...Question 4 4.1) In order to maintain relative sizes when dividing the 10 areas equally I would use an equal area projection such as a Lambert Azimuthal equal area projection. 4.2) In order to maintain angular relationships on the map for navigating the seas I would use a conformal projection such as a Mercator Projection. Question 5 5.1) The scale of the data is nominal and therefore only qualitative characteristics and can be represented as a simple point, line or area symbol, as in the case of the roads I would use a line symbol. 5.2) The measurement scale is a ratio and there the data has both qualitative and qauntative characteristics and I would use isoline symbols for the roads with different vehicle per hour ratios. Question 6 6.1) The map...
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...Implementation of server virtualization may introduce new and unique security risks that may have impact that is more significant in the organization. Risks identified during the risk analysis process are as follows: Risk no Risk Probability (1-5) Severity (1-5) Score (PxS) Action to Prevent/ Mitigate Risk 1 VM sprawl/ uncontrolled proliferation of VMs may lead to architectural and configuration risk 1 3 3 Control the creation, storage, and use of VM images with formal change management process and tools. Put effective policies and guidelines in place to govern and manage VM lifecycle. 2 VM images and snapshots containing sensitive data are not governed by policies to restrict the storage and usage that leads to risk of confidentiality and integrity 3 4 12 Encrypt the data stored in the VMs and implement a policy based key management of data stored. Implement policies to restrict storage of VM images and...
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...Conducting an A/B test about the sign up section on the top banner. When customers enter the Pier 1 imports website, the sign up window pop-up in the center of the page. Customers can make the decision whether to sign up for the Pier 1 emails or not. However, if customers decided not sign up and close the window, it is hard to find the sign up section again if they change their minds. Customers need to go all the way down to the bottom of the website to find the sign up box. The bottom sign up banner does not contain the “10% off "information. Should there be a banner that shows the sign up for 10% off instead of having two free shipping banners on one page Will sign up numbers/subscribers and orders increase after changing the sign up location? Number of sign up: Moving the sign up section to the top of the page can generate more viewers. More viewers can bring more sign ups. Order numbers: Since the customers can get 10% off if they sign up for emails, the order numbers will increase if more users sign up for emails. Revenue and Return visitors: Since customers can get 10% off for their next purchase, customers will return to the site and make purchase again. Site conversion rate: The sign up banner could convince more visitors into buyers. Conducting an A/B test about adding options on the basket (mini cart). Since some competitors’ website has more function when customers click the mini cart, should Pier 1 imports add the same function on its website? Will the order numbers...
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...After reading the note from the supervisor and inquiring about a room, I would make a list of the challenges that I have encountered and other considerations such as: - I have two hours to solve this challenge. - I can’t find any room available to hold the meeting in my office. - Do we need a projector and computer access in the room? - The photocopier will be down for the entire day on my floor, but I can call another department on another floor and check if I can use their photocopier. - If there are no photocopiers available, I would need to go to a stationary shop such as Office Depot to copy the documents on time. - I need money for professional copying. - If I change the location, I need to consider parking and advising the client of the change in locations. Is there paid parking? If I change the location can we contact the client in time or should the client still meet at our office? We can take the client to the new location; however, the client might have time restraints and this might extend our meeting time. - We don’t have a hospitality budget. Would my supervisor be willing to buy the client a cup of coffee? I advised my manager that I will check if I can use another department’s photocopier. While the documents are copying, I would quickly call the closest Federal Government office to see if I can book one of their meeting rooms. The closer the office the less time it will take to go to the meeting room, thus it will save parking costs because the client can still...
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...Select each control in turn and using the Properties panel change the Name of the controls to myButton, myLabel and textInput respectively. The Form design is now complete and we can now begin to connect the events to event handlers. We will begin by defining an event procedure for the TextBox. To access the textInput control event procedures simply double click on the TextBox control in the Form. Visual Studio will subsequently display the event procedures for the textInput control. By default Visual Studio picks the most common event, the TextChanged event, and creates a stub of the subroutine to be called when that event is triggered by the user. In our example we want every keystroke performed by the user in the TextBox to be displayed by the Label control. In this case the TextChanged event is exactly the event we want. If, however, we had wanted to write the procedure for a different event on the TextBox we could simply click on the right-hand drop down menu above the code area to view and select from a list of events available on this type of control: With the TextChanged event still selected it is time to write the Visual Basic code that will be executed when the event is triggered. To do so, we will need to set the Text property of the myLabel control to equal the Text property of the textInput control. The properties of objects are accessed using what is called dot notation. For example the Text property of myLabel is accessed in Visual basic code as follows: myLabel...
