...SYNTHESIS OF ADVANCED NURSING ROLES BROWN_K_W5A2_SU_NSG5000 Kerry Ann Brown South University Due to the changing health care environment, the nursing profession is currently in a process of evolution. Scopes of practice and role expansions are being prepared. Some of these roles are traditional, such as nurse practitioners who have been fighting for equality and recognition since the early 19th century. With the advent of technological advancements in health care new roles such as nurse informaticists, recognized as a specialty in the later part of the 20th century, are being put into practice and defined. More responsibilities are being given to the nursing profession due to its knowledge base within the constructs of organization, implementation, and evaluation skills with a human approach. During the context of this class much knowledge was gained in respect to the nurse practitioner (NP), nurse administrator, nurse educator, and nurse informaticist (nurse informatics specialist). Because health care is changing, the aforementioned roles are also evolving, this paper will explore the commonalities with each advance practice role and analyze the roles and contributions of the nurse informatics specialist. The nurse practitioner is a postgraduate prepared registered nurse, who has either a master’s degree or doctorate. Upon graduation, NPs possess a wealth of knowledge allowing them to independently manage direct clinical aspects of patient-centered holistic...
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...PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”-Goethe This is the mission statement of the Institute of Medicine report of 2010, the future of Nursing: Leading Change and Advancing Health. Currently, the health care system in the United States is facing the greatest storm fir reform, with the enactment of comprehensive health care legislation and the signing of the Affordable Care Act(ACA), which focuses on supplying super quality, safer, more assessable and much affordable care. Nursing being the largest portion of the health care workforce has an eminent role to play in the transformation and remodeling of the various aspect of the health care system. This report committee provided high level suggestions that unanimously served as a blueprint, to empower nurses to fully adopt their critical role in renovating the current system. The final report contain four key messages: 1) make sure that nurses can practice to the horizon of their education and training (2) improve nursing education, (3) brings prospects for nurses to assume leadership positions and serve as full partners to upgrade health care and improvement efforts, and (4) systematic data collection for manpower planning and policy making. Hence, the Institute of Medicine report of 2010 has made a major impact on the nursing professional practice education and leadership. Nurse working...
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...PROFESSIONAL DEVELOMENT OF NURSING PRACTICE Femi ISEMEDE NRS/430v February, 23 2014 Introduction. The impact of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 report as it affects the future of nursing in relation to nursing education, nursing practice, particularly in primary care and the nurse’s role as a leader will be our subject of discussion. The IOM is not a profit organization but an organization founded for the purpose of providing national advice with regards to biomedicine science, medicine, and health. It functions independent of the United States government and provides “unbiased, evidence- based and authoritative information and advice concerning health and science, policy to policy-makers, professional, leaders in every sector of the society and the public at large. In 2010 the IOM released a detailed report exploring the need of nursing profession to evolve and prepare for the impact that will occur as a result of health care reform and the transformation that will be seen on our complex health care system. Achieving this transformation will require remodeling many aspects of the health care system. With the recent passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of Americans who could not previously afford health insurance now find themselves with the opportunity to seek and obtain medical attention that was previously denied to them. With a huge number of individuals who now are able to receive primary care. This brings the concern whether or not there will be...
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...Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: "The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,": Transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming Leadership. Debra New Grand Cannon University September 6, 2015 The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health to understand how the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report impacts nursing we must first understand what it is. The IOM report is the result of a two-year project that was launched by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) along with the Institute of Medicine. The report presents recommendations for an action plan for the future of nursing (Institute of Medicine, 2010 p.119). The report titled the “Future of Nursing” contained research that supported a formation for the envision on the way nursing will become. The central idea was to make sure the public would receive quality, affordable care where they would feel protected. The report was designed for nurses, policy makers, government officials, insurance companies and the public, all of which have a vested interested to ensure quality, safe, cost effective health care (Holzemer, 2010 p.119). The recommended changes in these areas of nursing serve as a fundamental part of attaining the goals set forth by the Affordable Care Act(2010)...
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...PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS Grand Canyon University NRS-430V. April 27, 2014 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS In 1970, The National Academy of Sciences established the Institute of Medicine (IOM), a non-governmental, non-profit organization, developed to provide advice on the national level that addresses issues of medical care, education, and research. Through research, collected data, and nurse-led solutions, the IOM created an informative report in 2010 called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, which provides specific recommendations on the improvement of the nursing workforce and the healthcare delivery system. The report is directed towards various entities; individual policy makers, national state and government leaders, licensing bodies, educational institutions and consumer advocates, are just to name a few. Three particular recommendations, transforming education, transforming practice and transforming leadership, will be further discussed to display how each transformation will impact changes in the nursing profession and the health care delivery system. Transforming Education The first recommendation to be discussed that will impact change in the nursing profession and the health care delivery system is the transformation of education. The IOM report states that “nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression”...
