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Nt1310 Unit 2 Pr Report Sample

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PER REPORTER: The reporter said she first met Pershaun in 2009 when Shayjuanna moved back to Mississippi from California and asked her if she would keep the child for her as well as pick her other child (Paitien) up from her aunt’s house. She said the children stayed with her from then until she enrolled them into head start; however, she said their mother removed them from her care after getting upset with due to her asking for custody of the children. She said she felt as if she should get custody of the children due to her having them in her care for so long while their mother was not around. She said a result of her asking for the children their mother removed them from her home and placed them with her referring to the reports mother. …show more content…
She said when she spoke with the children’s mother about sending the man she said she wants her children, but she said the children said they did not want to go with their mother. The reporter mentioned that the children’s mother does not properly care for the children when she has them due to her not enrolling them in school while living in California. She said the children’s mother told her recently when she asked her to enroll the children in school “F school I am taking my children and we are leaving”. She said Pershuan and Peitien have both repeated their current grade levels for the last three years due to their mother not having them in school. She mentioned that the family has never had their own place or room due to their mother always living with other people. She also mentioned that Pershuan and Peitien told her that one of their mother’s male friend’s tried to molest them, but she said they did not go into details about the situation due to them crying when talking about it. However, the reporter said she has taken the children to the doctor before unlike their mother who has not taken them to the doctor or the

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