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Nt1310 Unit 7 Exercise 1

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Each node keeps its sequence number and broadcast ID. For every RREQ the node originates broadcast ID which is increased and together with the node's IP address uniquely identifies an RREQ. At the end that route will be the concluding route that has the minimum hop count from source to destination.

2. Proactive Protocols: - It keeps the routing data even before it is desired. They try to keep up to date information from each node to every other node in the network. Routes data is generally kept in the routing tables and is occasionally updated as the network topology differs. Proactive routing protocols are driven with the help of tables. The routes are updated continuously and when a node wants to route packets to another node, it uses an already available route. These protocols maintain routes to all possible destinations even …show more content…
The attacks can be described as active or passive attacks, internal or external attacks, or other attacks classified on the basis of different protocols. A passive attack does not upset the regular operation of the network. The attacker only steals the data exchanged in the network without varying it. It includes Eavesdropping, jamming and traffic investigation and observing. In case of active attacks, the attacker tries to change or extinguish the data being exchanged in the network. This attack disturbs the normal functioning of the network. Active attacks can be inner or outer. External attacks are performed by nodes that do not fit in to the network. Internal attacks are from sick nodes that are part of the network. Since the invader is already part of the network, internal attacks are more stern and difficult to detect than external attacks .The final goals of the security solutions for MANETs is to supply security services, such as authentication, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, non-repudiation, and availability to mobile users. The different potential attacks

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