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...2010 IOM Report on The Future of Nursing Robert Loperfido Felician Health Policy and Politics NURS 385 Helena Correia RNC, MSN August 18, 2014 The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on The Future of Nursing The United States is at a significant junction. Health care reforms are being carried out and the system is beginning to change. The largest component of the health care workforce is nurses and the needs to strengthen this group will only improve the delivery of care and the health care system. The IOM and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation established that accessible, high quality care cannot be achieved without extraordinary nursing care and leadership (American Nurses Association, 2014, p. 1). The report calls on nurses individually and as a profession to embrace changes needed to promote health, prevent illness and care for people across the lifespan. The report also calls for support from interprofessional collaborations from physicians, dieticians, physical therapist and other multisector professions to work with nurses to make the changes necessary for a more accessible, cost efficient and high quality health care system. This report expands on the theme that high quality, safe, evidence based patient centered care is a critical role of nursing and that to have a successful health care system rests on the future of nursing (Institute of Medicine, 2010). In 2010 the President signed into law and Congress approved health care legislation called the Affordable...
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...Development of the Nursing Professionals Professional Development of the Nursing Professionals Jill Blackman Grand Canyon University: NRS 430V January 6, 2012 Impact of IOM on Nursing Nursing has over three million members and is the largest sector in healthcare workers in the nation (Institute of Medicine, 2010). Since the Affordable Health Care Act passed in 2010, our nation now faces new challenges of providing affordable, quality health care to all Americans. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is an organization that advises the federal government about how to improve our nation’s health care. The IOM has devised a plan to help change the future of nursing and break down the barriers that hinder the nursing profession in the new health care system. The report “Calls on nurses, individually and as a profession, to embrace changes needed to promote health, prevent illness, and care for people in all settings across the lifespan,” (Institute of Medicine, 2010 p. 10). How can nurses ensure that they are providing safe, quality care with the changing health care system and more complex patient care? Since nurses make up a major part of the health care workforce they can help shape and influence how the new health care reform will help the public obtain affordable, safe care that starts in the community and continues throughout all points of service, by further nursing education, establishing and participating in primary care and being leaders in the health care system. ...
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...Running head: IMPACT ON NURSING: THE FUTURE OF NURSING IMPACT ON NURSING: THE FUTURE OF NURSING Holly M. L. July 22, 2012 THE IMPACT ON NURSING This paper will review the impact of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the future of nursing. It will include the impact on nursing education, nursing practice, with emphasis on primary care in relation to the goals mentioned in the IOM report and the impact on the nurse’s role as a leader. The IOM report has two key points in relation to education: “Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression.” (p. 5) and “Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training.” (p. 5). The focus of this education should be on the patients, in all settings, and the unique needs of each of these individuals. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, focuses on creating a system that is more patient centered. To do this, there needs to be a complete transformation of the healthcare system as it currently stands. The roles of healthcare professionals will have to be reviewed and redefined; and with newly developed initiatives and programs to create the necessary improvements. As mentioned in this report, “If the system is to capitalize on this opportunity, however, the constraints of outdated policies, regulations, and cultural barriers, including those related to scope of practice, will have to be lifted...
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...Medicine Report on Nursing Edith Ludlum Grand Canyon University: Professional Dynamics NRS-430V November 15, 2014 The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) rolled out and became the largest healthcare transformation the United States had since the development of the Medicare and Medicaid programs in 1965. Under this system all Americans would have access to health care. Because of this legislation there are now more than 32 million more people that have access to health care. In our ever evolving healthcare, Nurses, who are the largest group in our nation’s healthcare workforce, are going to play a big role in meeting the demands of the healthcare system (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2011). This paper will look at the Institute of Medicine, their report: “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”(IOM, 2010), and the impact that the report has on nursing education, nursing practice and the nurse’s role as a leader. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) was established in 1970, and is the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences. “The IOM is an independent, nonprofit organization that works outside of government to provide unbiased and authoritative advice to decision makers and the public.” (National Academy of Sciences, 2013) The IOM not only advises Congress on important health questions but it helps other federal agencies and independent organizations. After two years of research, the IOM presented their report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change...
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...The 2010 IOM Report: The Future of Nursing Michelle Kennedy Grand Canyon University NRS-430V April 5, 2015 The 2010 IOM Report: The Future of Nursing The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its 2010 report called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health and it calls for an increase in nurses working in the profession to be “80 percent BSN-prepared” by the year 2020. (An 80% BSN workforce by 2020?, n.d.). The four key messages that the committee developed included ideas such as: * Nurses using their complete education and training during practice * Nurses should have access to a better education system that lets them further their education successfully * Nurses should work with physicians as partners in changing the healthcare system in the United States * Policies and Procedures should effectively use data collection EDUCATION Along with the education portion of “BSN in Ten”, The Institute of Medicine focused on facts that nurse’s education from the 20th century were not adequate for the 21st century anymore. The patients’ needs and care environments have changed and become more complex. There have been arguments that it is not possible to teach nursing students in 2 years for an Associate’s Degree what the Bachelor’s Degree nurses learn in 4 years. There is not enough emphasis spent on the evidence based practice in a 2-year degree, therefore, making the Bachelor’s Degree a better choice. The nurses need to be educated to deliver...
