...Before interviewing the campus nutritionist, Dana Faris R.D., I never knew how diverse and unique the field of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics was. She explained to me that there were many career choices within the field that I could explore before choosing to become a Clinical Nutritionist. In fact, many areas of study will be emphasized and explored while completing the required internship. An example would be becoming a Dietetic Technician or “DTR” for short. Someone with this title works under a registered dietician as their assistant. This career entails things like: organizing meal plans, consultation and educating patients in making healthier choices on their own. A Dietetic Technician does, however, have different educational requirements...
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...a field of formal study including such topics as consumer education, institutional management, interior design, home furnishing, cleaning, handicrafts, sewing, clothing and textiles, cooking, nutrition, food preservation, hygiene, child development, and family relationships. It prepares students for homemaking or professional careers. Home Economics is also known as Family and Consumer Sciences. It is study at all levels of education concerned with training for effective home and family living. This includes educating the individual for family life; improving services and goods used in home; and conducting research to discover the changing needs of individuals and families and the means of satisfying those needs. (Colliers Encyclopedia, V.12). In the 1800s, home economics classes were intended to ready young women for their duties in the home. Classes were first in the United States, Canada and Great Britain, followed by Latin America, Asia and Africa. International organizations such as those associated with the United Nations have been involved in starting home economics programs around the world. (Wikipedia.org, 2013) Home economics is taught at the junior secondary level while senior secondary school introduces students to the rudiments of Home management and Food & Nutrition. A modern and well equipped laboratory that provides opportunity for practical works on these subjects is in place. (Grandmates Schools, 2010) The knowledge and skills that students learned across...
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...veterinarian. A veterinarian “is a person who is trained to give medical care and treatment to animals: an animal doctor” (Merriam-Webster). I can find no better career path for me then helping animals that are injured/in need of medical attention. If you weren’t aware, there are five main veterinarian jobs; livestock, companion, exotic, mixed, and lab animals. My interest lies only between two of the five jobs: livestock and companion. Knowing the differences and similarities between the two will help me better understand these jobs and also help me make a final decision on which specific career path to study. Livestock veterinarians specialize in exactly that, livestock animals (cows, horses, etc.). “Livestock veterinarians examine, diagnose, and treat individual livestock animals/herds” (DegreeDictionary.org). Another aspect would be treating animals that will be used for food. With that being said, a livestock veterinarian must “enforce food safety standards, check for transmittable diseases and quarantine animals as necessary” (DegreeDictionary.org). “Other duties include giving vaccinations and handing out medication, as well as treating injuries, surgery, delivering newborns, and also offering advice to owners regarding breeding, housing, nutrition, and behavior problems”( DegreeDictionary.org). Another must know aspect is the educational requirements to become a livestock veterinarian. In order to become a livestock...
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...Narrative Paper On Goals. This paper is over my goals as an up and coming college student to pursue my career in dentistry and dental hygiene. My first goal is to finish all basic classes as a whole, in my associate degree program. Basic classes as in Biology, Math, and Comp English I and II. Basic classes are the learning stone to all other higher learning practices. If you do not have them, you cannot grow. Fundamental classes like microbiology and nutrition classes will help me learn about the things I need to know about the body, and how things react to certain things. As for English comp and math, will give me better speaking and writing skills, as well as the skills to do every day job training tasks. I feel as though I need the basic fundamental classes to grow in my career as anyone else. My second goal about my career path is commitment. As long as I keep up my classes, I can reward myself by feeling good about my chosen path to my career. Hard work pays off, and a goal within a goal is to succeed at all costs. No matter how stressed or hard it may be, I can look back and see how far I’ve come already, and push myself to success no matter what the case may be. Try, and try again, and if you first don’t succeed, keep trying. My commitment toward my goals and career are very high, and I am ready to get started with my life, and leave everything behind with my past actions and behaviors as a delinquent. Over all, I think commitment is the key to success, because it separates...