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...Implementation: To start implementation, we first must establish what we would like to answer through our application. The scenarios are as follows: 1. When one of the followers is disconnected, how does the leader respond to the missing follower? 2. When the leader of the quorum is disconnected, how does the remaining followers respond to the missing leader? 3. What happens when that disconnected leader comes back to the quorum? 4. When one of the nodes in the quorum is disconnected, would the Kafka messaging service still work? 5. If there is only one replica of a topic on a specific server, will that topic be available if its server goes down? For the first question, we first started by starting the Zookeeper service on every server. When all the service was up and running, Zookeeper uses the FastLeaderElection algorithm to elect a leader from the quorum. To double-check that we had a quorum, we ran the command on each server to get the status of the node: echo srvr | nc localhost 2181 grep Mode As you can see from the screenshot above, the second server became our leader while the other servers acknowledged the second server as the leader, so they became the followers. When we simulate...
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...To address this issue reported by the sales team, I will take the following steps to diagnose and fix the problem, along with tools and techniques that are available to me. The first one being; 1 Initial Assessment • This is where information will be gathered this would include questions like when does it occur, for how long does it occur, • Then Identify the devices which are affected (all devices or specific ones) and, • Lastly check for patterns where we will look for any correlation between the disconnections and specific activities which include heavy usage during peak hours. 2. Check for External Factors • This is now where the investigation of any ongoing ISP issues or maintenance in their area that could affect connectivity. If the problem persists after internal troubleshooting I will proceed to contacting the internet service provider to report the issue and ask them to run a diagnostic on their end to check for issues. 3. Monitor the Network • For this I would use network monitoring tools such as Obkio to continuously monitor network performance, this tool can help identify packet loss, latency and jitter furthermore it runs on all computer operating systems. Secondly, Id run a network settings review to check for any misconfigurations in the router settings like quality of service settings that only prioritize critical applications. Thirdly switch to public DNS servers like Google DNS ( to see if it resolves the issue (Obkio, n.d.). In addition to that Id ensure...
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...employees about the mission, vision, and values of the organization and see how they understand these statements. For instance, I would ask straight forward if they can reiterate the organization’s mission statement or to list the values that organization is dependent on. Another thought could be an organization-wide meeting to share updates about how the organization is striving to reach its mission and vision. Managers also should meet with their employees and help them to achieve the organization’s mission and vision. For instance, their conversation could start by saying that “our mission revolves around quality, integrity, and patient’s safety” as well as the need to keep employees aware when they are doing a good job and rewarding them. 4. How will you demonstrate cultural competence across settings? "Cultural competence in health care describes the ability to provide care to patients with diverse values, beliefs, and behaviors, including tailoring health care delivery to meet patients' social, cultural, and linguistic needs" (Health Research & Educational Trust, 2013, June). As we become culturally diverse, it is important to incorporate cultural competence into our day-to-day lives, especially in health care setting. Further, if we are not aware of another’s culture beliefs, values or behaviors, then we have tendency to stereotype, to have biases and prejudices toward different culture other than our own. I believe, respecting, accepting, and being open minded are needed...
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...NT1330 Unit 4 Assignment 1. AD Design Replication Scenario AD Design Replication Scenario To whom it may concern: I am the IT Administrator for the company and I have been asked to give my recommendations for the Active Directory Replication Design of the two new Branches. The first I can recommend for you is that all the information that is needed for each new site is correctly documented and added to the Root Active Directory through the Active Directory sites and services. This is done because the Root AD automatically builds the inter-site replication topology based on the information provided about the new site connections. Each new site’s AD will have one each domain controller that is known as the inter-site topology generator and they are assigned to build the topology at their sites. To add two new branch offices we will need to find a strategy to design a replication process. To implement this we will need to use inter-site replication. Inter-site replication is needed when adding domain controllers located in different sites. We will also need a site link (Site link is a logical, transitive connection between two sites that allows replication to occur) protocol of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) over Internet Protocol (IP) which is the preferred choice for the replication process. This allows you to communicate with network services on various computers and also keep data secure when being transmitted by using both encryption and authentication...
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...1. Your client has just informed you that your project budget has been cut by 20%, you have lost 2 project team members, and your project scope will remain the same. How do you respond to this new information? What type of project constraint(s) are you up against and what steps do you take to deal with this new information? The concept of triple constraints in a project means that the three constraints in the project are interdependent. Therefore, changes in the budget are likely to impact the other constraints such as scope and time of completion. Upon receiving the information about the budget cut and the reduced workforce because of the two project members leaving, my first step would be to evaluate the impact of the changes on other constraints in the project and calculate the cost of the remaining part of the project. Since the scope is to remain the same, this means that I would be against time and cost. Based on the information provided regarding the changes, my second step after the evaluation of the impact would be to inform other stakeholders of the changes and ask them to vote on the functionality of the products expected to be realized at the end of the project. (Carstens, Richardson, & Smith, 2013) The recommendations by other stakeholders would help me understand the importance of each of the products and budget the remaining funds and allocate them to the selected project divisions based on importance. In an event that there are changes in the project, Estimate...