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...non-government establishments make decisions in health care by evidence base practices. In 2010 The Institute of Medicine, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and AARP, conducted a study on the future of nursing. The study was involved and asked the questions of “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how” of nursing to produce better quality patient care. The IOM instituted initiatives or a project plan to reform nursing care. Lets touch base on how the IOM initiatives made in impact on nursing education, nursing care, and nursing leadership roles. Education Education is a very important part of a nursing career, with advancing technology, the nurse has to stay informed and up to date. Education can be acquired by certifications and advancing in higher education. The IOM initiative has increased the awareness of the need of higher educated nurses. Nursing is broad and is advancing to public health care, preventative care, and chronic care, not just acute care. (Aiken, 2011) The IOM initiative drives the education system to help nurses pursue higher education without difficulties, like in the past. There is more programs designed to help the nurse work and go to school at the same time. The initiative implemented the idea for more funding for applicants, as well as, for the schools. The increasing need for nurse practitioners in the public health sector is another motivation to pursue a higher education in nursing. The IOM committee challenges nurses to further...
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...Nursing is a fast growing profession. A registered nurse is required to be capable enough to adapt to the modern techniques, equipments, and knowledge based procedure. According to the Institute of Medicine nursing is one of the biggest workforces in healthcare. By starting a transformation in the nursing field, there can be change in the healthcare industry (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson foundation 2011). The Institute of Medicine, on October 5, 2010, released their research based report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” as a recommendation to improve nursing. Nurse must be able to provide the public accessible and high quality healthcare, there needs to be a higher standard of healthcare and highly educated nurses Impact of the IOM report on nursing education The education nurses acknowledged during the twentieth century are no longer adequate enough to handle the requirements of today’s healthcare. “Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes flawless academic progression.”(Institute of Medicine, 2010). As the healthcare field moves forward, technology has played a major role. As technology advance, patient needs and healthcare setting have become more complex, nurses are required to acquire higher education to deliver high-quality and safe healthcare. Higher education in nursing includes Baccalaureate degree in Nursing, Doctorate in Nursing in Nursing Practice (Institute...
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...Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Grand Canyon University: 430-V 07/12/2013 Suneeta Sharma The nursing profession has become the largest segment of nation’s health care workforce and has become integral part of health care services, so the future without large numbers of nurses is impossible to vision. The changing landscape of the health care system and the changing profile of population require that the system undergo a fundamental change to provide patient-centered care. To meet the demand for safe, quality, and affordable care will require a fundamental rethinking of the roles of many healthcare professional, including nurses. But nurses are unable to fully participate in the resulting evolution of the US health care system. A number of barriers prevent nurses from being able to respond effectively to rapidly changing health care setting. These barrier need to be overcome to ensure that nurses are well-positioned to lead change and advance health. In 2008, The Robert Wood Johnson and IOM launched a 2 year initiative to response to the need to assess and transform the nursing profession. The IOM appointed the Committee on the RJWF initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the IOM, with the purpose of producing a report that would make recommendations for an action-oriented blue print for the future of nursing. Nurses works in different setting, including hospitals, schools, long-term care centers. They have different level of education from LPN to nurse...
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...Running head: THE IMPACT OF THE IOM REPORT The Impact of the IOM Report on the Future of Nursing Celeste Ottney Grand Canyon University NRS430v Adriane M. Hesson March 12, 2012 The Impact of the IOM Report on the Future of Nursing In 2008, as a response to the need for a transformation in the nursing field, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Institute of Medicine created an action-oriented blueprint with recommendations for changes needed in nursing. This was a response for the need to assess and change the world of nursing to advance nursing practice in the future. This 600 plus page report focuses on four key messages which are described in detail throughout the report. The messages, which stated that nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training, nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system, and nurses should be full partners with physicians and other health care professionals gives us a guide on what impact the IOM report will have on the future of nursing (http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12956, 2010). Nursing Education This report focuses a great deal on the need to advance our levels of education within the ever-changing profession of nursing. It focuses in on the benefits of requiring a BSN at entry- level, as well as the need for gender diversity, or...
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...DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Animol Aphrem Grand Canyon University July,22 2012 To represent more than 3 million health care members nursing profession is one of the major divisions of work force in United States. Nurses played an important role in setting the 2010 Affordable Act, legislation and creating Medicare and Medicaid programs. There are lot of hurdles inhibits nurses to respond successfully with reforming healthcare system. In order to overcome these obstacles nurses are well educated and well positioned in healthcare system to lead these changes. In 2008, Institute of Medicine and Robert Johnson Foundation appointed a committee to evaluate the need for healthcare transformation. Committee made some recommendations regarding improve education and training of nurses, nurses need to achieve highest level of education, nurses should collaborate with other healthcare professional to redesign healthcare system and accurate planning of work force for data collection. According to the report the committee suggested that many problems facing nursing education system nursing education system need to be advanced. Impact of IOM report on education. In 21st century statistics shows that there are many health issues affecting American population and it will be increased to 20 percent of the population by 2030.In addition to that nation’s health care needs also increasing. Primary goal of nursing education is...
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