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...and is so certified as true by Dr. Ed Bauman, founder and president. Catalog effective dates are May 1, 2016, through October 31, 2016. Please note that policy changes and catalog updates are made periodically and are reflected on our website: baumancollege.org. TABLE OF CONTENTS FALL 2016 CATALOG Message from our Founder + President, Dr. Ed Bauman . . . . . . . . . . 3 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS Natural Chef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nutrition Consultant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nutrition Consultant via Distance Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 BAUMAN BUSINESS INSTITUTE Bauman Business Institute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Bauman Business Institute for Natural Chef Students. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Bauman Business Institute for Nutrition Consultant Students. . . . . 21 BECOME A STUDENT Which Location is Right for You?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Tuition, Fees, + Payment Plans: May 1 – Oct. 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Financial Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Application + Enrollment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
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...Traveling a path toward your occupational wellness, you’ll contribute your unique gifts, skills, and talents to work that is both personally meaningful and rewarding. You’ll convey your values through your involvement in activities that are gratifying for you. The choice of profession, job satisfaction, career ambitions, and personal performance are all important components of your path’s terrain. Occupational wellness follows these tenets: • It is better to choose a career which is consistent with our personal values, interests, and beliefs than to select one that is unrewarding to us. • It is better to develop functional, transferable skills through structured involvement opportunities than to remain inactive and uninvolved. PHYSICAL The physical dimension recognizes the need for regular physical activity. Physical development encourages learning about diet and nutrition while discouraging the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. Optimal wellness is met through the combination of good exercise and eating habits. As you travel the wellness path, you’ll strive to spend time building physical strength, flexibility and endurance while also taking safety precautions so you may travel your path successfully, including medical self-care and appropriate use of a medical system. The physical dimension of wellness entails personal responsibility and care for minor illnesses and also knowing when professional medical attention is needed. By traveling the wellness path, you’ll...
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...them the care that they need, having opportunities for growth and development in veterinary medicine and technology, in addition to different field offers and career advancement such as management roles and possibly working in pharmaceuticals. Depending on how long you are a veterinary technician, this will predict the type of responsibilities you will have to take on. By becoming a veterinary technician, you can receive career advancement When a vet tech wants a career advancement they can decide to do it in plenty of ways. They may end up doing a management role; for instance becoming a head technician, who oversees what the...
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...Reflection BCOM/275 Reflection Based on the career plan building activities that I have done throughout this course, I am heading in the right path. My ultimate goal is to become a manager or supervisor in the near future either in nutrition or information technology department. To be able to apply to any of those positions, I must acquire a bachelor’s degree or currently attending an accredited school. The results from the reasoning exercise, I can set an example for others at what I do best, which are delivering results, adapting to change, following instructions, organizing, and leading (University of Phoenix, 2011). Areas where I can expand and hone in on are persuading, networking, presenting, writing, researching, innovating, and applying expertise (University of Phoenix, 2011). The career interests profiler and competencies practice has shown me areas in which my skills will prevail. Being able to work and help others is what I love to do. It has always been centered on customer service. The process of breaking things down to where it is understandable and to apply critical thinking skills will create a better work environment. The work culture exercise has helped me define the career roles that I am more likely suited for. In one of the readings during this class mentioned, “homophily may cause leaders to focus on a few cues when making key decisions and to discount dissenting opinions. Without an incentive to challenge one another, the company’s top leaders are...
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...STUDENTS IN CHOOSING THEIR FUTURE CAREER Researchers: Shierabelle G. Lerio Jonah Benika C. Mendoza Chelsea H. Pingol Ronald Fernan M. Razo Angelo G. Sare Jean Ann M. Torculas Degree: Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management School: Nutrition and Hospitality Management Institution: Centro Escolar University Adviser: Erlinda C. Cajayon No. of pages: Rationale of the study: This study is conducted to know the factors that the 4th year level students of Centro Escolar University considered in choosing their future career. This study aims to know the perception of the students in terms of getting information on the future jobs. The researchers conducted this study to serve as a guide for the graduating students for them to know what factors they should consider when choosing their future career effectively. Being able to know these factors helps the researchers know hat to be considered as factors in choosing future career. Statement of the Problem: The purpose of this study is to assess the factors considered by the HRM students in choosing their future career (Hotel, Restaurant, Cruise) Specifically, this study sought to answer the following: 1. What are the characteristics of the respondents in terms of: 1. Age, 2. Gender, 3. Civil Stats, and 4. Academic grade in previous year? 2. Where in the hospitality industry would the respondents prefer to pursue their career: 1. Hotel, 2. Restaurants...