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...PNM is requesting variances from Rule 17.1.21012(B) NMAC and PNM’s 2nd Revised Rule No. 4, ¶C because a requirement of the proposed transaction is that the CPCSSE component of the SSR remain fixed for at least the initial ten year period the Special Service Contract is in effect. Q. Does Staff recommend that variances from Rule NMAC and PNM’s 2nd Revised Rule No. 4, ¶C, as PNM has requested, be granted? A. Yes. In negotiations between Customer and PNM, Customer required and PNM agreed that the CPCSSE component of the SSR remain fixed at $0.0231074 per kWh during the initial 10-year period when the Special Service Contract is in effect. In order to allow this to occur, PNM requires a variance from the two rules described above. Granting these variances will enable PNM to make its service offering to Customer, which, in Staff’s opinion, would provide a net benefit....
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...such as firewalls, increases the risk of unauthorized physical access going undetected. Although there are no servers present, the network equipment is vital to the company’s operations. Unauthorized access could result in tampering with the firewalls or other network devices, potentially leading to disruptions in service, unauthorized network access, or compromising the integrity of the network. It is recommended that the company install security cameras focused on key areas where network equipment is located, such as the communication cabinet or IT equipment areas. This will act as a deterrent to unauthorized access and provide a means of monitoring and responding to any physical security incidents involving critical network infrastructure. 4. What is the difference between a.. Unchanged Wi-Fi password / password. Significant Low Significant Unauthorized access to the company's internal network. The office Wi-Fi password has not been changed for an extended period, and there is no procedure in place for regularly updating the password. While the Wi-Fi is restricted to employees only and not accessible to guests, the lack of password management increases the risk of unauthorized network access, particularly in an environment without network segmentation. It is recommended that the company implement a procedure to regularly update the Wi-Fi password, particularly after employee turnover or other events that could compromise network security. Additionally, consider network segmentation...
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...Mills, as it is already arranged in chronological order from 1905-1956, further into five subseries of one volume of membership records, 1923-1988, of First Baptist Church; volume of essays on religious subjects; minutes of meetings and reports; financial records relating to organizations in which Mrs. Smith was active; Rotary material in red folders; Toastmasters materials in yellow folders; and sorority materials in blue folders. The material that were contained in the Absolut Vodka box need to be kept in the original order as it was received from Edith Smith, because they are all pertaining to her organizations not her personal papers, further they were created by other people of her organization. Person and Family records Manuscript box 4 would contain family and personal records such as family photographs, identified, newspaper clippings about Smith or members of her family, a large brown envelope containing report cards, diplomas, school papers of Smith and her children; and one reel of Super 8 film with home movies and one VHS tape of an interview with Smith for a local TV show. I chose these personal item because they may be historical significant to undertint the culture and events of the particular time period. Item I would not keep would include unidentified photos, newspaper clipping that does not pertain to Edith Smith or her family, and the three small envelopes, each containing a lock of hair, unless the hair was prevalent to her community. My questions would be...
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...This paper will focus on configuring print document and service. Print and services enable to concentrate print server and network printer tasks. Which also scan and fax documents from the network. The print device is the hardware that produces hard copy documents on paper. Print services enable to share printers on a network. It also enables to migrate print servers and deploy printer connections using group policy. The print server is a computer device that receives print jobs from clients and sends them to print devices that are connected locally. Networks allow a printer connected to one computer to be shared with another computer on a local network. This requires the printer be connected to the computer and that computer running is connected to other devices. The host computer shares the printer by allowing other computers on the network to print through it over a local area network. Managing printer drivers Managing printer is an important part of running network printer in an organization. To update the printer drivers for a printer client computers automatically download and install the updated printer drivers to check the latest update, check job queue and errors. Determining how to restrict access to printers is an important part of print server administration. Administrators can perform print tasks implantation. This includes delegate print management tasks directly to users who are not system administrators and define printer security settings that are inherited •...
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...There's dirt filling every pore, a kink in my neck from straining down into the unit, and several rocks somewhere in my abdomen desperate to make their presence known. Lifting the last spoonful of 5YR 3/2 silty clay loam carefully into the dustpan with my trusty plastic spoon, I confidently declare the shallow, twisting tunnel I had spent the last 45 minutes meticulously excavating... a chipmunk hole. Likely constructed in the early 21st century. Strange though it may sound, this experience is one of my proudest moments. Sweat dripping down my nose from the humid Connecticut summer, back sore from countless hours hunched over screens, finding nothing in the small dustpan’s worth of dirt collected from the potential feature, I knew there was nothing I would rather do....
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