- Pick the Master Secret Key from DB
- Generate Attribute Based Key (ABK) using MSK and Department & Designation of the user
- Encrypt the ABK with DNA algorithm
- Email the key to the user
- Generate the Pseudonym Key from ABK using Hashing Technique(MD5)
- Copy Pseudonym Key to lightweight security device & Send to respective user
User Details (View, Delete)
File Upload
- File Selection
- Encrypting using Private Key
- Fetch Cloud Storage Configuration Details
- Transfer the Encrypted file to cloud Storage
Uploaded File Details (View, Delete)
File Access Control Setting
File Access Control Details (View, Delete)
Transaction Details
Change Password
5.1.3 Data Consumer
Data Consumers are the data access users, suppose Trustee is a college…show more content… Sub-phase1 (Base pairing rule) (A= 00, T= 01, C= 10, G= 11): M´= TAAT
Sub-phashe2 (Applying complimentary rule) ((AC) (CG) (GT) (TA)): M´´= ACCA
Sub-phase3 (Indexes):M´´´= 0706(Encrypted data) Client2 takes the secret data in form of some numbers. For the purpose of extracting the original data from DNA reference sequence with its sub phases will extract the original data, correctly depicted in Figure 3.1.1.
When the user is uploading a file from his local machine to web server, it has to be redirected to DNA Encryption Service which is running in cloud server 1 and Cloud server 1 will encrypt the file and the encrypted file has to send to cloud server 2 using web service concept which will store in cloud server 2.
5.2.2 Algorithm for Decryption:
I t is depicted in Figure 5.2.2
Step One: Convert numeric data to DNA sequences.
We extract the couple nucleotides in DNA reference sequence according to the index read from the file.
Step two: Complementary pair rule.
Complementary pair rule is a unique equivalent pair which is assigned to every nucleotides base pair.
Step three: Convert DNA sequences to binary…show more content… "; attachedFilePath = destFilePath; System.out.println("*********************************************"); System.out.println("Attached File Path : " + attachedFilePath); System.out.println("*********************************************"); toEmailId = userEmail; flag = CL_SendMail.sendPersonalizedMail(toEmailId, fromEmailId,password,subject,message,attachedFilePath,hostname,portnumber); boolean flagno=SendMSG.sendSMS(toMobileNo,"Dear User Private Key is sent to Your Email"); if(flag) { System.out.println("Mail Sent To : " + toEmailId); rs = adminDAO.getUsers(); req.setAttribute("rs", rs); //rd=req.getRequestDispatcher("/Resources/JSP/Admin/users.jsp?no=1&no1=1"); rd=req.getRequestDispatcher("/Resources/JSP/Admin/users.jsp?no=1&no1="+no1Value); rd.forward(req,resp); }