...I. Introduction - Shock (Chapter 11) A. Review of anatomy and physiology B. Pathophysiology Initiation | * Decreased tissue oxygenation * Decreased intravascular volume * Decreased Myocardial contractility (cardiogenic ) * Obstruction of blood flow (obstructive) * Decreased vascular tone (distributive) * Septic (mediator release) * Neurogenic (suppression of SNS) | No observable clinical indications Decreased CO may be noted with hemodynamic monitoring | Compensatory | * Neural compensation by SNS * Increased HR and Contractiliy * Vasoconstriction * Redistribution of blood flow from nonessential to essential organs * Bronchodilation * Endocrine Compensation (RAAS, ADH, glucocorticoid release) * Renal reabsorption of sodium, chloride, and water * Vasoconstriction * Glycogenolysis | * Increased HR (EXCEPT NEUROGENIC) * Narrowed pulse pressure * Rapid, deep respirations causing respiratory alkalosis * Thirst * Cool,moist skin * Oliguria * Diminished bowel sounds * Restlessness progressing to confsion * Hyperglycemia * Increased specific gravity and decreased creatinine clearance. | Progressive | * Progressive tissue hypoperfusion * Anaerobic metabolism wih lactic acidosis * Failure of sodium potassium pump * Cellular edema | * Dysrhythmias * Decreased BP with narrowed pulse pressure * Tachypnea * Cold, clammy skin * Anuria * Absent bowel sounds * Lethargy progressing...
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...Annual Report and Annual Report and Financial Statements Financial Statements 2015 2015 “ think the store is I genuinely trying to improve performance and there is evidence of progress.” Ipswich “ hen I shop in Tesco W now there is an overall better feel.” “ lease keep the P prices low, the shelves well stocked and the tills manned with enough staff.” “ ontinue to work on customer C service – it makes a big difference.” Newton Abbot Aylesbury “ he store is of vital importance T to the local community, long may it continue to be so.” Maldon London In this report: Strategic report Chairman’s statement CEO introduction Three priorities Our business model Key performance indicators Financial review Environmental and social review Principal risks and uncertainties Corporate governance Financial statements Other information Page 2 3 5 8 10 12 18 22 26 72 146 FINANCIAL HEADLINES £69.7bn £1.4bn £961m £(6.4)bn 9.42p £(8.5)bn Group sales Group trading profit Underlying profit before tax Statutory profit/(loss) before tax Underlying diluted earnings per share Net debt (13/14: £70.9bn) (13/14: £3.3bn) (13/14: £3.1bn) (13/14: £2.3bn) (13/14: 32.05p) (13/14: £(6.6)bn) The champion for customers Our business was built with a simple mission: to be the champion for customers – to help everyone who shops with us enjoy a better quality of life...
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...oVeRVieW tesco around the world Creating value for customers across all our businesses UK Revenue* £40,766m Number of stores Us Revenue* 2,715 Employees £495m Number of stores 293,676 Selling space (sq ft, % of Group) 164 Employees 4,134 Selling space (sq ft, % of Group) 36.7m sq ft 35.4% 1.7m sq ft 1.6% tesco Bank Revenue* £919m Employee figures represent the average number of employees during the year ± 230 employees across asia and Europe work in locations other than those listed Employees * Revenues are sales excluding vaT and exclude the impact of iFRiC 13 (customer loyalty schemes) † Revenue for Europe includes France; revenue for asia includes india 1,274 GDP growth: Economist intelligence unit europe Revenue*† Revenue* (£m) Stores GDP growth Employees (% real change pa) £9,192m Number of stores 1,082 Employees± Republic of ireland Poland Hungary Czech Republic slovakia turkey 2,332 2,156 1,649 1,355 996 700 130 371 205 158 97 121 13,344 24,932 21,157 12,812 9,105 8,038 -0.8 3.8 1.2 2.3 4.0 8.1 89,559 Selling space (sq ft, % of Group) 30.2m sq ft 29.2% asia Revenue*† £10,278m Number of stores 1,419 Employees± india in india, we have an exclusive franchise agreement with Trent, the retail arm of the Tata Group. we are supporting the development of their Star Bazaar format. 104,071 Selling space (sq ft, % of Group) 35.0m sq ft 33.8% Revenue*...
Words: 88441 - Pages: 354
...Annual Report and Financial Statements 2012 Tesco at a glance 2011/12 We are one of the world’s largest retailers with operations * in 14 countries, employing almost 520,000 people and serving millions of customers every week. £72.0bn +7.4% Group sales Group sales growth £3.8bn Group profit before tax +5.3% Group profit before tax growth +1.6% Underlying profit before tax** +2.1% Underlying diluted earnings per share**† 14.76p Full year dividend per share UK Revenue± Trading profit Asia Revenue± Trading profit Europe Revenue± £42.8bn 66% of Group £2,480m 66% of Group £10.8bn 17% of Group £737m 20% of Group £9.9bn 15% of Group Revenue growth± Trading profit growth Revenue growth± Trading profit growth Revenue growth± +5.0% Employees (1.0)% Stores +10.5% +21.8% Employees Stores +7.3% Employees 300,373 2,979 Market position Multiple formats include Loyalty scheme dotcom 1st Hypermarkets, superstores, supermarkets, convenience Clubcard – around 16 million active members First grocery home shopping service 1997 117,015 Market position Multiple formats include Loyalty scheme 1,719 94,409 Market position Multiple formats include Loyalty scheme dotcom dotcom 1st or 2nd in all except China Hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience Clubcard in Malaysia and Thailand, Family Card in South Korea, Legou Tesco Membercard in China – over 20 million active members across Asia South Korea...
Words: 87112 - Pages: 349
...Bharti Airtel Limited Annual Report 2010-11 Board of directors Sunil Bharti Mittal Akhil Gupta Chua Sock Koong N. Kumar Ajay Lal Craig Ehrlich Pulak Prasad Rakesh Bharti Mittal Tan Yong Choo Evan Mervyn Davies Rajan Bharti Mittal Hui Weng Cheong Nikesh Arora Salim Ahmed Salim Tsun-yan Hsieh Manoj Kohli Table of contents Corporate information Performance at a glance rformance Chairman's message airman's CEO (International) & JMD's message O (Internation onal) on CEO (India & South Asia)'s message O (India dia Corporate social responsibility rporate po Directors' report rectors' e Management discussio & analysis nage agement discussion ssio ssion Report on corporate governance governance port ver ve Secretarial audit report report cretarial o Standalone financial stateme with Aud ors' report Auditors' ndalone a statements ments me e uditors r Consolidated financial statements with Auditors' report nsolidated financial statements w i nt with t 2 3 4 6 8 10 0 1 14 24 30 47 48 103 1 Bharti Airtel Annual Report 2010-11 Corporate information Board of directors Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal Chairman & Managing Director Mr. Manoj Kohli CEO (International) & Joint Managing Director Non-executive directors Mr. Ajay Lal Mr. Akhil Gupta Ms. Chua Sock Koong Mr. Craig Ehrlich Lord Evan Mervyn Davies Mr. Hui Weng Cheong Mr. N. Kumar Mr. Nikesh Arora Mr. Pulak Prasad Mr. Rajan Bharti Mittal Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal H.E. Dr. Salim Ahmed...
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