 701 - Pages: 3
...QUESTIONS, COMMENT THEM HERE AND I WILL BE ANSWERING THEM THROUGH EDITING THIS DOCUMENT SO THAT THE ANSWER/COMMENT THAT I'LL BE RESEARCHING ABOUT THAT CERTAIN PROFESSOR WILL BE SHARED TO PEOPLE WITH COMMON QUESTIONS :) THANK YOU!! KASPIL1 - Mr. Xiao Chua / Dr. Dery / Mr. Viktor Torres / Mr. Bascarra KASPIL2 - Mr. Xiao Chua / Dr. Dery / Mr. Viktor Torres - All of them are good in terms of grades & does not give heavy workload. Mr. Chua (for me) is the best choice but all of them are profs to pick because they’ll really make history fun for you. Grades are pretty high & all are sure pass if you’ll attend their class :) As for Mr. Bascarra, super chill and nice professor. He knows how to speak french, Italian, Spanish, and German! Just recite and you’ll get a 4.0 from him. Always attend class so you will be exempted for the midterms and finals. VERY GOOD PROFESSOR and it is beyond doubt that he’s a sure pass prof. FILKOMU - Mr. David San Juan - Gives really high grades. Super chill and cool prof! Like a friend in class and you’re going to enjoy being in his class. He’ll give a lot of readings but even if you will not read them, he is really kind and considerate and still give good...
Words: 5081 - Pages: 21
...jobs they do for their children. As a parent, they both have very different obligations. The responsibilities a mother has are very different compared to the responsibilities a father has. A mother’s job is to nurture her child, and a father’s job is to protect his child. A mother’s obligations for her child start right away. From the moment the baby begins to grow in her womb, the list of responsibilities begins. A mother is responsible for safely carrying her baby in her womb for nine months. She has to do everything carefully and cautiously. The baby in a mother’s belly is so fragile. A mother also has to watch what she is eating and drinking during her pregnancy. For nine whole months, a mother is sacrificing her wants and desires in order to create a healthy child. After the baby is born, even more responsibilities come a mother’s way. A mother is responsible for nurturing her child. She’s there to care for and encourage the growth of her child. If her child is hurt, the mother is expected to take care of him and make him feel better. If he is sick, the mother is the one that stands by his side, making sure that all his needs are met. A mother usually cooks and cleans for her children. She makes sure her kids are living in a nice, healthy environment. A mother is a child’s go-to person. If there is ever a small problem, a child would turn to his mother first. Mothers give up so much time in their lives to make sure they leave a good life for their children. They carry so many...
Words: 922 - Pages: 4
...which is located in Bethesda, Maryland a very urban part of the city with lots of offices and tourists along with a lot of outdoor activities at all times. Le Petit Café will serve the freshest, tastiest and most nutritious sandwiches making sure it develops a huge loyal customer base which will be of utmost importance since this will not only generate majority of the sales of my business but will make for a basis of favorable referrals and loyal customers to the business and will targets to expand with the first three years into the entire metropolitan area of District of Columbia and Virginia. Mission The Café will focus on serving healthy sandwiches targeting the busy professionals and tourists that come through the area which is why it will be located in this particular location whose population and demographics is made up of working and health conscious professionals based on result from surveys taken by Le Petit Café. Main focus of the café will be to position it as a very unique place where patrons will not only enjoy a cup of well brewed coffee and healthy sandwiches but at the same time enjoy a very comfortable and favorable environment with very comfortable chairs, table, sofas with good lighting and relaxing music to assist them in relaxing and therefore help differentiate the culture from that of the other sandwich/coffee shops. Adams, R. (2012). Le Petit Cafe hopes to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors making sure the business is known for the healthy...
Words: 1528 - Pages: 7
...away from my husband and children so that I can concentrate on the task at hand in my schooling. That does not mean that I need to neglect my family, I just need to also make time for myself. When doing research on the internet I need to be very careful. It is easy to get into websites that are not ones that I should be using for education research. It is difficult because there are websites like Wikipedia that look like they are credible and good for research purposes, but in fact they are not. Sites like wiki are able to be changed by anyone, allowing people to go in and change information, making it false, or adding information that is not correct in with what is. A good way to know if I am on a good website is if it is .edu, .gov, or .org. I need to make sure I am doing lots of research on any topic to make sure that I have all the facts about that topic correct. The University of Phoenix has a lot of good resources to use for research. They have a University Library that is very helpful when doing research. I can choose different databases to use that will work better for specific topics. The CareerPlan is directing me in the right career path for me, helping me find my strengths and weaknesses. In math classes I need to make sure that I utilize the Center for Mathematics Excellence as math is not one of my strong points, and the Center for Writing Excellence, for any writing classes I am in. There are so many tools...
Words: 1180 - Pages: 5