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Nur405 History of Community Matrix


Submitted By thtzfat
Words 661
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material

History of Community Nursing Matrix

• Complete the matrix with the following concepts, and relate the concepts to two different periods of time in history and the present time:

o Describe each period briefly. o Clarify the differences during each period with public health nursing and community health nursing. o Describe the key health issues. o Identify community health partnerships used during this period of time. o Describe how Watson’s theory of human transpersonal caring is related.

|Period |Historical time |Nursing role in |Major health issues |Partnerships used |Watson’s theory |
| |period |community | | | |
|Past period 2 |1900’s |In this era nurses were |Influx of people coming |This is the era of |Cultivation of one’s |
| | |recognized as a |to America lead to a |acceptance when |own spiritual practices|
| | |profession and education|decrease in sanitation |partnerships and |and transpersonal self,|
| | |moved from the hospital |and resources. Increase|acceptance of all races |going beyond the ego |
| | |to the university. The |mortality rate due to |were introduced to the |self (Blais & Hayes, |
| | |role of the community |illness and health care |nursing field. Public |2011). This applies to|
| | |nurse gradually moved |not being adequately |health nursing was founded|knowing your limits and|
| | |more to the bedside. |prepared. Rationing |and the American Journal |resounds this era when |
| | |Nurses were no longer |during war and |of Nursing was published |nursing had a self |
| | |considered maids and |insufficient employment |for the first time. The |reflection and |
| | |began vaccinations and |affecting household |Federal government began |understood the need of |
| | |educating. Public |income. HIV/AIDS were |the steps toward Health |change of venue for |
| | |Health nursing was first|introduced. Common |Care Reform in the later |education, acceptance |
| | |established. In 1960’s |diseases kept children |1900’s. Organized health |of all races, beliefs, |
| | |nurse practioners were |out of school (Stanhope |care was introduced. |and practices. |
| | |created and empowerment |& Lancaster, 2012). | | |
| | |of nurses began. | | | |
| | |Technology enhanced | | | |
| | |nursing and nurses need | | | |
| | |for education rose. The| | | |
| | |public nurse and | | | |
| | |community nurse had no | | | |
| | |real definition until | | | |
| | |the 2000’s era. | | | |
|Current period |2000’s |According to Stanhope |“Too many people have |Federal government with |Creating healing |
| | |and Lancaster (2012), |either no insurance or |increased interest in |environment at all |
| | |role of community |inadequate insurance, |promoting and preventing |levels, (physical as |
| | |nursing “is a |access to quality care |health (Stanhope & |well as non-physical, |
| | |setting-specific |is unevenly distributed |Lancaster, 2012). The |subtle environment of |
| | |practice whereby care is|across the country, and |Patient Protection and |energy and |
| | |provided for “sick” |the cost of health care |Affordable Care Act and |consciousness) whereby |
| | |individuals and families|continues to grow” |Healthy People 2010 and |wholeness, beauty, |
| | |where they live, work, |(Stanhope & Lancaster, |2020 are some programs |comfort, dignity, and |
| | |and go to school. The |2012, p. 1). |established. |peace are enhanced |
| | |emphasis of practice is | | |(Blais & Hayes, 2011). |
| | |acute and chronic care | | |The theory applies to |
| | |and the provision of | | |this era as holistic |
| | |comprehensive, | | |care is introduced and |
| | |coordinated, and | | |the push for total body|
| | |continuous services” | | |wellness. Healthy |
| | |(Stanhope & Lancaster, | | |Family 2020 includes |
| | |2012, p. i). The role | | |the mental well being |
| | |of nurse is becoming | | |and prevention to |
| | |more diverse and higher | | |include the environment|
| | |level of education is | | |and access to choices. |
| | |required for community | | | |
| | |nursing as nurses are | | | |
| | |required to have a full | | | |
| | |range of knowledge to | | | |
| | |care for ages of | | | |
| | |childhood to the elderly| | | |
| | |with acute or chronic | | | |
| | |illness. In the state | | | |
| | |of recession, cost | | | |
| | |effective health care is| | | |
| | |key and providing home | | | |
| | |care decreases the | | | |
| | |amount of hospital | | | |
| | |bills. Community | | | |
| | |nursing is a more | | | |
| | |systematic approach to | | | |
| | |help assist the growing | | | |
| | |population of chronic | | | |
| | |disease management and | | | |
| | |hence the need for | | | |
| | |higher education. The | | | |
| | |main focus of community | | | |
| | |nursing is one to one | | | |
| | |care involving the | | | |
| | |family and education | | | |
| | |(Stanhope & Lancaster, | | | |
| | |2012, p. ii). This is | | | |
| | |the era where a clear | | | |
| | |definition is understood| | | |
| | |between public health | | | |
| | |nursing looking at the | | | |
| | |population versus | | | |
| | |community nursing | | | |
| | |assisting the family | | | |
| | |units of that | | | |
| | |population. | | | |

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