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Submitted By kajeroman
Words 483
Pages 2
When you consume basically the same number of calories as you expend, your body weight remains relatively stable. If you want to gain weight, you must manipulate this balance between calories expended.

Gaining Weight
Some people have difficulty in gaining weight. This can be result of a higher-than-normal basal metabolic rate or higher physical activity level. When weight gain is a goal, the focus is on gaining muscle and not fat weight. To do this in a healthy way, you should consume more frequent meals with healthy snacks. For example, in addition to three main meals, consume three snacks per day. Consuming about 300 to 500 calories per day more would result in about a 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week weight gain. Healthy snacks include yogurt, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cereal with milk, fruit smoothies and turkey sandwiches. It is also important to continue to exercise to ensure that the weight gain is mostly muscle. In particular, resistance training will be an important factor for building muscle. Although it will take some time, the slower the weight gain, the more likely it will be to be muscle gain not fat or water gain.

Losing Weight
Weight loss is a more common goal than weight gain. Losing weight involves a negative energy balance. This can be achieved by increasing exercises and decreasing caloric intake.

Determining Calorie Needs:

What is Calorie?
A calorie is defined as the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celcius. Because this is relatively small amount, scientists use larger unit Calories (upper case C), also called a kilocalorie (abbreviated kcal). The Calorie or kilocalorie, is 1, 000 calories.

Total energy expenditure (TTE) is the total number of calories of your body needs on a daily basis and determined by the following: . Your basal metabolic rate (BMR). . The thermic

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