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...relationship-building techniques. Counseling is a dynamic profession that offers the rare opportunity to do work of profound significance on a daily basis. FIND A SCHOOL Counselors specialize in a variety of subjects: marriage and family, addictions, school guidance, mental health, community health and nutrition, or career. They may also specialize in rehabilitation, physical and mental disabilities, or crisis counseling with people in times of serious need or injury. The counseling field is growing, yielding many opportunities to fine-tune a specialty and establish a career that is truly rewarding. Work Environment Counselors are employed at all levels of government and private industry, or have their own practice. They often provide counseling services to government and private business or directly interact with clients. Some counselors work through community clinics or hospitals while others choose to work at religious institutions and schools. Requirements Education Most counselors have a bachelor’s or master’s degree, but an associate’s degree is a great place to begin a counseling career, particularly if a person wants to maintain flexibility in his specific counseling path. In general, an associate’s degree...
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...being. Pursuing my career as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) is my chief priority as of now; however, I must take many small steps in order to reach that vision I strive for. College is my first step to becoming successful in life. As of now, I am a nursing major in Keiser University. Once I graduate with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing, I aspire to continue studying to earn my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, and then earn my Master’s Degree in Nurse...
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...I am choosing a career path in the field of health care, with the ultimate goal of becoming a trauma surgeon. Trauma surgeons work in intense environments, with stress being a high factor of the job. They typically work in emergency care, working with patients that have sustained massive injuries. Trauma surgeons need a bachelor’s of science in biology, attend four years of medical school, obtain a doctorate of medicine, and work as a general surgeon to obtain experience in the field. Courses that are needed for the bachelor’s include chemistry, anatomy, biology, and physics. The first two years of medical school will consist of lab work and classes, with the following two being clinical clerkships. The doctoral program is very similar in...
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...conveyed to employees through human resorce mangers, will mold the company as a whole starting with the employees. By getting all deparments on board with the new green policies, shifts the company on a green path. Our company has developed green programs to instruct the HR departmet of Dpi to increase their green output and reduce their carbon footprint: • Using the internet or teleconferencing to cut down on business travel • Putting Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) or other company information online to reduce printing • Promoting the reduction of paper usage • Storing paperwork electronically? • Providing recycling trash bins for paper around the office and for bottles and cans in the break area • Implementing wellness programs around proper nutrition, fitness, and healthy living • Offering opportunities for employees to telecommute or work from home • Instituting Ride/Share programs These new programs will help strengthen the company and help Dpi live up to its new mission and values. With across the board support and coroperation from everyone employed with Dpi this Green program will thrive and change the culture in and out of Dpi. Works Cited "Green Career Choices: The Influence of Ecological Stance on Recruiting - Springer." Green Career Choices: The Influence of Ecological Stance on Recruiting - Springer. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept....
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...Responsible for weighing and completing MUST chart and action plan accordingly. Documentation: I ensure that all the information is recorded as per the trust guidance to facilitate communication between health professionals. If it is not written it did not happen Handover: To ensure continuity and the right action is taken. For example: dietician referrals. The importance of nutrition in older adult: As an older person continue to age, nutritional habits become important and vital to their overall health. Ageing is frequently associated with decrease in taste and smell, poor dental health and decrease in physical activities which all affect nutrient intake. Nutrition as Benchmark: The essence of care (2010) Benchmark for food and drink states that practitioners should encourage patients to eat and drink in accordance to their needs and preferences. People who are screened on initial contact and identified at risk receive a full nutritional assessment. Patient’s care is planned, implemented, continuously evaluated and revised to meet individual needs and preferences for food and drink. Nutrition and dignity:...
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...understanding of social work as a career path, I interviewed my internship supervisor, Patricia [Pat] Michalak, who is the program coordinator for the Mansfield Youth Services Bureau. Mansfield Youth Services is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide children, youth and their families with a wide range of prevention, education and therapeutic services including mentoring programs, homework help, substance abuse prevention and psychiatric consultation and treatment. The bureau’s clientele are from at-risk populations including, but not limited to, children who have experienced a recent loss or trauma, youth who are genetically predisposed to mental illness or who have a diagnosed psychiatric condition, those who are...
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