Premium Essay

Now I Remember


Submitted By aleboeuf01
Words 915
Pages 4
Amber LeBoeuf
March 5, 2011
ENG 105
Now I Remember
I've been thinking about love and all it entails. More specifically, what it means to be in love. My last relationship I was recently in, that just ended, lasted for three years and while it was drawing to an end, I have to say that in the scheme of things, there were more good times than bad. My ex taught me lessons about life, love, and myself that I will take with me to the grave. From him I've learned what kind of partner I want to be. I've learned how love can change people for the better. The lesson I'm in the process of learning is how to love myself enough to let go of something that's become easy and comfortable in order to pursue my ultimate happiness. And all in all if it is meant to be, then it will find its way.
This relationship taught me to be selfless. While I still have my moments of loving someone in a romantic capacity taught me the joy resulting from actions as simple as cooking his favorite meal, rubbing his back, or buying his favorite cologne. I've never felt so much pride and strength as the moment he trusted me enough to allow me access to his emotions as he cried on my shoulder after a devastating loss in our life. It made me feel good to support him in his time of need the way he had supported me in the past with my grandma. It was those moments that I learned that love isn't what can you do for me type of deal. Love is something that has to be given 110%. It's a two-way street and should flow together shaping everything in the surrounding area for the better. Being in the relationship has made me the selfless woman I am now. I enjoyed doing everything for my ex, but a lot was taken for granted. After awhile, everything I would do was almost expected and I never realized it till now. My days were turning into a daily routine of pleasing him before myself; not healthy.
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