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Nt1310 Unit 1

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1. Email Systems:
Spam: Spam is an unwanted commercial email, because a large amount of spam is sent in order to try and persuade the user to buy something. Spam delivers viruses and other nasty software that harm the computer system.
1a. Protection: To avoid unwanted emails, a spam filter is the best solution it detects unwanted emails and stops the spam from going into the user’s inbox. Never reply to spam and delete spam without opening it.
2. Wireless Systems:
MAC association: A Media Access Control address is a physical address associated with the Network adapter that is used to facilitate communications. On the second OSI layer which is the Data link layer, it is important that the Network Adapter communicates with another Network adapter, they communicate with each other by swapping MAC addresses. A MAC address is a 48 bit binary number which is a sequence of 12 hexadecimal digits eg. "a2:34:4b:66:4c:01" …show more content…
Protection: To control access to a wireless router, a MAC address filter is used, if the router doesn’t recognize the web address given, it won’t allow the user to access the website.
3. Networked devices:
Wireless Access Point: A WAP is a device which allows wireless devices to connect to a wired Network (LAN) using Wi-Fi. Wireless access point is also knows as Hotspot, which allows the user to stay connected with the wired network around the company or anywhere were Hotspot is available.
3a. Protection: To avoid the Network from being hacked, the user needs to set a secure password and change the router name to prevent any unauthorized access.
4. Transmission Media:
Use of shielding: There are two types of shielding

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