When we install the new system there will be lot of milestones. Firstly if when we plug the monitor it starts working then it is one of the milestones. second we have to check whether mouse and keyword are also work fine, if it is working then this is another milestone. If the processor which we have installed started working then it is one milestone. In addition to this we have added 2 RAM in different slot if both of the RAM is working in the computer then it is another milestone. We also have installed a hard drive in the system, if it is storing the data without any of the problem then it another milestone.
After plugging the modem if it starts the working like modulating the signals then it is also a milestone. For the video conferencing of the John we also have placed a webcam. If this webcam is working without any fault like it is showing the image clear then another milestone.
We have also added speakers for listening the voice during the video conferencing if speaker is working without any vibrate voice or we can say in with clear frequency then this is also another milestone. We also have attached it with the printer. If we try to print something and we are able to do so then this is another milestone. In addition to this opening the Microsoft word, Skype and…show more content… Firstly we need a screw driver which we use to open and fix several parts. In addition to this we need antistatic bags which we use to carry the RAM, because if we will not use this, this might cause dam age to the RAM. In addition to this we can also use wrist band which are also antistatic, this we also use for safety of the some of the equipments. In addition to this we also needed internet connection while installation because it is also needed for some of the task. We also needed the ubunutu disk for installing it in the